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Unban The171 Or Fight My Wrath!


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This doesn't seem ban worthy.
Also Mortify is a jerk.


[mod] language-- HSM [/mod]

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I wasn't aware that such a slight offense could merit suspension. Huh.

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I wasn't aware that such a slight offense could merit suspension. Huh.

Me neither. Or that making a thread asking for the release of your friend in a very polite way (even saying I love everyone) could get me warned. :(

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learn the difference between being suspended and being banned....


Suspension is just a fancy word for temp-ban.

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TJMH, I was going to make a thread much like this a few days ago, but I was afraid I'd get suspended too.

This must be a conspiracy.

Edited by FutureCarmeliteClaire
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On Catholic Answers Forums once, I got an infraction for something I didn't know was against the rules. I then told someone that I got the infraction (Politely, with no scorn or anything), and got another infraction for telling people I got an infraction.

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no you didn't

How does one see their warnings? I remember it used to be below the username but it's not anymore.


And I did so get warned! I won't mention who warned me, for fear of being warned again and suspended. :( It made me acknowledge the warning and everything. 

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your face needs a temp-ban


My face has a perma-ban. Which is why I don't post pictures of my face on Phatmass.

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