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My Guilty Pleasures


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1. The X-Files

I mean... Come on.



2. Stuffing


3. Algebra


4. Phatmass


5. Honey Boo Boo (guilty as charged)





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Not setting my alarm clock and just waking up whenever I wake up naturally. And if it's before 8am, going back to sleep.

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Yeah, but... is it really like smoking? I did some research on ecigs a while ago, and it just seemed like such a large initial investment for something that I might not like. Any ideas on how I can try it for cheap?


Also, what's the success rate for getting off ecigs? I mean, I don't just want to get addicted to something else... The patch works well for me when I don't forget to put it on!


I used to smoke cigarettes, and I quit cold turkey about 16 months ago. I still have dreams about smoking cigarettes to this day. I've smoked e-cigarettes too, and while it can curb the nicotine cravings, it doesn't feel the same as smoking a cigarette.


The best way to be successful in quitting smoking is to just stop. It was really hard for about two weeks, but if I can do it, anyone can. 

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Some people don't know the difference between "pleasures" and "guilty pleasures." 


Some people have hijacked a thread that should have been a guilty pleasure and turned it into a guilt trip, even after they were warned that "I don't want to hear it, ppl."


Well, I'm guilty of keeping it going. We apologized and stopped hijacking the thread. Sorry again!


It's ok by me that they intervened on my behalf. They were just trying to help. I was referring to "ppl" like FP who are constantly calling me and my daddy stinky and gross.

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2. Moe's- It's kinda like a Chipotle, Their burritos are good but the queso is where it's at


I like Moe's, but their chips suck. No salt... Blech.

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Nihil Obstat
  • Girls Generation
  • Energy drinks
  • Super cute anime (I would not call this a guilty pleasure so much, because I think it is amesome and I do not care what anyone thinks, but lots of people think it should be a guilty pleasure, so...
    (That being said, the anime pictured above was not cute at all. It was masterfully horrifying.)
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. As above.


Second edit: The automatic list formatting is broken and frustrating.

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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I like Moe's, but their chips smell of elderberries. No salt... Blech.


You're going to the wrong Moe's. :love:

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1. Rihanna 

2. Eminem

3. Sublime

Never feel guilty for good taste.

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Never feel guilty for good taste.


Eminem used to be really good. He went a little soft recently. 

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Eminem used to be really good. He went a little soft recently. 


I haven't heard his stuff in the last year or two, but I LOVED Not Afraid, and not just because it tops my list of favorite songs that have the F word somewhere in the lyrics.

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