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What Is Pro-life?

The Master

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I wouldn't say that dignity diminishes or one has more dignity.  But I don't see why an ape should have zero rights and a newly fertilized egg should have full rights. 


You have it backwards though. Apes have a lot of rights, human fetus nada.

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I try to be intellectually honest.  


well i happen to believe that religion is not necessary to a transcendental understanding of the meaning of human life. I feel very bad for atheists (I mean more than I already do) if I'm wrong.

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You have it backwards though. Apes have a lot of rights, human fetus nada.



I'm referring to your position.

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well i happen to believe that religion is not necessary to a transcendental understanding of the meaning of human life. I feel very bad for atheists (I mean more than I already do) if I'm wrong.



How so?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

To me, being pro-life means...


We work to protect the unborn.

We serve the poor in all their needs. 

We promote the quality and availability of education.

We promote the rights of workers and just wages.

We care for the physically, mentally, and spiritually ill.

We promote healthy relationships among all people.

We promote dignified care for the elderly.

We promote social, political, and restorative justice, and continue to care for those in prison.

We oppose the death penalty in all cases except in dire necessity.  

We oppose the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual abuse of all people.

We oppose suicide in all forms.

We promote freedom of speech and expression.

We promote the right to defend one's self and one's property.

We care for all of creation, promoting humane treatment of other beings and custody for the environment.

We see Christ in all persons. 



I give this an 85 out of 100. a B+.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I think pro life doesn't just mean supporting all human life. I think it also means supporting living it to the fullest. People in third world countries have life, and while they may be poor physically they are rich in love and in families and communities. Many people in first world countries are poor-as and have hardly as good a quality of life as third world, because the potential for life and love that they were made for is far from being fulfilled. Peoples, we need missionaries on our home turf!! 



Awesomeness, most definitely we need to keep our own backyards clean too and not just everyone elses. I wonder though as to whether the west will be evangelized by Christians from the east, kind of returning the favor  I heard there are so many African men desiring to become priests that there aren't enough seminaries there. My parish priest is originally Vietnamese, some find it hard to hear his words, but i don't have much trouble understanding him most of the time, his English is fair enough and will get better over the years. But definitely we also need more at home missionaries, i think particularly from the lay ranks, it is like for a time the church was to pass our christiandom mainly through families and now where being called to tighten up our belts and bring in people from outside the faith also.

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I don't think apes should have zero rights.



Protections or rights?

Okay, well let's start another debate about the meaning of rights.

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I wouldn't say that dignity diminishes or one has more dignity.  But I don't see why an ape should have zero rights and a newly fertilized egg should have full rights.  I don't think that you can intellectually argue your case at this point without invoking religion which is my point.  You can throw out a;; the social justicy arguments you will about power and power interests shaping law (as though the pro-life movement weren't funded by it's own very powerful interests) but your argument is really an inherently religious one.  You're not really critiquing power structures you're just borrowing some verbiage to try to make a religious appeal seem more secular and neutral than it is 


I don't see why those that deny personhood to certain group of human beings always end up relating the people they deny are persons to apes and monkeys. Any living member of the Homo sapiens species is a person, any human being is a person. The Fetus is a person, the African is a person, the Jew is a person, every kind human being ever denied personhood by bigoted ideology is a person.


Your position is inherently backwards, primitive, purely political and bigoted. All you have is the same old tired and recycled arguments for deny a person or persons personhood.  



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The Master

 (as though the pro-life movement weren't funded by it's own very powerful interests) 


Ummm... I hope you realize that all groups that push for change have their own powerful interests... That's the reason why they push so hard. 

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I apologize if this question has come up again and again but... I am a teen philosopher by hobby and not profession. When I debate I like to have a solid definition of the words and phrases I use. When I hear pro-life, I assume that it means support of all kinds of human life. I am curious as to what opinions different people have about the definition of pro-life. My question is simply: What is included when you say pro-life? anti-abortion? anti-death penalty? anti-euthanasia? all of the above? Maybe anti- some kinds of these? Please tell me. I love to hear what people think.



Pro-Life is anti-abortion campaign designed by man to distract us from giving real charity/love to the poor children in our neighborhoods.

I like the new Pope who has debated this. He says single moms have to go to parish to parish trying to get their child baptized.

"In our ecclesiastical region there are priests who don't baptise the children of single mothers because they weren't conceived in the sanctity of marriage. These are today's hypocrites. Those who clericalise the church. Those who separate the people of God from salvation. And this poor girl who, rather than returning the child to sender, had the courage to carry it into the world, must wander from parish to parish so that it's baptised!"



Don't be fooled by the campaign. Millions of dollars are wasted on the unborn whom God can save on His own.

We should all be acting like Saints towards children who are born into poverty, even in the good ol USA.


Do good while you still have time-Don Bosco (St John Bosco)

You should read about him youngin. Pax humana +

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I don't see why those that deny personhood to certain group of human beings always end up relating the people they deny are persons to apes and monkeys. Any living member of the Homo sapiens species is a person, any human being is a person. The Fetus is a person, the African is a person, the Jew is a person, every kind human being ever denied personhood by bigoted ideology is a person.


Your position is inherently backwards, primitive, purely political and bigoted. All you have is the same old tired and recycled arguments for deny a person or persons personhood.  



Right.  I am a developed fetus.  I'm bigoted towards myself.  Brilliant.  


So Catholics who practice NFP are also occasionally bigots since they actively work to prevent a fetus from coming to be.  AND IF YOU TRIED TO PREVENT A JEW FROM EXISTING YOU'D BE AN ANTISEMITE!!!!  SO THIS IS THE SAME THING!!!!!  OH THE HUMANITY!!!!1!!

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