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That Background Checks Would Reduce Gun Violence, Is Common Sense


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Nihil Obstat

If Phatmass were a high school, Winchester would be giving Havok swirlies in the toilet. Except Havok would deserve it, because he is the type to poke wasp nests with a stick.

Bambi, you are good with analogies. Help me out here. If Winchester is the wasp nest, how can we push this analogy to the breaking point?

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If Phatmass were a high school, Winchester would be giving Havok swirlies in the toilet. Except Havok would deserve it, because he is the type to poke wasp nests with a stick.

Bambi, you are good with analogies. Help me out here. If Winchester is the wasp nest, how can we push this analogy to the breaking point?



so would that make you the loner who tries to poke fun at others so he can hopefully be brought into the cool kids club.  always trying to be the cool kid but never really getting there. 

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Nihil Obstat

so would that make you the loner who tries to poke fun at others so he can hopefully be brought into the cool kids club. always trying to be the cool kid but never really getting there.

Probably not, no. Good guess though.
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I can't think of anyone on Phatmass who would've been considered a 'cool kid' in high school. BTW, that's a compliment.

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If Phatmass were a high school, Winchester would be giving Havok swirlies in the toilet. Except Havok would deserve it, because he is the type to poke wasp nests with a stick.

Bambi, you are good with analogies. Help me out here. If Winchester is the wasp nest, how can we push this analogy to the breaking point?


Sticks are so outre.  Havok should be this...




You hit a wasp nest with that, the evil little blanks won't be coming after you.  Well they do, but they quickly fall to the ground where they can be dispatched with a quick slam of your foot.  QED


Also, did you just call me a homosexual deer?  Really?  That's new, I'll give you that.  :getaclue:

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"Why arent firearms courses/safety mandatory??!?!?"


They were actually a valuable part of the school system, that taught countless people how to safely use guns, but anti gun people couldnt stand the thought of all those little children being turned into standby murderers, so they got rid of it.



Next time "mandatory safety classes" crosses your mind, why dont you start advocating to return to a time when such things actually happened.

Edited by Jesus_lol
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So Winchester shoots first and asks questions later?  And he's rarely on target?  Does he ask loaded questions too?

Ok, I'll stop now before I trigger something horrible.


So you think you're a barrel of laughs, firing off a round of the stock gun-puns.


I expect higher caliber humor on here.

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Probably not, no. Good guess though.

Little upset because I nailed it. Its ok, maybe one day man... Maybe
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Nihil Obstat

Little upset because I nailed it. Its ok, maybe one day man... Maybe


I am not sure how you read upset into that post.

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