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Plan B For 15yr Olds.


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It's called the abortion pill.


Teach your children well. 


Procreation, not recreation!


The "abortion pill" is something entirely different. 

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The "abortion pill" is something entirely different. 

If you believe the pharmaceutical companies....then your daddy must own one.

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If you believe the pharmaceutical companies....then your daddy must own one.


"Plan B" = Levonorgestrel


"The Abortion Pill" = Mifepristone


...are you for real?

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"Plan B" = Levonorgestrel


"The Abortion Pill" = Mifepristone


...are you for real?

Yes, I'm for real. duh.


If it's not an abortion pill,  then why do people take it the "day after" and not the day before.


Where's your mother, i'd like to have a talk with her.

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Yes, I'm for real. duh.


If it's not an abortion pill,  then why do people take it the "day after" and not the day before.


Where's your mother, i'd like to have a talk with her.


You obviously don't understand how it works. Maybe researching before you speak is a good idea. 

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Archaeology cat

Yes, I'm for real. duh.
If it's not an abortion pill,  then why do people take it the "day after" and not the day before.
Where's your mother, i'd like to have a talk with her.

Because maybe the couple had intercourse before the woman ovulated. Conception can occur up to 7 days after intercourse. Now, that being said, it isn't defined as abortifacient because the medical community has defined the beginning of pregnancy as implantation, not fertilisation. We Catholics, however, hold that life begins at fertilisation. Plan B, and any other hormonal contraceptive can prevent implantation, though there is no way to know how often such happens.
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Because maybe the couple had intercourse before the woman ovulated. Conception can occur up to 7 days after intercourse. Now, that being said, it isn't defined as abortifacient because the medical community has defined the beginning of pregnancy as implantation, not fertilisation. We Catholics, however, hold that life begins at fertilisation. Plan B, and any other hormonal contraceptive can prevent implantation, though there is no way to know how often such happens.


There is no scientific evidence that plan b prevents implantation. Fertilization would be incredibly unlikely after taking plan b because the ovulation is delayed for longer than sperm can live inside a woman's body. 

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Still waiting on someone with theological knowledge to respond. Does this put plan b on the same level as other contraceptives in the Church's eyes?

Edited by CatholicsAreKewl
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Nihil Obstat

Still waiting on someone with theological knowledge to respond. Does this put plan b on the same level as other contraceptives in the Church's eyes?

I am reluctant comment without the scientific knowledge, personally. I have not had time to read those things about how this pill functions.
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Yes, I'm for real. duh.


If it's not an abortion pill,  then why do people take it the "day after" and not the day before.


Where's your mother, i'd like to have a talk with her.


If you would like to talk with my mother, please pm me your phone number so I can arrange it. 

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Plan B, just like all hormonal birth control pills, works in 3 ways. Plan B is exactly the same as regular birth control pills. The only difference is that Plan B is a much higher dosage and works faster. All hormonal birth control pills, including Plan B, work in this way:


1) Mechanism one. This is the process that is on the package and that everyone knows about. It tries to (and usually succeeds) "inhibit" ovulation. This means the eggs are not released and therefore cannot be fertilized. No human is created. No abortion occurs. 


2) When the pill fails in its first mechanism, above, and the eggs ARE released, then the next mechanism is that it causes the cervical mucus to thicken, thereby making it much harder for the sperm to reach the eggs. If this works, no fertilization occurs, and no human is created. No abortion.


3) If both the above mechanisms fail, and eggs do in fact release (which happens in 3-5% of cycles), and the sperm manage to get through the thickened cervical mucus, and they do reach the egg and fertilize it, then a new human being is created. The third and final mechanism of the Plan B pill is that it makes the uterus a hostile environment to the newly fertilized egg (the tiny human) and the uterine lining is too harsh to allow the newly created human to implant. Because the newly created human cannot implant in the uterus, it dies and is flushed out of the body. This is abortion. 


Have you heard of the "Revolt Against Contraception," www.1flesh.org? Right now our site is under construction, but I'm working with them. I'm one of the founding mothers for http://1fleshaggies.org/. Check it out. Sorry that 1flesh.org is currently under construction. We will be back up within a week. 

Edited by ToJesusMyHeart
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Since the writers weren't considerate enough to offer a Spark Notes version, I did a lazy job of collecting quotes from this article by searching "implantation". I have no idea what any of this means, though. 



Still seems there's a chance it may "interfere with post-fertilization events" and there's the crux of the problem. Even if it's a really small chance it would be considered negligence. Now, I don't have time to read through all of these studies, and at first glance the results seem optimistic. I would very much like to believe that plan-b and other birth control has absolutely no chance of creating a hostile environment for a newly formed human being before it can attach and thus "begin the pregnancy," but science rarely speaks in absolutes. The results seem to be mixed even if they are predominately in favor (at this point in time) of one view over the other.


The second quote you have is no good. It's just been saying what I've already said, and which archeology cat addressed. "Pregnancy" in medical usage does not mean "at conception" but rather "at implantation." We all know these pills can't affect the human organism that has been implanted. That's not the issue.

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When you purchase Plan B, you get two pills. Each pill contains 0.75 milligrams of levonorgestrel. You take the first pill as soon as possible after unprotected sex, and you take the second pill 12 hours later.


Levonorgestrel prevents pregnancy, as I said above, either by stopping the ovulation process, by disrupting the ability of sperm and egg to meet in the fallopian tubes, or by preventing the fertilized egg (newly created human) from implanting in the uterus by making the uterine lining less receptive to the egg. This = abortion.


Levonorgestrel does this by disrupting the natural hormonal cycle. It contains a synthetic form of progesterone (regular birth-control pills contain it in lower doses). The high doses of progesterone in Plan B are disruptive enough to prevent fertilization (no abortion) or implantation (early abortion).

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