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Leap (cops Against Drug Prohabition.)

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

May the peace of our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus be with you...


So i just found out about these guys and how they say legalising drugs and safe injecting rooms etc etc is harm minimalisation and reduces the crime rate etc etc.

I believe at first it may do so, but overtime when the population is used to legal drugs the drug use will increase, which in turn so will the psychotic symptoms of drug abuse, which will lead to more unemployment in the future which will eventually lead to more crime. Will we be left scratching our heads asking "where did we go wrong, " 50 years after legalising drugs when unemployment due to drug psychosis increases therefore the increase of crime to eat and clothe including armed robbery and other violent robberies due to unemployment.

This is all just my personal foresight on this matter. Any other input as to what consequences are there to legalising recreational drug use. Or perhaps your pro legalising recreational drugs, if so can you say why and have you thought about the future consequences of increased drug use in the community?


Jesus iz Lord.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Also some peoples argument for legalising drugs is that the drug users won't get cut stuff and it will reduce gangster violence,which by the way is usually gangsters attacking other gangsters. But my argument is the government won't be selling very strong stuff so the gangsters will just sell stronger stuff than the governments, and it won't reduce the amount of gangsters nore violence associated with the underworld.

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