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Plan B For 15yr Olds.


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Plan B, just like all hormonal birth control pills, works in 3 ways. Plan B is exactly the same as regular birth control pills. The only difference is that Plan B is a much higher dosage and works faster. All hormonal birth control pills, including Plan B, work in this way:


1) Mechanism one. This is the process that is on the package and that everyone knows about. It tries to (and usually succeeds) "inhibit" ovulation. This means the eggs are not released and therefore cannot be fertilized. No human is created. No abortion occurs. 


2) When the pill fails in its first mechanism, above, and the eggs ARE released, then the next mechanism is that it causes the cervical mucus to thicken, thereby making it much harder for the sperm to reach the eggs. If this works, no fertilization occurs, and no human is created. No abortion.


3) If both the above mechanisms fail, and eggs do in fact release (which happens in 3-5% of cycles), and the sperm manage to get through the thickened cervical mucus, and they do reach the egg and fertilize it, then a new human being is created. The third and final mechanism of the Plan B pill is that it makes the uterus a hostile environment to the newly fertilized egg (the tiny human) and the uterine lining is too harsh to allow the newly created human to implant. Because the newly created human cannot implant in the uterus, it dies and is flushed out of the body. This is abortion. 


Have you heard of the "Revolt Against Contraception," www.1flesh.org? Right now our site is under construction, but I'm working with them. I'm one of the founding mothers for http://1fleshaggies.org/. Check it out. Sorry that 1flesh.org is currently under construction. We will be back up within a week. 



The only trouble is that #2 and #3 are not backed by any scientific evidence. It was formerly thought that those were additional mechanisms of action, but recent studies suggest that plan b does not prevent a fertilized egg from becoming viable. 

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The only trouble is that #2 and #3 are not backed by any scientific evidence. It was formerly thought that those were additional mechanisms of action, but recent studies suggest that plan b does not prevent a fertilized egg from becoming viable. 


Other studies have also suggested that it still it could cause abortions.





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This is not a scientific study. This is a pro-life website. 

your face is a pro-life website.

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This is not a scientific study. This is a pro-life website. 


If you bothered to read the article you'd see it references a scientific study.

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If you bothered to read the article you'd see it references a scientific study.


I read the article. I am also familiar with scientific literature. Can you send me a more specific link to the study you are referring? 

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I read the article. I am also familiar with scientific literature. Can you send me a more specific link to the study you are referring? 


It was linked in the article, I should have just linked to the study but I'm pressed for time, this is one of the first free times during this week I've had in a looong time, plus I thought the prolife artificial made very good points for us all to consider.



Edited by KnightofChrist
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It was linked in the article, I should have just linked to the study but I'm pressed for time, this is one of the first free times during this week I've had in a looong time, plus I thought the prolife artificial made very good points for us all to consider.




I read the whole PDF version of the study. They are saying there is no conclusion on whether or not plan b is abortive. The one I cited earlier through the National Institute of Health says there is no data to suggest that plan b is abortive. 

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There's a reason it's called an emergency contraceptive. That is because it's a contraceptive. 



contraceptives can cause abortions, you know that right?

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Here is a link to an official FDA fact sheet http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2009/021998lbl.pdf

Relevant portion: 

12.1 Mechanism of Action 
Emergency contraceptive pills are not effective if a woman is already pregnant. Plan B One-Step is believed to act as an emergency contraceptive principally by 
preventing ovulation or fertilization (by altering tubal transport of sperm and/or ova). In addition, it may inhibit implantation (by altering the endometrium). It is 
not effective once the process of implantation has begun.


My question: If it "MAY INHIBIT IMPLANTATION" (thus causing abortion), why on earth would you want to take that chance, no matter how small a chance it is??? That's a life being lost!


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Here is a link to an official FDA fact sheet http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2009/021998lbl.pdf

Relevant portion: 

12.1 Mechanism of Action 
Emergency contraceptive pills are not effective if a woman is already pregnant. Plan B One-Step is believed to act as an emergency contraceptive principally by 
preventing ovulation or fertilization (by altering tubal transport of sperm and/or ova). In addition, it may inhibit implantation (by altering the endometrium). It is 
not effective once the process of implantation has begun.


My question: If it "MAY INHIBIT IMPLANTATION" (thus causing abortion), why on earth would you want to take that chance, no matter how small a chance it is??? That's a life being lost!



"may inhibit"


there is no scientific evidence proving this is a mechanism of action


breathing polluted air MAY cause an abortion 

Edited by jeffboom
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My question: If it "MAY INHIBIT IMPLANTATION" (thus causing abortion), why on earth would you want to take that chance, no matter how small a chance it is??? That's a life being lost!


May means it might. It might cause abortion. Why would you take the risk??

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My question: If it "MAY INHIBIT IMPLANTATION" (thus causing abortion), why on earth would you want to take that chance, no matter how small a chance it is??? That's a life being lost!


May means it might. It might cause abortion. Why would you take the risk??


I am not advocating the use of plan b. I am just saying that it probably does not cause abortions. Morally there is a huge difference between contraception and abortion. 


There are many environmental and behavioral factors that are more likely to cause abortion than plan b. 

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Plan B probably won't cause an abortion most of the time, but it MAY INHIBIT IMPLANTATION which means it MAY CAUSE ABORTION.


That is too high a risk to take.

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