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What Is Pro-life?

The Master

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Not really. His position is pretty close to mine and my position isn't unique at all. Step out of the echo chamber every now and then. It's lovely.

Don't hate on echo-chambers.

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The conceiving of a child is never "really bad luck."


I meant from the perspective of a woman who doesn't want a child.

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If only there were some practical way to largely mitigate this whole vast moral dilemma. Something that could ensure, to a high degree of accuracy, that a woman who did not want to become pregnant would not.

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If only there were some practical way to largely mitigate this whole vast moral dilemma. Something that could ensure, to a high degree of accuracy, that a woman who did not want to become pregnant would not.

Gay marriage. 

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Most non-Catholics that I know that consider themselves pro-life approve of the death penalty, the only thing they really oppose is abortion.

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If only there were some practical way to largely mitigate this whole vast moral dilemma. Something that could ensure, to a high degree of accuracy, that a woman who did not want to become pregnant would not.


Not having sex if you don't want to risk becoming pregnant?  :saint:

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Not having sex if you don't want to risk becoming pregnant?  :saint:



whoa whoa whoa, how dare we ask people to control themselves.  Shame, shame on you.  Don't you know society should have all the sex when it wants with who it wants.  I mean what bad could happen.  I mean who needs self control.  Its not like it has effected us in other areas.  Look at America, we have no self control with our food and nothing bad has come of.... of wait, never mind.

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whoa whoa whoa, how dare we ask people to control themselves.  Shame, shame on you.  Don't you know society should have all the sex when it wants with who it wants.  I mean what bad could happen.  I mean who needs self control.  Its not like it has effected us in other areas. Look at America, we have no self control with our food and nothing bad has come of.... of wait, never mind.



People can control themselves without adhering to a weird near-east asceticism that views even monogamous sexuality withing the confines of marriage as a concession to human sinfulness.   

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Yes, many of them do. They don't control themselves within the limits you'd like.

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I don't really care to have people who support neo-con foreign police and cutting social programs lecturing me on the preciousness of human life. Which is why the pro-life movement is smell of elderberries a crock. A clump of cells with no capacity for independent life and no conceptualization of their own existence is not a human person. That becomes much more murky as those clumps if cells start to actually develop into something recognizably human.


Ah. We must be "recognizably human" before the choice to destroy us becomes morally "murky." How post mod. I see. So ... "recognizably human" according to who?


According to the rich and powerful of course. They would be the ones to decide such things. And the rich and powerful believe all humans ought to be patterned  after themselves. So we know the rich male is more recognizably human than the poor woman. White skin is more human than black.  Intelligent is more human than retarded.  No surprise that ovens of industry feed on the bodies of the poor, the imprisoned, the sick, the blacks, the migrants. They are not so recognizably human ... so grinding them down to dust is hardly even a moral question.


That being said there is only one class of human being designated as non-people by the law, and that is the human fetus. Naturally so. A poor, sick, black, newborn female at least has the air to scream and make the violation of her rights a troublesome business.  The human fetus is the weakest of the weak.  So no one will recognize it as human unless they first climb down from their perch on the ladder of privilege. And for those with the power to decide which people count as "recognizably human" it is a long way down.

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Yes, many of them do. They don't control themselves within the limits you'd like.



actually no they don't or 1 in 4 would would not have an STD.  People don't control themselves and its why STD's are out of control.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I don't really care to have people who support neo-con foreign police and cutting social programs lecturing me on the preciousness of human life. Which is why the pro-life movement is smell of elderberries a crock. A clump of cells with no capacity for independent life and no conceptualization of their own existence is not a human person. That becomes much more murky as those clumps if cells start to actually develop into something recognizably human.



 What is recognizably human, down syndrome people are human, mongoloids are human, spastics are human. I sense the abortion movement is looking to exterminate these, there already doing studies in holland to find out whether a human in the womb is any of these. Sounds remenicent of the nazis attempt to create a perfect human race. It won't last. 

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I think pro life doesn't just mean supporting all human life. I think it also means supporting living it to the fullest. People in third world countries have life, and while they may be poor physically they are rich in love and in families and communities. Many people in first world countries are poor-as and have hardly as good a quality of life as third world, because the potential for life and love that they were made for is far from being fulfilled. Peoples, we need missionaries on our home turf!! 

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