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Bg's Random Ramblings And Thoughts 3


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That happened at the Circuit City I used to work at.  We had one of the Firedog guys under his desk fixing a computer at close and we all packed up and ran out the door.  The next day, we all watched the security footage of him when he realized he'd been locked in, sighed, went back to work, and was still working on a computer when the cops got there.  The Store Director was not amused...but he did live in another state and had to drive two hours in the middle of the night to confirm that yes, N. was an employee.  :P  So sorry you had to go through at at the old job!  It doesn't sound fun if N's experience was anything to go by!



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That happened at the Circuit City I used to work at.  We had one of the Firedog guys under his desk fixing a computer at close and we all packed up and ran out the door.  The next day, we all watched the security footage of him when he realized he'd been locked in, sighed, went back to work, and was still working on a computer when the cops got there.  The Store Director was not amused...but he did live in another state and had to drive two hours in the middle of the night to confirm that yes, N. was an employee.   :P  So sorry you had to go through at at the old job!  It doesn't sound fun if N's experience was anything to go by!




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Yup... it was not fun... until after the fact it was pretty funny.  


It is unnerving to be working all alone and have the police suddenly surround you and make noises about putting your hands up!


But it was pretty clear that I was just doing a real estate secretary job at the desk with a typewriter (yup, AnneLine is old...) and that I was totally clueless what had happened. 


I wasn't locked in... it was just a misunderstanding!



Let me explain...


The office had two suites with a central staircase.   It was located in an old Victorian... big hulking 4 story building with a central staircase and what at one point had been apartments on either side of the stairs.  It had been converted to offices.  


Across the hall was a second legal office, with some lawyers & their secretary. 

Apparently the lawyer and secretary had come in earlier, turned off the alarm (which covered the whole floor), and went to work. 


I didn't know they were there, and they didn't know I was coming in.   I came in, reactivated the alarm (thinking I was turning it off....) and went to work.


Police came in about 10 minutes later and surprised both sides of the office!


We were all pretty embarrassed.... and the police were LIVID.


After that, simple, very low tech solution. 


A sign saying -- 'alarm is off... we're working over here' was put up next to the alarm.  The first person to deactivate the alarm flipped the sign 'on'  we flipped it 'off' when we turned the alarm on....especially when we were working at odd hours.  ;)



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Brian and Amppax, he was a good sport about it too!  :)


AL, that's hilarious!!  Good low tech solution though.  We just honestly thought Nick was with us when we all ran out the door...

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BG... I don't know if you or anyone else is interested in this, but there is a website for 150th Anniversity of Gettysburg & Civil War in general that has some fascinating things on it.... here's a link....





And... the have this loaded on that website, but it is well worth spending 6 minutes looking at it.... it is poignant in a way that literally has brought tears to my eyes...




Edited by AnneLine
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There's a very loud drum circle outside my office...hard to work, makes it easier to procrastinate though.  #FirstWorldProblems  #AcademicStereotypes  And yep, maybe we can add the Llamacorn to MLP!!


You know, I've never been to the Shriver House Museum before.  Heh, I cringed at the "home by Christmas" remark right before he loses his best friend and two years goes by.  I can't imagine their 3 mile walk through the dead, back to their house...it was good to see him come home for Christmas, albeit suffering PTSD. :(  Doing this all stream of consciousness as I watch...my stomach just plummeted at the word "Andersonville"...only photos from the period that remind me entirely of pictures from Hitler's death camps with the skeletal men being worked and starved to death.  "And he never did."  Nice use of the PTSD at the end too, with the mom.  Reminds me of this line from the Fallout series, that they open every game with (first 5 seconds of the video):




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Something has utterly astounded me in a horrifying way today.  Trayvon Martin is dead, no matter how the jury ruled, his life was ended by a gun.  The decision was last night and at the time dominated social media.  Then it came out a star of Glee died of a possible drug overdose and I've seen quite literally 5 to 6 times more posts about it and sympathy for his family than for the Martin family.

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Plumb is coming to my town just in time for my birthday. :bounce:


Tee hee.


Idk how they're doing it, but the big AG church here has been netting some big names. I saw Jason Gray there with Downhere and Aaron Shust last year.

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OMG...I am so jealous of your town and you right now!!!!  I would love to see her perform live!  If the props button were here, I'd prop that post because omg PLUMB!! And yeah, dunno what kind of pull they have to get those sorts of names, but it sounds amazing.  Back home, one of the megachurches keeps getting big names too; they perform in the "auditorium" where the "service" takes place with the "message".  :P


Random Rambling:  I swear procrastination is healthy for me.  Procrastinated earlier, did 25 squats with my office weights, some sit-ups, etc. earlier in the office.

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Well I started a supplement and right now...dunno if it'll help with weight loss, but I've been up since 6am and feeling perkier than I have in weeks.  I've done more on the dissertation today than I have all week.  And I've done about 20 squats, 10 push ups, and 80 bicep curls.

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Need to finish Methods tomorrow.  Diss. Proposal Rough Draft (first 3 chapters) sitting at 71 pages currently.

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