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What Are The Worst Arguments You've Ever Seen Or Heard?


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"Don't like abortion?  Then don't have one."

"Don't like gay marriage?  Than don't get gay married."

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"Catholics who oppose the HHS mandate are so selfish--- they want to impose their Catholicism on everybody. Who are they to tell female employees what to do with their bodies after hours?"

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"Don't like abortion?  Then don't have one."

"Don't like gay marriage?  Than don't get gay married."


 those are classics.

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"Don't like abortion?  Then don't have one."

"Don't like gay marriage?  Than don't get gay married."


 those are classics.

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When politicians accuse other politicians of "making this issue about politics."


Dude, check your job title. Of course it's about politics. That's what we all elected you for, 'member?

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Nihil Obstat

When politicians accuse other politicians of "making this issue about politics."


Dude, check your job title. Of course it's about politics. That's what we all elected you for, 'member? why we hate you.

Fixed. :|

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"Just as I said before, an egg is not a chicken. It has the potential to BECOME a chicken, but it is not one." -pro choicer




In our convo, nobody is saying an egg is a baby. But a fertilized egg...now we're talking!

Edited by ToJesusMyHeart
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"Anti-abortion advocates should just let people live their lives."


This one is especially ironic.

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