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Unban The171 Or Fight My Wrath!


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You know, I have few shirts, and I'd love to have a small Phatmass Church Militant shirt...


MIkolbe, what can I say? You love chicken, you love hugs, and you're wickedly funny. What's not to love about that? It's absolutely amazing to simply know you.

sounds like SOMEone's getting a Church Militant shirt!!!!

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sounds like SOMEone's getting a Church Militant shirt!!!!


I can't help but feel you either aren't talking about me, or are just screwing with me in general. :unsure:

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you have good reason to think that..


but i'm srs.


and make sure it is ok with your adults.

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you have good reason to think that..


but i'm srs.


and make sure it is ok with your adults.


I :heart: you. :love:


I'll message you later about it.

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I see the 171 every day. It's an exit for a highway I drive on everyday, it goes to the State Zoological park. :|

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See, it's nice that you can do that, but I'm a woman over here. Can't just "be a man and buy my own." 


You dirty sexist, you. :P (kidding...don't ban me...)


You have a right to call me names, AND DON'T FORGET IT! They may take our lives, but they will never take our PHREEEEDOMM!!! 


Work it, sister. 





i wouldn't be able to afford a shirt that would fit you... so good lookin' out...





Dawwwww..  :love:

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Hey MIkolbe, I'm just going to be a man and buy my own shirt instead of trying to love-talk you into buying one for me.. is that cool? 

Why do you think it's about the shirts? Can't we love-talk just to love-talk?

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