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Nude Art


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Certainly. Prudence is of the utmost important. But I am talking about inherent sinfulness, or lack thereof, and I think that is amply demonstrated.

Sorry, but I'm not quite sure I understand yet..... we are ALL weak from Eden, as you know... and there is an inherent tendency to sin because of that... especially in regards to human body. Why would Adam and Eve then have to come to a realization that they were naked?

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Nihil Obstat

Sorry, but I'm not quite sure I understand yet..... we are ALL weak from Eden, as you know... and there is an inherent tendency to sin because of that... especially in regards to human body. Why would Adam and Eve then have to come to a realization that they were naked?

Nudity is not sinful in and of itself, but the fall of mankind causes it to be easily disordered such that if can lead to lust. But the link between nudity and lust is accidental, not essential. Thus nudity can be disconnected from lust and presented in a licit context.

And legitimate art is, as far as I am concerned, among the most proper of contexts for nudity. Right up there with nudity between spouses.

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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Basilisa Marie

Sorry, but I'm not quite sure I understand yet..... we are ALL weak from Eden, as you know... and there is an inherent tendency to sin because of that... especially in regards to human body. Why would Adam and Eve then have to come to a realization that they were naked?


A temptation to sin is not the same as a sin. 


Edit: What Nihil said. 

Edited by Basilisa Marie
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Wouldn't it be more relevant and worthwhile to crusade against, say, I dunno, maybe PORNOGRAPHY?   In the 21st century, nudity in art is the least of our problems.

Edited by Chestertonian
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Does anyone here know what the sin of Scandal is or believe it is sinful?

Edited by jim111
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It is my understanding is that the reason women are to keep covered is because they are an occasion for sin. The reason I am saying bodies in art should be covered is because it is an occasion for sin. My reasoning my be false, but that's how i see it.


I can look at naked people in real life and see the beauty and dignity of the human body, this does not make it OK to look at naked women.


I'm sorry, but are women not people? One of the problems that can arise from nude depictions of the human form is objectification of a human being. But your language also appears to objectify women by turning them into objects of regulation.


Please stop talking about women as if they're objects. It's offensive.

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Nihil Obstat

Does anyone here know what the sin of Scandal is or believe it is sinful?

Fear not. We all understand scandal. But let us not change the subject.
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Fear not. We all understand scandal. But let us not change the subject.


Basil does not.





'Miserable is the man that gives scandal! Our Lord says: He that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Is there the least glimmer of hope for a man who is cast into the sea with a millstone about his neck? The Gospel appears to say that there is no greater hope for the salvation of the authors of scandal.
St. John Chrysostom writes that the Lord is more inclined to show mercy to those who commit other more grievous sins, than to those who are guilty of the sin of scandal. What! says the Lord to the authors of scandal, are you not satisfied with offending me by your own sins? Do you wish to induce others also to insult me? In the Mirror of Examples, it is related that Jesus Christ said one day to a scandalous sinner, "Accursed wretch, you have despised what I have purchased by my blood."
A mortal sin of scandal is committed by women who go about with their bosom immodestly exposed, or who expose their limbs improperly. Also by actors in immodest comedies, and still more by the persons who compose such comedies; also by painters who paint obscene pictures, and by the heads of families who keep such pictures in their houses. The father who speaks obscenely, or blasphemes the saints, in presence of his children, and the mother who brings into her house to live among her daughters young men who are in love with them, or betrothed to them, or other suspected persons, are guilty of a still more grievous sin of scandal. Some mothers say: do not suspect any evil. I answer, that it is their duty to suspect; otherwise they will have to render to God an account of all the sins which may follow.

St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Doctor of the Church

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Archaeology cat

Alcohol in moderation is good. With the exception of marriage, no amount of lust is ever good, even in moderation it is always an evil.

 lust is always wrong, even in marriage.  

Basil does not.
'Miserable is the man that gives scandal! Our Lord says: He that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Is there the least glimmer of hope for a man who is cast into the sea with a millstone about his neck? The Gospel appears to say that there is no greater hope for the salvation of the authors of scandal.
St. John Chrysostom writes that the Lord is more inclined to show mercy to those who commit other more grievous sins, than to those who are guilty of the sin of scandal. What! says the Lord to the authors of scandal, are you not satisfied with offending me by your own sins? Do you wish to induce others also to insult me? In the Mirror of Examples, it is related that Jesus Christ said one day to a scandalous sinner, "Accursed wretch, you have despised what I have purchased by my blood."
A mortal sin of scandal is committed by women who go about with their bosom immodestly exposed, or who expose their limbs improperly. Also by actors in immodest comedies, and still more by the persons who compose such comedies; also by painters who paint obscene pictures, and by the heads of families who keep such pictures in their houses. The father who speaks obscenely, or blasphemes the saints, in presence of his children, and the mother who brings into her house to live among her daughters young men who are in love with them, or betrothed to them, or other suspected persons, are guilty of a still more grievous sin of scandal. Some mothers say: do not suspect any evil. I answer, that it is their duty to suspect; otherwise they will have to render to God an account of all the sins which may follow.
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Doctor of the Church

But is classical nude art obscene? I would argue not.
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Nihil Obstat

lust is always wrong, even in marriage. But is classical nude art obscene? I would argue not.

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I see what your saying about just repeating the same thing.

What makes a real person standing naked obscene, but a piece of art not obscene.

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Nihil Obstat

I see what your saying about just repeating the same thing.
What makes a real person standing naked obscene, but a piece of art not obscene.

Nudity is not inherently obscene.
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It is my understanding is that the reason women are to keep covered is because they are an occasion for sin. 


i sincerely hope you are trolling, and do not actually believe that. if you do, methinks you need a sound spiritual director, and to step away from teh interwebz for like, ever. 

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Alcohol in moderation is good. With the exception of marriage, no amount of lust is ever good, even in moderation it is always an evil.


it's still not okay to lust, even in marriage. 


edit: archaeology cat beat me to it :) 

Edited by Lil Red
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