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Holding Hands At The Our Father


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I don't get mad at government employees who do the governments bidding and get paid for it.  I just recognize it and it seems to make you mad that your their employee but try to act like your against all things government.  All things except getting money from the right? 

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


If you look back, you'll be able to figure out my position by the things I've said.


Since I've done the job for free, and continue to do the job for free, I must be something slightly more than a mercenary. But not much more. You will find that I've already addressed your latest objection. I'm not sure on which thread, but it's one where you totally lost your shit.


Okay, that doesn't narrow it down.

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Golden Years

Theological arguments aside, let's get practical for a moment.  USA Today has kindly just given us a recent study apropos of this thread:  http://health.usnews.com/health-news/news/articles/2013/06/11/only-5-percent-of-restroom-patrons-wash-hands-properly-study-finds


So after all this hand-holding and hand-shaking business, we then progress to receiving Holy Communion where? On our dirty hands! 


My parish has partly resolved this dilemma, however, by installing hand sanitizer in the sanctuary.  So now, just before we receive Our Lord's Most Precious Body and Blood, the lovely scent of hand sanitizer wafts over the congregation as one by one each of the (fill in the number) of "Extraordinary" ministers of the Eucharist wash their germ-befouled (sorry, I'm getting carried away) er, less-than-pristine hands before handing out Communion. 


Don't get me wrong:  I'm all for unity, and togetherness, and Christian brotherhood and so forth, but personally I find this just gross. 





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I am one of thsoe people that gives huge physical hints in not wanting to hold their hands.  I am kind of know at my parish as "The old fashioned 20 something." 

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I meant, back in the 60's AFTER taking communion my grandparents (and everyone else) would kneel I recite the after communion prayer to myself(of course)

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Quid Est Veritas?

I definitely agree with the "gross factor", but I think the main problem is that it may muddle people's thinking about what Holy Communion is. It's not communion with your neighbor, or a sharing of a meal, but a reception of Christ, our Bridegroom, in the most intimate way possible. It's a uniquely private moment, in which no one else can or should share. Each of us has the moment in our own way and, at the risk of sounding selfish, I don't want to share myself with anyone else but Him.

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