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That More Gun Control Would Reduce Gun Violence, Is Common Sense


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people can almost surely find studies to support their agenda no matter the side of the debate.


but one thing that is inescabpable is that we should have back ground checks. 40% of all sales are done without a check. why allow legally to a criminal something that should be illegal?

you may say youself "most" of those checks are annoyances. that means not all of em are. and you say bad people will find a way to get a gun, but to say what i said before, not all of them will. bob is violent prone. he can't get a gun legally. so he doesn't. when he goes off and doesn't have a gun, someone is saved. this is simple common sense. sometimes people like bob will get the gun, sure. not always. in fact id guess not usually. again most people are not black hoodies who will stop at nothing to get a gun. 

why not err on the side of caution?

it will surely some some lives.

i can also cite the study that says if you havea gun in your home, you and those around you are more likely to be harmed because of it. this also points to the fact that limiting who has a gun, and the ease in getting one, will surely reduce violence.
even if some livesa saved wasn't statistically significant, it's still lives saved. it can only help. but it's more than statistically significant. it's obivous that it'd help reduce gun violence.

Cite every study you want. It won't make me your property.



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for some views, no empirical data is sufficient. but tot hose who act like it matters, or that if we can reduce violence with control, this stuff matters. even if both sides can cite their study and be content with their position overall, they cannot get around basic logic and common sense, particularly the last post i made, and it's not even like this stuff has no study behind it.

at a certain point you have to put your own reasoning behind your position when the studies are all over the place as they are. take the most solid studies like i did, and the most solid logic... and you can't keep acting like no control works at all in any country, and as if it's something we shouldn't do.

it's incontroveritable. it's basic common sense and logic.

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for some views, no empirical data is sufficient. but tot hose who act like it matters, or that if we can reduce violence with control, this stuff matters. even if both sides can cite their study and be content with their position overall, they cannot get around basic logic and common sense, particularly the last post i made, and it's not even like this stuff has no study behind it.

at a certain point you have to put your own reasoning behind your position when the studies are all over the place as they are. take the most solid studies like i did, and the most solid logic... and you can't keep acting like no control works at all in any country, and as if it's something we shouldn't do.

it's incontroveritable. it's basic common sense and logic.


You find violence by people in uniform acceptable. I don't. Go about your business.

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i usually dont engage your position much cause it is so much an outlier to even the small fraction of people who are against absolutely any control.


but one thing i will say is that i don't support violence by those in uniform unless it is justified by law. the only thing i am trying to do to non uniformed folks is say "if you commit violent crimes etc etc you can't have a gun or you have to do X Y Z" etc.


so it's not even like i'm distinguishing byu uniform or not. just by violence propensity.


my guess is my sentiment is the same sentiment of most people. your main concern "why take guns away from everyone else but the uniformed" isn't really much of valid concern in that most eople don't even think that sorta stuff to begin with.

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Gun Control=People will get them anyway



im not sure if people just dont read all the posts in the thread or what. that's my guess. it's just a travisty people keep repeating the same old lies etc.

you say bad people will find a way to get a gun, but to say what i said before, not all of them will. bob is violent prone. he can't get a gun legally. so he doesn't. when he goes off and doesn't have a gun, someone is saved. this is simple common sense. sometimes people like bob will get the gun, sure. not always. in fact id guess not usually. again most people are not black hoodies who will stop at nothing to get a gun. 

why not err on the side of caution?

it will surely some some lives.

i can also cite the study that says if you havea gun in your home, you and those around you are more likely to be harmed because of it. this also points to the fact that limiting who has a gun, and the ease in getting one, will surely reduce violence.
even if some livesa saved wasn't statistically significant, it's still lives saved. it can only help. but it's more than statistically significant. it's obivous that it'd help reduce gun violence.

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im not sure if people just dont read all the posts in the thread or what. that's my guess. it's just a travisty people keep repeating the same old lies etc.

you say bad people will find a way to get a gun, but to say what i said before, not all of them will. bob is violent prone. he can't get a gun legally. so he doesn't. when he goes off and doesn't have a gun, someone is saved. this is simple common sense. sometimes people like bob will get the gun, sure. not always. in fact id guess not usually. again most people are not black hoodies who will stop at nothing to get a gun. 

why not err on the side of caution?

it will surely some some lives.

i can also cite the study that says if you havea gun in your home, you and those around you are more likely to be harmed because of it. this also points to the fact that limiting who has a gun, and the ease in getting one, will surely reduce violence.
even if some livesa saved wasn't statistically significant, it's still lives saved. it can only help. but it's more than statistically significant. it's obivous that it'd help reduce gun violence.


I am talking about all the smart people who want their guns still.  And some will stay away from them.

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Gun violence has been on the decline for the last twenty years.  The fact that some gun violence has made the news recently doesn't change the fact that there is now less of it.




"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."


Rahm Emanuel

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There's no debate to be had. The statements about gun laws in other countries are ethnocentric statements advanced by statists, and I described my feelings about that.

At any rate, one side of the debate is advancing non-aggression. That would be me. I'm the adult. The other side is a bunch of children who believe in hitting people who won't do what they want.

Hey, your side is winning. Savor the victory.

Well if everyone on your side acts like you its no wonder your side is losing. When you have the inability to act like an adult its kind of hard to take anything you say seriously. All I see is an adult who is immature and acts childish. Hopefully the rest of your side doesnt act this way or you guys stand no chance. Cause if you cant act like an adult a real debate can never start.
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im not sure if people just dont read all the posts in the thread or what. that's my guess. it's just a travisty people keep repeating the same old lies etc.

you say bad people will find a way to get a gun, but to say what i said before, not all of them will. bob is violent prone. he can't get a gun legally. so he doesn't. when he goes off and doesn't have a gun, someone is saved. this is simple common sense. sometimes people like bob will get the gun, sure. not always. in fact id guess not usually. again most people are not black hoodies who will stop at nothing to get a gun. 

why not err on the side of caution?

it will surely some some lives.

i can also cite the study that says if you havea gun in your home, you and those around you are more likely to be harmed because of it. this also points to the fact that limiting who has a gun, and the ease in getting one, will surely reduce violence.
even if some livesa saved wasn't statistically significant, it's still lives saved. it can only help. but it's more than statistically significant. it's obivous that it'd help reduce gun violence.


If Bob is willing to die or go to prison, Bob will find a way to get a gun


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