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That More Gun Control Would Reduce Gun Violence, Is Common Sense


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Can people get guns illegal? Yes.  Is it as easy as you make it out to be?  No.  It involves a lot more work then you seem to imply it does. 

Have you bought a gun illegally? I'm sure it's not a walk to wal-mart but I bet even I could find an illegal arms dealer if I really tried. Drugs are pretty easy to get and they're illegal. There are brothels all over my city. Prostitution is illegal, is it not? 




That extra work and possibly having to deal with shady people(whom the killer might be afraid would kill him) will deter some, not all, not the majority but some people.

I wouldn't think that a killer would have any trouble dealing with shady people. He is shady. I'm willing to bet he has at least 10 shady friends. Even if he doesn't want to do the dirty deed himself, he can find someone to do it. You don't realize how ridiculously easy it is to anonymously hire a hitman (Don't pm me asking me how. That's stupid). If someone wants to be evil, he or she will be. 

Edited by CatholicsAreKewl
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That has absolutely nothing to do with someone not being able to buy a gun legally and the government decided they are going to kill Winchester.  Unless your really off the deep end and think the government goes around killing people left and right all the time for the fun of it.


I don't know if those who commit legalized murder do it for the fun of it, or not.



It does, however, have to do with the bizarre defense of a threat of murder for  peaceful disobedience of arbitrary rules you offered. I recall a young man and a woman armed with an infant being murdered by men committing trespass because someone cut a shotgun barrel shorter than the magical length approved by the whims of the political class. That's the threat. Don't comply, and you will be assaulted and kidnapped. Don't permit yourself to be assaulted and kidnapped, and you face murder for your resistance. All law is force. It is not force to own a weapon. It is not violence to own a weapon. The proscription bears a threat of violence. The first act of violence is that committed by those enforcing prohibition. That is aggression. That is immoral. It is not immoral to own a weapon that has a barrel too short for the State. It is not immoral to own a firearm that carries the magical eleventh bullet, or a barrel shroud, or a scary pistol grip, or any of the other asinine attributes over which psychotics were willing to kill.


The State remains the reigning champion of mass murder. You're worried about some redneck, so you give power to the sort people who executed unarmed student protestors at Kent State. Say your last defense of the psychotics. Get the last word. I'm done trying to reason with a cultist.

Edited by Winchester
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Only gubbmint can be trusted to use the right to violence. They are wise and exercise their powers judiciously. Private citizens do not. People who grow unapproved plants are rightly assaulted, battered, and kidnapped. This is good. Because badge, uniform, tax power!




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Anticipating responding articles showing non-uniformed persons using the aggression I say is immoral.



Let me point out that I am on the side that disapproves of aggression, whereas the gun control cultists support aggression as moral if committed by the enforcement class at the behest of the political class. I fully expect the cultists to miss this distinction.

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I'm not going to go out on a limb here and say that someone who was going to do something in the heat of the moment will decide against that if they have to get a gun illegally as opposed to running down to the gun show and getting it now.  Can people get guns illegal? Yes.  Is it as easy as you make it out to be?  No.  It involves a lot more work then you seem to imply it does.  That extra work and possibly having to deal with shady people(whom the killer might be afraid would kill him) will deter some, not all, not the majority but some people.


Committing murder is itself no cakewalk.  You have to deal with cops and a criminal trial, and a probably serious prison sentence, perhaps even execution.  Or, to try to avoid that, you have to go through all the work of covering up your crime and/or running from the law.


You've given a lot of "what-if" and "maybe" hypotheticals.

I've provided a real-life case of a real-world city (Washington D.C.) where homicides increased rather dramatically following the implementation of strict "gun control" laws.  Government gun control isn't the magic bullet against murder you imagine it to be.


The facts indicate that for the few lazy would-be killers deterred by gun laws, there are many more murderous thugs emboldened by the prospect of an unarmed law-abiding populace to prey upon.


The deterrent effect of gun ownership is real and well-documented.  Most often, firing shots is unnecessary.



Killing someone with a gun is a little different than a knife.  Killing someone with a gun is way way more easier andway more accurate to kill someone than a knife or whatever.  Big difference.



People can, have, and do murder with many things other than guns, and have done so for millennia before the gun was invented.


But you do bring up a valid point.  It's usually far easier for one to defend against an attacker with a gun than with a knife, bare fists, or what have you.  Especially for those physically weaker.

Remember, God created all men great and small.  Sam Colt made them equal.


The right to self defense remains the central issue here, and government has no right to deprive people of the means to self-defense.  All the bickering over statistics is smoke and mirrors to distract from the real issue.

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The deterrent effect of gun ownership is real and well-documented.  Most often, firing shots is unnecessary.

Interesting. Could you provide a source?


Remember, God created all men great and small.  Sam Colt made them equal.


I love this.

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Gun shows involve the same checks as guns bought in stores. Ignorance.



actually no they don't as has been shown by under cover videos on cnn(I think that was the channel).  Ignorance is assuming all gun owns are perfect citizens and upstanding and would never break the law.

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Only gubbmint can be trusted to use the right to violence. They are wise and exercise their powers judiciously. Private citizens do not. People who grow unapproved plants are rightly assaulted, battered, and kidnapped. This is good. Because badge, uniform, tax power!





seriously, when it comes to your views on government I disregard everything you say.  You advocate for anarchy and survival of the fittest.  Its not a form of law that would EVER work. 


Also you do know the constitution which you hold to for your second amendment comes from the government.  So kind of funny how you want no government unless it agrees with your point.  Then you like government.  Very hypocritical.

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Have you bought a gun illegally? I'm sure it's not a walk to wal-mart but I bet even I could find an illegal arms dealer if I really tried. Drugs are pretty easy to get and they're illegal. There are brothels all over my city. Prostitution is illegal, is it not? 




I wouldn't think that a killer would have any trouble dealing with shady people. He is shady. I'm willing to bet he has at least 10 shady friends. Even if he doesn't want to do the dirty deed himself, he can find someone to do it. You don't realize how ridiculously easy it is to anonymously hire a hitman (Don't pm me asking me how. That's stupid). If someone wants to be evil, he or she will be. 



And your credible argument went out the window when you implied all killers have shady friends.  Cause no one ever commits murder in the heat of the moment.  I mean we never hear about some killers who were just the nicest people and no one would have suspected anything.  Making up stuff to try to make your point makes you look very bad. 

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actually no they don't as has been shown by under cover videos on cnn(I think that was the channel).  Ignorance is assuming all gun owns are perfect citizens and upstanding and would never break the law.

The private sales made at gun shows can occur anywhere. The failure of licensed dealers to file paperwork can also occur anywhere, and the absence of a transfer from a weapon purchased by the normal means involving FFL would be a problem. There is no gun show loophole. Sorry you don't know how it works. I happen to know the FFL rules pretty well.

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