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Bg's Random Ramblings And Thoughts 3


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In keeping with the 50 page request by mods (Old Thread here):


A reply to everyone shortly, but if you all could pray for M. that I nearly started to date, and her family, I'd appreciate it.  She's still in VA, but a 1-2 mile wide tornado just ripped through her hometown less than an hour ago according to CNN.



I know some people in Oklahoma too :( I hope everything is ok


But who is M.? Phatmasser or a mystery girl?



Girl I ended up not dating from AMS.  Her mom is okay, she found out.


CNN now saying there could be at least 75 students trapped or dead in Plaza Towers elementary school...no underground shelter, so they were sheltering in a hall with cinderblock walls that were destroyed.  Firefighters searching now.  :(



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So you decided to move to a new storm shelter, huh BG?  Well, blessings on your new thread!


Prayers for all those in the path of danger.... :pray:

Edited by AnneLine
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That particular tornado ripped through just a couple of miles from where I used to live...

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Still working on replies...getting sidetracked by the twister coverage... 


So you decided to move to a new storm shelter, huh BG?  Well, blessings on your new thread!


Prayers for all those in the path of danger.... :pray:


I figured I might as well before the mods did it for me!  Less work for them.  And thanks for the prayers...I turned off the news but keep checking KFOR's website, the local station.


So they arrested this girl (18) 'cause she dated another girl. But she was 15.


What do you think? This story is so slanted, but we'll ignore that.


Really slanted, but like you said, ignoring it.  I don't really see, unless they give us some evidence saying "We're doing this because she's a lesbian", that the girl and mother have a case.  Florida's age of consent laws state 18 is the age of consent, so it's statutory rape if they did engage in relations of any sort (something that would have to be proven).  Also it could be interesting to see how they would possibly be redefining the nature of intercourse, because the Florida law states  "oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another".  A good lawyer could probably argue discrimination, just based off the fact that even if they were in relations, no other sexual organ penetrated orally, vaginally, or anally...interesting case, that's for sure.  (And I feel a bit dirty being so clinical in my thinking of it, without really giving much in the way of my thoughts of the folks involved.)


That particular tornado ripped through just a couple of miles from where I used to live...




Moore Medical Center:



Also from KFOR, the local news, this absolutely heart-wrenching piece of news:

Very sad news from KFOR’s Lance West: search and rescue said there don’t appear to be any more survivors at Plaza Towers Elementary. Seven children’s bodies were removed from the school, and they believe 20 to 30 more children may be inside, but do not believe there are any more survivors.
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Sorry dude.  As someone that's met you in person, I think you're fine.  


Thanks Brian, I appreciate it.  HCF said much the same about meeting me and never noticing any sort of smell.  I concur with you on the sterility thing, and sometimes I wonder if it's an extension of political correctness.  As we try to redefine words to call things, do we also try to redefine more physical attributes?  I hate when people blame PC for stuff, but it's a thought.  And thanks for the teaching compliments dude, but don't sell yourself short!  I bet you rock! :)


Though speaking of funny stories from the thread...I'm reasonably certain one of my students thinks I run in a higher social circle than I truly do.  He keeps running into me elsewhere, but almost always when I'm with people.  So far:  New university President (twice), 3 Department Chairs, a Senator, one Bishop, a Lt. Colonel, a law firm partner, a judge, and the Ambassador of another nation to the United States.


:console: Phil, I am sorry you had this experience. I echo Brian's words in regards to how we as a society view those type of things. You do seem like an amazing teacher, and I am not at all surprised that he said that you are so dynamic and in control of your class room. You obviously put your heart and soul into your work. I know our Lord must be so pleased with it. :)



:console:  TJTM, thank you so much.  I hope God's pleased with it...one of my colleagues isn't Catholic, but keeps a crucifix in his desk drawer.  "Phil, I look at this and I'm reminded that we're broken and so are they.  We can't speak about our faiths really, but we can try to live it."   I agree with him too, though I've used the liturgy as an example in class before, comparing it to the old Sentencing Guidelines; if you go anywhere in the Church/U.S. court system, you should know what you're getting, because it's standardized.


BG, that's so hard, I'm sorry. 


:console:  AL, I'm so sorry it happened to Mr. AL too!  And the laughing would've been awful, I know I teared up once I was alone in my office again, I can't imagine if laughter had been thrown into it as well.  Trying to find a new deoderant, an anti-perspirant, since it was pointed out I may be sweating it off, since I sweat excessively and I'm using a new body wash that I love the smell of, Irish Spring.  May try the Dominicans stuff!


I don't even know. So sorry.


It's not like you don't take good care of yourself. You definitely do the best you can.


Thanks Missy, I appreciate that.  And I definitely do.  (Partially witnessed by the fact I just spent $45 on new self hygeine stuff like body wash, deodorant,etc.)  Dr. M. motioned at my suit and tie and said, "I mean, it's obvious you care." on that note.


I second AnneLine's suggestion for Dominican made soap, if only because the vanilla scented stuff is absotively wonderful smelling all on its own! :)


I do think it's rather rude of them to comment on your smell though. :(


Thanks Arfink.  And the soap does sound nice!




Phil, you seem like a great person and like you put your all into everything you do. I think that your great teaching is going to be what stays with the students, what they remember years from now - not the fact that they didn't find you to smell like a bouquet of fresh flowers (and why should you? You're a human, not a rose bush!) after running all over campus to get where you need to be in order to teach them these valuable lessons. I think a great percentage of people have unrealistic expectations about others in pretty much every aspect imaginable, and this is just another of those.


Thanks Trisha, I appreciate that too.  I hope that they do remember good things in the future, not a smell, nor "Dear goodness that guy with the llama answers". :P  Love the rose bush comment, and thanks, it really is true!  It's a good half mile or so that I tend to make in 8 minutes, not the fastest, but still...it gets sweaty.  Hoping you're right that it's unrealistic as an expectation, but I'll still work on it anyhow...and agreed, it is heartbreaking in Moore :(  KFOR reporting that the National Guard has to guard the medical center because it was being looted, so some soldiers aren't even able to help with rescue efforts.

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Hmmmm.... coulple of things come to mind....   Those Dominican Nuns also have room sprays and various other things.   Might be something in their lineup you can use while at the school. And just keeping a bar of the soap around without using it is pretty heady stuff...... got comments about 'what smells so great?' while having som epackages of it under the Christmas Tree one year....


On a less uh, charitable, uh note, I heard tale of one grumpy employee who locked in her desk drawer key IN the desk... after smearing the back of the desk drawer with Limburger cheese. 


Not recommending this, you understand..... but knowing the people involved... I think God would understand.

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The news from Oklahoma really is so sad.    And it seems to be happening nearly every year out there.  I know the Carmelite Nuns have had to replace their roof and/or chapel several times.    But a building is nothing...   the people.   the children.  Lord, be gentle....

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AL, don't think I'll do that...need reccomendations after.  It's a small field! Room sprays sound nice.  Looking into a vanilla one, maybe not from there, but still.  And agreed on the OK front...mom just called.  She finally got through to her college roommate, who is like a sister to her.  She's fine in Tulsa and her daughter, K. is fine, only by the grace of God.  K. did a 24 hour call for Moore Medical Center (or another clinic, mom wasn't sure) yesterday and had today off when the place was destroyed...

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On a less uh, charitable, uh note, I heard tale of one grumpy employee who locked in her desk drawer key IN the desk... after smearing the back of the desk drawer with Limburger cheese. 


Not recommending this, you understand..... but knowing the people involved... I think God would understand.


Brian and I found this site not too long ago where you can literally ship people gallons of gorilla poop. Anonymously. :| No joke.

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Brian and I found this site not too long ago where you can literally ship people gallons of gorilla poop. Anonymously. :| No joke.

Well, now anyone on PM who gets gallons of gorilla poop will know it came from you or Brian. :P
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I once heard Sharon Osbourne would mail boxes of her own poop to people she hated.


True story.



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