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Bg's Random Ramblings And Thoughts 3


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It also looks frightening much LIKE papist... and like some of my cousins....  but then, I have a cousin who looks EXACTLY like a cow... and she is a pretty lady.  It is just the shape of her facial features.   No insult intended!    


Do like the photo, papist... he he he



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He does look young!  I just wanna know how you go both of you grinning in the photo!


Bare in mind, Missy has my precious sitting on her lap. You're lucky she got the shot off.



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Haha, magic indeed to get the shot with a kiddo on the lap!  And omg Bernstein...so, Brian.  Have I mentioned how interested I am in your university?  ;)  That is seriously amazing though.

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First day went well yesterday!




The school paper had its Welcome Back issue out today!  Really interesting article on page 2.  Our President held an open forum apparently on the 8th and the animosity of the local community was on full display.  



*What can you do, Mr. President, to insure your students stop bringing their cars to college with them?

*You want to take our land to make more parking!

*Why can't you force all the students to live on campus?  (Hmm, going to take a shot at this myself...we have 16,000 kids and 4,000 beds?)

*You should give us free classes in exchange for putting up with your students.


Direct quotes:

"Your students have turned our communities into a war zone."

"Our neighborhoods have become slummy."


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Bleh, I NEVER roomed when I was/is in college. 

I lived with my parents because I couldnt afford it. Paying college tuition on your own is rough enough so I chose a school close by that I didnt have to dorm at in order to attend.


Now I live on my own but I have a full time job so its more affordable.

And parking!?!?!?! Dont get me started. Ugh.

Hate the parking situation at my current University..aka there is no parking. They sell parking contracts to the very few lots they have which is another $500 on the already large bill for the semester.


A college education should not cost us an arm and a leg. Its ridiculous.

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I lived with my parents for the first year (and then my Masters) for the same reason, affordability.  And good way of selecting where you wanted/could afford to go!  Your university's parking situation sounds like mine; "We can charge you for a guaranteed spot, but won' tow anyone who parks in it, only ticket them.  Otherwise..."  and this is a direct quote from the head of Parking Services, "A parking permit is like a hunting permit.  You pay for it, but it ain't a guarantee you're going to get anything."


Amen and preach it sister!  Way too expensive!!  Dunno about you, but it boggles my mind that student loan debt in America outweighs credit card debt.




50 years ago today, a quarter of a million people marched into Washington D.C. to hear Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speak, "I have a dream...". Though some things have changed, it is important to recall we are not far removed from the days of people of African descent being whipped and in chains in parts of the Deep South. According to PBS and researchers, the peonage system was alive and well there until almost World War Two. (Peonage being "work off your debts" and most of the people had no debts to begin with, only to be paid less than the interest on their "debt".) It is not unlikely, that Dr. King saw slavery in his lifetime as a young man.


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