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On Universal Salvation And Higher Dimensions

The Master

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The Master

Greetings to all my fellow geniuses! I have been thinking lately and came up with some questions and I want your opinions on them...


All right, to start, the question of "Is there other intelligent life in the universe?" I think so. I mean, isn't it a little prideful to assume that all the universe was created for our sole benefit? God gave us the intelligence to appreciate the universe, but what if there are other races that also can appreciate it?


Secondly, if there are other worlds, have they been saved? After all catholic means universal. 


Before going on to the third point I should inform the non-science oriented people here that recent scientific advancements have suggested that there are more than three dimensions and that there could be as many as twelve. We are only capable of seeing three because we are three dimensional. So anything with more dimensions is invisible to us. My third question is, could angels actually exist not in a "spiritual realm" as such but actually a higher dimension?


Fourth, could angels have been the fist intelligent race created by God and after the fallen ones were banished, they were asked to serve Him? That would make them higher dimensional, spiritual beings from another planet.


So... are these questions heretical? Weird? Stupid? Interesting and worth thinking about?

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No it's not heresy. It's inquisitive thinking.

But why worry about other worlds. As Catholics we should be helping our neighbors.


There's a cool book by Mark Twain. Letters from Earth. It's pretty cool. 


Don't rely on science. Science does not help the soul.

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If you want to learn about other dimensions, study Hinduism and the spiritual planes.

Or ask a schizophrenic, some of them experience those other dimensions.

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Basilisa Marie

Greetings to all my fellow geniuses! I have been thinking lately and came up with some questions and I want your opinions on them...


All right, to start, the question of "Is there other intelligent life in the universe?" I think so. I mean, isn't it a little prideful to assume that all the universe was created for our sole benefit? God gave us the intelligence to appreciate the universe, but what if there are other races that also can appreciate it?


Secondly, if there are other worlds, have they been saved? After all catholic means universal. 


Before going on to the third point I should inform the non-science oriented people here that recent scientific advancements have suggested that there are more than three dimensions and that there could be as many as twelve. We are only capable of seeing three because we are three dimensional. So anything with more dimensions is invisible to us. My third question is, could angels actually exist not in a "spiritual realm" as such but actually a higher dimension?


Fourth, could angels have been the fist intelligent race created by God and after the fallen ones were banished, they were asked to serve Him? That would make them higher dimensional, spiritual beings from another planet.


So... are these questions heretical? Weird? Stupid? Interesting and worth thinking about?


1. Of course other intelligent life exists. :)
2. Salvation only applies to humans.  But it would depend on whether or not they participated in the Fall.

3. Why not both? The two ideas aren't mutually exclusive.

4. Yes, angels were the first intelligent beings created by God. Not another planet, another dimension.

5. If Scholastics can argue about the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin until they're blue in the face, these questions are certainly not heretical. 


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I think that's what is going on with the ufo thing...Some sightings can be explained but the ones that can't I believe are ufos entering and leaving from different dimensions...

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

There may be other plant life and animals on other planets, unsure if there are humanoids though. Maybe earth is the beginning and we are to venture across the universe, if we don't get destroyed again by Gods wrath like in the days of Noah. I guess we have to get it right here before we are granted the keys to inter stella travel, or we would just stink up the whole universe. And if so we should concentrate on moralizing this planet first and not spend so much time indulging in fantasy.


<edit> p.s I do think there may be other plains that support life that isn't human, like angelic.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

But also if there are other alien life forms that are humanoid, i guess Jesus died for them also, if they are in a fallen state. He is as much there God as he is ours, God is God of all.

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1. Of course other intelligent life exists. :)
2. Salvation only applies to humans.  But it would depend on whether or not they participated in the Fall.

3. Why not both? The two ideas aren't mutually exclusive.

4. Yes, angels were the first intelligent beings created by God. Not another planet, another dimension.

5. If Scholastics can argue about the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin until they're blue in the face, these questions are certainly not heretical. 



Really? I was unaware of this. Where?

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Around 700 AD there was a rumor that there were a group of humans on earth that had not fallen from grace. These people were thought to be in a far away place, probably I reachable by normal humans. This thought was deemed heretical by Pope Zachary.

If there was some form of life they could not have grace because Mary was the Immaculate conception. I do not see how they could be intelligent since man has dominion over animals.

As far as angels in a higher dimension, what do you mean by a dimension. According to some models of string theory man exists in 8 dimensions. As far as that relates to angels. The reasons angels can see leaky move around is because they are not limited to the 4 known dimensions. If a creature existed in a separate dimension, we would not have any way to find them, or interact.

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Around 700 AD there was a rumor that there were a group of humans on earth that had not fallen from grace. These people were thought to be in a far away place, probably I reachable by normal humans. This thought was deemed heretical by Pope Zachary.

If there was some form of life they could not have grace because Mary was the Immaculate conception. I do not see how they could be intelligent since man has dominion over animals.

As far as angels in a higher dimension, what do you mean by a dimension. According to some models of string theory man exists in 8 dimensions. As far as that relates to angels. The reasons angels can see leaky move around is because they are not limited to the 4 known dimensions. If a creature existed in a separate dimension, we would not have any way to find them, or interact.


I would like to have the name of that document by Pope Zachary. While there is zero evidence of life on other worlds, the universe is vastly expansive. Human earthlings could be the only intelligent life in the universe or he could be one of many. There are seemly an infinite amount of stars in any direction one could point. I am sceptically of other life existing on other planets but I'm not convinced that it is completely impossible.


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I would like to have the name of that document by Pope Zachary. While there is zero evidence of life on other worlds, the universe is vastly expansive. Human earthlings could be the only intelligent life in the universe or he could be one of many. There are seemly an infinite amount of stars in any direction one could point. I am sceptically of other life existing on other planets but I'm not convinced that it is completely impossible.

I'm not familiars of the actual document but You can find many references to this in a google search or legitimate info at a library.

Also if you want some good info on creation, check out the kolby Center
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