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Holding Hands At The Our Father


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From the GIRM:




Please note the phrase "if appropriate, they may sit or kneel after Communion."  In other words, it's not always appropriate. Please note that sitting has the same status as kneeling in these rubrics.


The 2002 GIRM actually said "standing only" I believe. The special permission saying it was OK to sit or kneel if you wanted to, was thrown in there for the latest edition of the GIRM after one of the American bishops submitted a dubium to the Congregation for Divine Worship asking for clarification.


Standing for the agnus dei is also the universal posture as clearly indicated by the indult for the United States, making a special allowance for the local custom of kneeling.


Yes, in regard to kneeling during and after communion, Bishops do not have the right to force people to stand, nor is it disobedience to kneel during or after communion, even if Bishops say otherwise.


"...while this Congregation gave the recognitio to the norm desired by the Bishops' Conference of your country that people stand for Holy Communion, this was done on the condition that communicants who choose to kneel are not to be denied Holy Communion on these grounds. Indeed, the faithful should not be imposed upon nor accused of disobedience and of acting illicitly when they kneel to receive Holy Communion".  - Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments



Dubium: In many places, the faithful are accustomed to kneeling or sitting in personal prayer upon returning to their places after individually received Holy Communion during Mass. Is it the intention of the Missale Romanum, editio typica tertia, to forbid this practice?

Responsum: Negative, et ad mentem. The mens is that that the prescription of the Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani, no. 43, is intended, on one hand, to ensure within broad limits a certain uniformity of posture within the congregation for the various parts of the celebration of the Holy Mass, and on the other, to not regulate posture rigidly in such a way that those who wish to kneel or sit would no longer be free.

Francis Cardinal Arinze







"There is no rule from Rome that everybody must stand during Holy Communion. There is no such rule from Rome. So, after people have received Communion, they can stand, they can kneel, they can sit. But a bishop in his diocese or bishops in a country could say that they recommend standing or kneeling. They could. It is not a law from Rome. They could -- but not impose it. Perhaps they could propose. But those who want to sit or kneel or stand should be left reasonable freedom." - Francis Cardinal Arinze





"They should, however, sit while the readings before the Gospel and the responsorial Psalm are proclaimed and for the homily and while the Preparation of the Gifts at the Offertory is taking place; and, as circumstances allow, they may sit or kneel while the period of sacred silence after Communion is observed."




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I agree, My parish doesnt hold hands at all...so when I go to other parishes I just clasp my hands together prayerfully. But you WILL run into that one eager person who wants to spread the love. :hehe2:
If thats the case, I will hold their hand. While I prefer not to, participating wont ruin the mass for me in any way.

Obnoxiously coughing or sneezing into your hands might deter them 'feelin the love'types from going for the grab.
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Growing up, I'd always try to sit next to a cute girl at Mass so I could hold her hand during the Our Father.

Pathetic you say? Yes, yes it was.


Ah, yes, the moment you realize you can use hand holding during Mass for your own romantic purposes... It's a glorious moment in every man's life, really.

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She never said it was any sort of attack. But he is basically brushing her experiences aside like it's a rare occurrence (once in a blue moon). Every few weeks is way, way too often. Why does he feel the need to discredit her?



I wasn't discrediting her but think whatever you want.

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Eh, is this really something to debate over?



on this website, this debate never goes away.

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This is the internet, its really easy to NOT click on something  :hehe2:

If you dont want to participate then dont

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This is the internet, its really easy to NOT click on something  :hehe2:

If you dont want to participate then dont


I actually prefer to participate if only to beesh and whine. I mean, that's on of the primary purposes of the internets.

Edited by Ice_nine
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Growing up, I'd always try to sit next to a cute girl at Mass so I could hold her hand during the Our Father.

Pathetic you say? Yes, yes it was.


I hope this does not explain why the same guy sits next to me in Mass.

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do you honestly enjoy trolling me?  I mean don't you have more things to do like collect your government paycheck for doing their work for them?

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you mad


I don't get mad at government employees who do the governments bidding and get paid for it.  I just recognize it and it seems to make you mad that your their employee but try to act like your against all things government.  All things except getting money from the right? 

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