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Plan B For 15yr Olds.


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Yes, but many do not.  :disguise:


Life begins at fertilization. At the point of fertilization, the zygote has genetic material that has recombined. This makes the zygote genetically distinct from the mother and father, and further development is inevitable.

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Life begins at fertilization. At the point of fertilization, the zygote has genetic material that has recombined. This makes the zygote genetically distinct from the mother and father, and further development is inevitable.

Unless you take Plan B and then the baby cannot implant into the uterus and gets aborted.  :|

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Unless you take Plan B and then the baby cannot implant into the uterus and gets aborted.  :|


Yes, this is the nucleus of the point we have been debating. From what I have read, I do not believe plan b can do this. 

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Nihil Obstat

It clearly states that there is no evidence for any other mechanism of action other than preventing ovulation.

If we are reading the same passage, it says that some studies show it does prevent implantation, and some recent studies show it does not, therefore they have not reached a definitive conclusion.
"Some studies have shown histologic or biochemical alterations in the endometrium after treatment with the regimen, leading to the conclusion that combined ECPs may act by impairing endometrial receptivity to subsequent implantation of a fertilized egg.54,57,58,59 However, other more recent studies have found no such effects on the endometrium.53,60,61"

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Even if studies proved it's not abortifacient (They haven't), it's still wrong to hand out contraception. Contraception is evil, and it shouldn't be handed out like candy to our nation's teens.

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If we are reading the same passage, it says that some studies show it does prevent implantation, and some recent studies show it does not, therefore they have not reached a definitive conclusion.
"Some studies have shown histologic or biochemical alterations in the endometrium after treatment with the regimen, leading to the conclusion that combined ECPs may act by impairing endometrial receptivity to subsequent implantation of a fertilized egg.54,57,58,59 However, other more recent studies have found no such effects on the endometrium.53,60,61"


Generally, it is safe to assume the more recent studies are more accurate. 


It also says no clinical data exists regarding the modification of the function of the endometrium through plan b. 

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Nihil Obstat

Generally, it is safe to assume the more recent studies are more accurate. 


It also says no clinical data exists regarding the modification of the function of the endometrium through plan b. 

Does not mean we can just throw out previous results. Especially when the stakes are literally life and death.

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Even if studies proved it's not abortifacient (They haven't), it's still wrong to hand out contraception. Contraception is evil, and it shouldn't be handed out like candy to our nation's teens.


You would have to buy it. And while it is immoral, I seriously doubt that it is murder. 

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Does not mean we can just throw out previous results. Especially when the stakes are literally life and death.


There is a lot of contradictory evidence in similar scientific studies. As medical technology and research advance, the accuracy of their claims should advance. 

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As one who has lost a sibling to abortion, I beg everyone to see that even if the chances of Plan B causes abortion are minuscule, they do in fact still exist, and it hurts more than just the aborted baby when that life is taken, either purposefully or "accidentally." 

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Does not mean we can just throw out previous results. Especially when the stakes are literally life and death.

I said I wouldn't post here again... oh well.
If this study is accurate, then it could make pro-life organizations look bad if they continue to argue the contrary. It might be safer to say that we're not sure. 

Edited by CatholicsAreKewl
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I said I wouldn't post here again... oh well.
If this study is accurate, then it could make pro-life organizations look bad if they continue to argue the contrary. It might be safer to say that we're not sure. 

But in the mean time, it is much safer and more responsible to err on the side of caution and NOT give out possible abortifacients to 15 year olds  (or anyone, for that matter...)

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I suppose I'm being ignored... oh well.


At what stage of pregnancy does this study conclude pregnancy begins? Conception or some other stage after that?



Whether or not a study will admit the abortive effects of Emergency Contraception depends on when they believe pregnancy begins. If the study you posted earlier does not agree that conception is when pregnancy begins then it's findings may be in error.


ECPs do not interrupt an established pregnancy, defined by medical authorities such as the United States Food and Drug Administration/National Institutes of Health and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists as beginning with implantation. Therefore, ECPs are not abortifacient.

To make an informed choice, women must know that ECPs- like all regular hormonal contraceptives such as the birth control pill, the implant Implanon, the vaginal ring NuvaRing, the Evra patch and the injectable Depo-Provera and even breastfeeding—prevent pregnancy primarily by delaying of inhibiting ovulation and inhibiting fertilization, but may at times inhibit the implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium.
- Emergency Contraception: A Last Chance to Prevent Unintended Pregnancy


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The mechanisms preventing implantation are built into these pills because a woman may have already ovulated when she takes plan b. Also, if the mechanism of plan b was always effective in preventing ovulation, then it would be 100% effective but it's not. So it is entirely possible that in an individual case it may prevent ovulation (and by default, conception), but it can also prevent implantation after conception. 

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If you would like to talk with my mother, please pm me your phone number so I can arrange it.


Toooo bad Plan B wasn't around in your mama's day.

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