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Angels And Holy Communion.

White Knight

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White Knight

i doubt it, i had some angels mock me in a hard rock type of singing, from the ceiling of the parish building, while i was waiting for the priest and confession. And yes i was the only one there, Perhaps the priest heard them, i should ask him, i never did.can't believe angels are absolutely free from fault, because than they would be Gods, and i assume what your saying is somewhere in there with church doctrine, but it's not an infallible doctrine so i will continue to believe that angels aren't God therfore not perfect in the absolute sense. But thanks for the input. God bless you.


Onward christian souls.




No just because one is sinless does not make them God it just makes them perfect, the requirements to be God are still lacking if you only have perfection and none of the other traits God has, so has ommipresent, All Knowledge and Wisdom, the ability to create etc, etc.


Example: The Blessed Virgin Mary is sinless free from the stain of Original Sin, but she is not a Divine Person, like her Son Jesus Christ who is a Divine Person of the Holy Trinity, and is God.

Jesus is Perfect and is God because he meets the requirements of the nature of the Trinity Himself.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is perfect but only a perfect human.

The Angels are holy and perfect spiritual intellectual beings with "Limited knowledge & wisdom" and do not have the ability to create, all things they do come from God.


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Nihil Obstat

I think you were hallucinating.

Actually, what I intended to say here was "Are you sure you were not hallucinating?" My mistake.

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How can the children of Fatima receive a Spiritual Communion, when their vision so clearly shows a physical chalice and host and a drop of blood falling into the chalice?  How is this not Sacrametnal Communion?


It is still a vision of a chalice. I do not think that the children received a sacramental communion. That said, Fatima is not all that important, and no one is required to believe that any that the children said occurred really happened. The Church's approval of private revelation is limited to saying that nothing contrary to the faith is found in the report. The Church does not, nor can it ever, require that the faithful believe in the events as recounted. To be more precise, it is forbidden for Catholics to place divine and catholic faith in approved private revelations; instead, the Catholic faithful may - within the bounds of prudence - place human faith (i.e., trust that is open to error and based simply upon probability) in the approved private revelation.

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The second sentence in my previous post should read as follows:  "That said, Fatima is not all that important, and no one is required to believe that anything that the children said occurred really happened."


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I posted this video on another thread, but thought I would post it here too. After watching the video I became convinced of one thing . . . Mr. Salza has too much free time.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

No just because one is sinless does not make them God it just makes them perfect, the requirements to be God are still lacking if you only have perfection and none of the other traits God has, so has ommipresent, All Knowledge and Wisdom, the ability to create etc, etc.


Example: The Blessed Virgin Mary is sinless free from the stain of Original Sin, but she is not a Divine Person, like her Son Jesus Christ who is a Divine Person of the Holy Trinity, and is God.

Jesus is Perfect and is God because he meets the requirements of the nature of the Trinity Himself.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is perfect but only a perfect human.

The Angels are holy and perfect spiritual intellectual beings with "Limited knowledge & wisdom" and do not have the ability to create, all things they do come from God.




Thankyou. I agree, but believe the Holy Mother is the one and only exception to the rule,absolutely sinless but not omnipotent. " All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 


And also i did say the sin of an angel may not be on our tangent of mortal and venial. Angels attend holy mass too, why would they need to if they didn't still need salvation ? Lucifer was the brightest light in heaven, so i'm assuming there is some order to the angels also in brilliance/holyness.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Different levels of holiness for the angels in reflection to that of mankind. I reckon there would be some pretty cheeky angels, as there are some pretty cheeky Christians, not naming any of them but half of them seem to be here. J/K. There you go phatmass i'm not totally void of sar chasm. Pop me some soda yoda.


Onward Christian souls.


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

But honestly i heard angels singing and i wasn't under the influence of mind altering substances, and i can see how peter and partner at the 3 prayer shift of jesus praying in the garden before the betrayl of judas. I almost fainted hearing these angels i felt like i had gone as white as a ghost, if i hadn't run to the confessional i may have passed out. And on the third watch in the garden of getsemani i can imagine peter or partner was praying to not be put to the test on the 3rd shift and heard the angels singing and passed out.


Hip hope hooray day by day.

Onward christian souls.



P.s. which apostle was with peter in the garden, and was it even peter, my memory is shot and i haven't been studying holy scripture much for a few years so am a bit rusty. :)

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