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Bg's Random Ramblings And Thoughts 3


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Prayers for my cousin (who shares your name Mel), her husband, and 2 daughters, if y'all don't mind.  Last night she told him that she wanted a divorce.  He wanted to try counseling...she shot down the idea.

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Will pray.... and God can and does touch hearts, BG.  When someone responds that way, sounds like there is a LOT of hurt in there... so we will pray that the Lord can make the pain tolerable enough to be open to healing...


Hope the first week of school is going well?

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Thanks you two, I really appreciate it!  That's still the limit of what I know about it... 


The first week is mainly good.  :)  Tiring, but good.  Engaged students, good discussions, showing videos on Wednesday in one class to get discussion going.  Good old Reefer Madness (1937).

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Blahahaha! My boyfriend showed me that film a little while back.

They portray people who smoke marijuana as being extreme mental cases. I believe they would have gotten it right if they geared it towards doing acid or something.

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Nor have I. 

I have quite a few close friends who smoke it regularly. A particular time when there were about 5 of us playing cards, everyone was talking and having fun just like normal. We were a bit loud but thats just how things go when you have a lot of people hanging out. They passed around some weed (I dont smoke it but everyone else did) and the mood in the room changed pretty quickly. It got quieter and more relaxed. NOTHING like Reefer Madness where the people basically acted like they had rabies or something.

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I have some friends who have and a lot who haven't.  Even one who ate 5 special brownies once was just very mellow.  So my experience (as a non-smoker as well) matches your own; nothing like "hahahahahahahahaha" giggle fits followed by rape, murder, etc.  Finishing it up today in class and doing Jeopardy game for review!  By Monday I should have my dissertation draft back (and all the tests are online) so I should be able to work on it in my office all day.  Got my buzzers for Jeopardy, they make different noises so I can determine which group is which.  





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Student in class today:  Now I know you make good money, so you don't understand, but I don't have the money to buy the book yet, cuz my first paycheck ain't until the 25th.


Me:  I've not been paid since June, because my contract doesn't cover summer and due to problems with Payroll and HR I get paid the 28th  if I'm lucky, but my first paycheck might be mid to late October.  I assure you, I know how you feel.

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That is perfect BG!!!!  A HUGE reality check!


And speaking of such things... have you checked the Summer Reading thread recently?  You might find a bit of a surprise for you in there... .he he he

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Oh woot!!  Honorable mention!!  Thank you! :)  That somewhat lightens my day!  And a reality check indeed...not the first time a student has talked about the big money I make.  Last year, when I had 2 courses I laughed at one and told the truth, "I made more flipping burgers at McDonalds in undergrad".


PM inbound soonish...I got more details on the divorce and hate to put it publicly, but...I hate being right.  Pray for everyone involved y'all, I'm officially at the point of believing it would take a quite literal Act of God to save that marriage.

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:console:  That's hard.   But you know, as the child of parents who SHOULD have divorced, sometimes it is the right solution. If the marriage really is over, it is over.   But so sad to see....


Going to All-Night adoration tonight (my birthday present....since Holy Father Francis has declared my birthday a day of fast penance, at least I can spend it with Jesus!)  and I will pray HARD for them.  

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Happy early birthday for tomorrow!! :)


And sometimes it is indeed...my aunt and cousin already had that fight where my cousin told her she should have divorced my uncle, heh.

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Oh... and so the fun begins!!!!


If you haven't noticed (I know you been busy, Prof!) -- started an AnneLine September FLYLady challenge this week... still not to late to start it!  It will help you start the school year well and/or get ready way ahead of time for holidays!  


It's 'playing' in my AnneLine's kitchen thread....


And now Annie is gonna get in a nap before dinner & adoration!

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Happy birthday AL!!!  And yeah sorry, it's been a tad too busy these first two weeks.  Hoping to settle into the rhythm soon. :(

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