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So I'm a nurse working at a Catholic hospital and looking for a new job because I can't handle my current one much longer.  I don't know what's going to happen with the Affordable Care Act and all that jazz but the health system where I work now is in a hiring freeze because apparently they lost money the last fiscal year.  RN positions around here are pretty slim so I'm willing to look out of state and wondering if anyone knows of Catholic hospitals or other Catholic nursing facilities?  Ideally, if I have to move, I'd like to move to a warmer state than I currently live in.  I'm up in the northeast...I'm just looking for suggestions of places to apply to or at least to check out their websites.  Thanks in advance!

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My home town in NC is growing and the hospital is the cause of that. Not Catholic. But you may want to look into it. PM me if you'd like more info.

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Thanks CatherineM!  I actually just applied to a position in Naples.  It'd be great if these people are willing to do skype interviews because I certainly can't fly to a bunch of interviews.

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