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What Are The Worst Arguments You've Ever Seen Or Heard?


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"The framers of the Constitution were a buncha Masonic slave-owning Dead White Males who wore powdered wigs; therefore we should disregard constitutional restraints on federal government power."

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In order to be a Christian in any meaningful, orthodox sense, one must at the very least believe in the actual, literal resurrection of Christ from the dead (as proclaimed in the Nicene Creed).  There are many miraculous events in the Bible that orthodox Christians take literally.


(But I'm probably that type of Christian who's not worth arguing with.)


We follow Christ as the Only Son of God because we believe His life was remarkable and miraculous and gave testimony to this fact, not because we think him just another nice guy.



Either G.K. Chesterton or C.S. Lewis (I forget) said something along the lines of:  The atheist who decries the Christian Faith as the most outrageous, unbelievable fairy-tale ever told understands what Christianity is about far better than the person who tries to reduce the Christian message to boring platitudes.


(If someone can provide me with the actual quote and author, it would be appreciated.)


I never said things in the Bible didn't actually happen. The Resurrection in particular is certainly not figurative language. To say so would likely be heretical, and I like my theology solid, not mushy. That being said, not everything in the Bible is literal. That's not how people wrote back then. Do I believe that God could have made everything, even the most physically impossible things in the Bible, actually happen? Heck yes I do. But that doesn't mean He did.

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"If we outlaw or put restraints on abortion, or if the state doesn't give legal recognition to homosexual 'marriage,' then it's a short step to cops patrolling your bedroom and Sharia Law."

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Conservatives are RACIST!!  Therefore, we must oppose any conservative policy or principles [having nothing whatever to do with race].

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I never said things in the Bible didn't actually happen. The Resurrection in particular is certainly not figurative language. To say so would likely be heretical, and I like my theology solid, not mushy. That being said, not everything in the Bible is literal. That's not how people wrote back then. Do I believe that God could have made everything, even the most physically impossible things in the Bible, actually happen? Heck yes I do. But that doesn't mean He did.


My response was actually more to CatholicsAreKewl, and was more of a clarification than an argument.


I was pretty sure you didn't deny the literal Resurrection of Christ, but perhaps talking about belief in raising people from the dead wasn't the best example to use, as it's actually something Christians are required to believe in.

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In order to be a Christian in any meaningful, orthodox sense, one must at the very least believe in the actual, literal resurrection of Christ from the dead (as proclaimed in the Nicene Creed).  There are many miraculous events in the Bible that orthodox Christians take literally.

I have a tendency to make confusing statements. Let me clarify. I was referring to a literal interpretation without an understanding of context. Someone would have to be a nut to take two differing accounts of the creation story literally. I love nuts, so this isn't too big of a problem. 

Edited by CatholicsAreKewl
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That if yoir for any form of government imposed law no matter how sma that you are for state sanctioned murder and are a statist who opposes human freedom.

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"Why work to overturn Roe v. Wade? Even if abortion is illegal, abortions will still take place."


False dichotomy. This one is easy to rebut: "Oh. Then I guess we should just kill all women. Problem solved!"

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That if yoir for any form of government imposed law no matter how sma that you are for state sanctioned murder and are a statist who opposes human freedom.


Wait. This is true.

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