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What Is Pro-life?

The Master

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Right. I am a developed fetus. I'm bigoted towards myself. Brilliant.

Bigotry isn't brilliant, it's prideful ignorance. Such ignorance is why humans hate other humans all the time, or support the mass murder of other humans.
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Don't be fooled by the campaign. Millions of dollars are wasted on the unborn whom God can save on His own.

We should all be acting like Saints towards children who are born into poverty, even in the good ol USA.


Why waste money and time on poor kids whom God can save on His own?


This troll doesn't even try.


Right.  I am a developed fetus.  I'm bigoted towards myself.  Brilliant.  


So Catholics who practice NFP are also occasionally bigots since they actively work to prevent a fetus from coming to be.  AND IF YOU TRIED TO PREVENT A JEW FROM EXISTING YOU'D BE AN ANTISEMITE!!!!  SO THIS IS THE SAME THING!!!!!  OH THE HUMANITY!!!!1!!



Yeah, everyone who's not currently banging every fertile member of the opposite sex he/she can find is evil for not bringing new life into existence.


Obviously, there's a difference between killing a human life that already exists and avoiding sexual activity that could conceive a new life, but then I'm stating the obvious.

Hasan, your trolling skills have gotten rusty.

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"Pro-life" is a political slogan, rather than a precise theological term.


However, I generally use its traditional meaning to mean being in support of the right to life for all innocent human beings from conception to natural death.


This means always opposing abortion, murder, assisted suicide, and human euthanasia

It does not necessarily mean being opposed to the just use of the death penalty in certain cases, killing enemy combatants in war, using lethal force in defense of one's self or others against an aggressor, or killing plants and tasty animals for food.

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Ummm... I hope you realize that all groups that push for change have their own powerful interests... That's the reason why they push so hard. 


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Bigotry isn't brilliant, it's prideful ignorance. Such ignorance is why humans hate other humans all the time, or support the mass murder of other humans.

I noticed how you completely skipped my refutation by logical analogy.
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Why waste money and time on poor kids whom God can save on His own?

This troll doesn't even try.

Yeah, everyone who's not currently banging every fertile member of the opposite sex he/she can find is evil for not bringing new life into existence.

Obviously, there's a difference between killing a human life that already exists and avoiding sexual activity that could conceive a new life, but then I'm stating the obvious.
Hasan, your trolling skills have gotten rusty.


(that wasn't what I was saying. At all. Careful reading is your friend)
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I noticed how you completely skipped my refutation by logical analogy.

I replied to the closest thing to logic you stated in that post. I'm sorry you have adopted a bigoted ideology. If someone else used the same logic against the personhood of any other group of human beings you'd see how it is wrong. Assuming of course there are no other groups of human beings you deny are persons.
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I replied to the closest thing to logic you stated in that post. I'm sorry you have adopted a bigoted ideology. If someone else used the same logic against the personhood of any other group of human beings you'd see how it is wrong. Assuming of course there are no other groups of human beings you deny are persons.



I did use logic.  You are just ignoring it because it points out how absurd your claim of bigotry is.  Are Catholic couples who use NFP guilty of occasional bigotry?  How is what they are doing any different from an individual saying 'right now, I'd like for a potential subset of ethnicity 'x' not to exist?'


But since once you admit that they are not engaging in occasional bigotry your hyperbolic charge against me falls apart, let's see how many posts you make that attempt to get around actually answering the substance of my point.  

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I did use logic. You are just ignoring it because oints out how absurd your claim of bigotry is. Are Catholic couples who use NFP guilty of occasional bigotry? How is what they are doing any different from an individual saying 'right now, I'd like for a potential subset of ethnicity 'x' not to exist?'

But since once you admit that they are not engaging in occasional bigotry your hyperbolic charge against me falls apart, let's see how many posts you make that attempt to get around actually answering the substance of my point.

NFP doesn't murder or abort a living individual member of human race. Your ideology put into practice does murder such members of the human race. Your logic is fail.
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NFP doesn't murder or abort a living individual member of human race. Your ideology put into practice does murder such members of the human race. Your logic is fail.

That was your first dodge. Lets see how many more times you try to maneuver around answering.
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That was your first dodge. Lets see how many more times you try to maneuver around answering.

Sorry I don't have time for playing games with you. Find an analogy that is actually comparable to denying personhood to a group of human beings.
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Sorry I don't have time for playing games with you. Find an analogy that is actually comparable to denying personhood to a group of human beings.

Second dodge. I'm not playing games. But it is nice to see that even you don't take your argument that I'm a bigot seriously.
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Second dodge. I'm not playing games. But it is nice to see that even you don't take your argument that I'm a bigot seriously.


There is no dodge, I am quite wiling to discuss an analogy that is actually comparable to denying personhood to a group of unwanted human beings, whenever you are willing and able to supply one.

NFP does not deny the personhood of an existing living member of the human race. Sperm and Unfertilized eggs are not unique individual members of the human race. Fertilized embryos are unique individual members of the human race. NFP does not abort human beings or deny the personhood of such humans, but pro-abortion ideology does.



Edited by KnightofChrist
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There is no dodge, I am quite wiling to discuss an analogy that is actually comparable to denying personhood to a group of unwanted human beings, whenever you are willing and able to supply one.

NFP does not deny the personhood of an existing living member of the human race. Sperm and Unfertilized eggs are not unique individual members of the human race. Fertilized embryos are unique individual members of the human race. NFP does not abort human beings or deny the personhood of such humans, but pro-abortion ideology does.



And by that logic NFP seeks to preclude a potential subset of a subset of unique individuals of the human race from existence.  This is a specific subset that they want to deliberately block from existing.  If I sought to specifically preclude a subset of black Americans from existing would I be a bigot?  

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I believe "Pro-Life" means exactly what it means: "for life." 


"I call heaven and earth today to witness against you:m I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live," Deuteronomy Ch. 30 Vs 19


It's a philosophy against the wanton destruction of human life in the womb, out of the womb, on death row, insane asylums, hospitals, nursing homes, on battlefields of unneccessary wars...


it means loving God with all your heart soul minds and bodies...and all your neighbors no matter what...


it means love for your enemy even to the point of your own crucifixion and death


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