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What Are The Worst Arguments You've Ever Seen Or Heard?


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Wow... surprised that my kids' two least favorite arguments are not already here:


"Because I said so."


"I'm the mom, that's why."


I think they're great, though... so... yeah....

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When I was a kid, my mom wouldn't allow me to have certain deserts when we went out for dinner. Not because they were unhealthy or expensive or whatever but because she didn't like them. 



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Whenever people try to say that because Jesus ate and drank with sinners, they conclude "Jesus would have done X" to support immorality.  One in particular that stood out (this was actually from a letter to the editor to the Chicago Tribune a few years ago, almost verbatim): 


Jesus was always doing radical things; gay marriage is a radical thing; therefore, Jesus would have approved of gay marriage.



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Whenever people try to say that because Jesus ate and drank with sinners, they conclude "Jesus would have done X" to support immorality.  One in particular that stood out (this was actually from a letter to the editor to the Chicago Tribune a few years ago, almost verbatim): 


Jesus was always doing radical things; gay marriage is a radical thing; therefore, Jesus would have approved of gay marriage.

Taking a dump on the hood of a police cruiser is a radical thing, too.


I don't think Jesus would have done that. :ohno:

(So, in other words, I agree with you, Norse...)

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that all legal gun owners are perfect citizens and do nothing wrong


Are you aware of the fact that you're using a straw man argument on a thread about bad arguments?

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Are you aware of the fact that you're using a straw man argument on a thread about bad arguments?

I think he's trolling us.  :proud:

Edited by CatholicsAreKewl
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I think he's trolling us.  :proud:



I don't think you actually know what the word troll means since you have now twice misused the word.

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I don't think you actually know what the word troll means since you have now twice misused the word.

 LOL are we about to have a mini argument in the worst arguments thread?  :winner:

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 LOL are we about to have a mini argument in the worst arguments thread?  :winner:


Sometimes I'm convinced you're one of Hassy's other accounts. 

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"The  Buy-Bull is full of ridiculous stories. People flying into heaven on chariots, people being raised from the dead, it's ridiculous!"


Oh, how our culture is so spectacularly stupid that nobody knows the Bible is not a high school history textbook...



I think there are enough Christians that take the Bible literally for this to be a fair argument. I don't think it's really worth the time or effort to argue with those type of Christians, though.


In order to be a Christian in any meaningful, orthodox sense, one must at the very least believe in the actual, literal resurrection of Christ from the dead (as proclaimed in the Nicene Creed).  There are many miraculous events in the Bible that orthodox Christians take literally.


(But I'm probably that type of Christian who's not worth arguing with.)


We follow Christ as the Only Son of God because we believe His life was remarkable and miraculous and gave testimony to this fact, not because we think him just another nice guy.



Either G.K. Chesterton or C.S. Lewis (I forget) said something along the lines of:  The atheist who decries the Christian Faith as the most outrageous, unbelievable fairy-tale ever told understands what Christianity is about far better than the person who tries to reduce the Christian message to boring platitudes.


(If someone can provide me with the actual quote and author, it would be appreciated.)

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It's true. If it weren't, the prisons would be empty.


Human law should be in accord with natural law morality, rather than oppose it.  

Of course, the law cannot force anyone to be moral.  That's a strawman.

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Whenever people try to say that because Jesus ate and drank with sinners, they conclude "Jesus would have done X" to support immorality.  One in particular that stood out (this was actually from a letter to the editor to the Chicago Tribune a few years ago, almost verbatim): 


Jesus was always doing radical things; gay marriage is a radical thing; therefore, Jesus would have approved of gay marriage.


Yeah, that one's long been one of my pet peeves.

Anyone who thinks Jesus preached moral laxity needs to read the Sermon on the Mount, not to mention His admonition to "Go and sin no more."



A variation is:  Jesus was a religious radical/liberal who opposed the religious authorities of His day; therefore, Jesus would be on the side of [whatever the current liberal dissent against Church teaching is].


As if Christ was a champion of dissent and rebellion for its own sake, rather than establishing Himself as the ultimate Authority.

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