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Angels And Holy Communion.

White Knight

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White Knight

Okay everyone I have a question about Ministers of Holy Communion.

The three children at Fatima received holy communion from the Angel of the Lord before seeing the Blessed Virgin Mary. I am sure through out history there have been other cases of Angels doing the same thing, however since it is not a oridinary thing to happen, what would that Angel's be considered?

Holy Angels are perfect and Holy, and have no sin, therefore surpass a Ordinary Minster of Holy Communion's level of Holiness, rather it is a Deacon, Priest, Bishop, or even the Pope himself. But they are not the regular ministers of holy communion unlike deacons, priests, and bishops, they at the sametime cannot be called Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, because they are not the Lay people or have not received ordination of any kind. Rather that they are Messagers of of the Blessed Holy Trinity and do not often give out Holy Communion on a regular basis.

The idea that it is a extraordinary event when this happens, it is obviously a "miracle" It doesn't take place often and it is supernatural in a firm grounded reality.

So angels are holy purely intellectual spirits that message from God to Man throughout time and history to give the knowledge of God's plan for humanity......


Later that year in the autumn, the third and last vision ocurred when the children took their sheep to the same place where the first apparition took place. There in the blessed place of the Cabeço, they were reciting the prayer the Angel had taught them when above them an unknown light appeared. Lucia relates,

“We got up again to see what was happening, and we saw the Angel again, who had in his left hand a Chalice over which was suspended a Host, from which some drops of Blood fell into the Chalice.”

Leaving the Chalice and the Host suspended in the air, he prostrated himself down to the earth near the children and repeated a prayer three times.Then, getting up, the Angel took the Chalice and Host. He gave Lucia the Sacred Host on the tongue. Then while giving the Precious Blood from the Chalice to Francisco and Jacinta, he said:

“Eat and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Make reparation for their crimes and console your God.” Then, prostrating himself on the ground he repeated with the children three times the same prayer: Most Holy Trinity, etc., and disappeared.

This final apparition of the Angel was clearly the summit of the three, as the children were graced to see the Precious Blood of Our Lord fall from the Sacred Host into the Chalice, and then receive Holy Communion from the hands of the Angel.













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Nihil Obstat

In all seriousness, now that you have me thinking about it...

Since the angels communicate directly with God, they do not need the Mass in the sense that it is an unbloody re-presentation of the Sacrifice. In that sense they might be rather more like extra-ordinary ministers, who do not consecrate the Host. Instead they would merely distribute that which Christ Himself offers.

That seems to me to fit well with the angels' office as messengers.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Unsure if there absolutely free of sin, they do a different level of sin,neither venial or mortal,or possibly venial, my point being the angels are not GOD. Just a quick old catholic pinch. Even if there where no human souls at mass the priest would celebrate with the angels.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Also the angels in a sense shared communion with abraham when they named isaac.I believe the angels are present at holy mass and also share in the precious body and blood,unsure exactly how though.

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Nihil Obstat

Unsure if there absolutely free of sin, they do a different level of sin,neither venial or mortal,or possibly venial, my point being the angels are not GOD. Just a quick old catholic pinch. Even if there where no human souls at mass the priest would celebrate with the angels.

They are free of sin. 

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Angels are free from sin. They chose at the beginning to either stay with God or leave him. Some chose to stay, and obviously some chose to leave. Now, their choices cannot be undone. The angels cannot sin, and cannot change their mind and leave God.

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Nihil Obstat

They are free of sin. 

To clarify: Those angels who remained faithful are free from sin. Those who rebelled in the beginning are without hope of redemption.

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Two thoughts I had...


Angels (the ones with God obviously) are free from sin. Of course it doesn't mean they're not creatures. We wouldn't sin either in Heaven.


Since they brought Communion, they must have been allowed by God to do so, - seems they can't consecrate it though, - only Christ and His priests can. Is this true? just thinking here. Of course, this is all so mysterious to us and miraculous :) I dont' know how it works! It's really amesome though.

Edited by MarysLittleFlower
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Two thoughts I had...


Angels (the ones with God obviously) are free from sin. Of course it doesn't mean they're not creatures. We wouldn't sin either in Heaven.


Since they brought Communion, they must have been allowed by God to do so, - seems they can't consecrate it though, - only Christ and His priests can. Is this true? just thinking here. Of course, this is all so mysterious to us and miraculous :) I dont' know how it works! It's really amesome though.

I agree. Angels are not incarnate beings and they cannot consecrate the Eucharist. Once again we are dealing with mystical visions. Quite honestly I think that the children of Fatima received a spiritual, and not a sacramental, communion during their mystical vision.


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

They are free of sin. 

i doubt it, i had some angels mock me in a hard rock type of singing, from the ceiling of the parish building, while i was waiting for the priest and confession. And yes i was the only one there, Perhaps the priest heard them, i should ask him, i never did.can't believe angels are absolutely free from fault, because than they would be Gods, and i assume what your saying is somewhere in there with church doctrine, but it's not an infallible doctrine so i will continue to believe that angels aren't God therfore not perfect in the absolute sense. But thanks for the input. God bless you.


Onward christian souls.



Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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I agree. Angels are not incarnate beings and they cannot consecrate the Eucharist. Once again we are dealing with mystical visions. Quite honestly I think that the children of Fatima received a spiritual, and not a sacramental, communion during their mystical vision.


I tend to think that they received a Sacramental Communion, because it could have just been brought by the Angels, not consecrated by them. However, I can't know for sure of course.

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Nihil Obstat

i doubt it, i had some angels mock me in a hard rock type of singing, from the ceiling of the parish building, while i was waiting for the priest and confession. And yes i was the only one there, Perhaps the priest heard them, i should ask him, i never did.can't believe angels are absolutely free from fault, because than they would be Gods, and i assume what your saying is somewhere in there with church doctrine, but it's not an infallible doctrine so i will continue to believe that angels aren't God therfore not perfect in the absolute sense. But thanks for the input. God bless you.

Onward christian souls.

I think you were hallucinating.
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White Knight

I agree. Angels are not incarnate beings and they cannot consecrate the Eucharist. Once again we are dealing with mystical visions. Quite honestly I think that the children of Fatima received a spiritual, and not a sacramental, communion during their mystical vision.



How can the children of Fatima receive a Spiritual Communion, when their vision so clearly shows a physical chalice and host and a drop of blood falling into the chalice?  How is this not Sacrametnal Communion?


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