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Bikers On The Road


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Today as I was driving home and when I came to a red light, there was a man on his bicycle behind a car right on the road stopped in front of me at the light.

When the light went green he started pedaling as was expected but of course...he was SUPER slow.

He seemed to bike off to the side while going through the intersection and I wasnt sure if thats just because bikes are small and dont take up much room or if he was moving over knowing that he was slower and was letting me pass.


I had no idea what to do.

I know people say we should treat them like cars...so I shouldn't pass him right? (which I did).

BUT I DONT KNOW! He really scared me! There was a sidewalk RIGHT on the side of the road so I was upset he wasnt using it.

I know there are a lot of road biker advocates out there but Im not one of them. A car running into a biker I feel is so much more dangerous than a biker running into a pedestrian on the sidewalk. Which scenario has the potential for greater harm?


It really makes me nervous seeing bikers on the road and I dont like worrying about them!!! It scares me!!!


Maybe someone can offer some insight into the opposing view? 

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Today as I was driving home and when I came to a red light, there was a man on his bicycle behind a car right on the road stopped in front of me at the light.

When the light went green he started pedaling as was expected but of course...he was SUPER slow.

He seemed to bike off to the side while going through the intersection and I wasnt sure if thats just because bikes are small and dont take up much room or if he was moving over knowing that he was slower and was letting me pass.


I had no idea what to do.

I know people say we should treat them like cars...so I shouldn't pass him right? (which I did).

BUT I DONT KNOW! He really scared me! There was a sidewalk RIGHT on the side of the road so I was upset he wasnt using it.

I know there are a lot of road biker advocates out there but Im not one of them. A car running into a biker I feel is so much more dangerous than a biker running into a pedestrian on the sidewalk. Which scenario has the potential for greater harm?


It really makes me nervous seeing bikers on the road and I dont like worrying about them!!! It scares me!!!


Maybe someone can offer some insight into the opposing view? 


As a biker who rides in the road, I have a few things to say about this.


First, it's almost always a very very bad idea to ride a bike on a sidewalk. You can very seriously injure yourself and other pedestrians if you run into someone, almost as badly as a biker might be injured being hit by a car on a typical residential street. Also you are much more likely to hit a pedestrian while you bike on a sidewalk because there is so little room, and if someone steps out in front of you from behind a hedge or something you'll be on the pavement and they'll be eating your front tire before you can do anything. You are actually much less likely to be hit by a car on a street, which has much more space to dodge, and more space to be seen. Also, if you are riding in the road and happen to be hit because someone did not respect your right of way, you have some legal recourse (assuming you live. :P)


Bicyclists using the road should be traveling on the same side as traffic, and while it's generally not considered good form to pass a biker, very few people know this and do it anyway, and so bikers will almost always stay to the outside of the lane or ride in the shoulder. It's not illegal that I know of however, as bicycles are NOT the same as cars, and are not treated the same way.


That said, bicyclists using the road must abide by all the usual rules of the road, including obeying all traffic signs, signaling turns, obeying the posted speed limit (yes, but lol) and also observing right of way. I also think it rather odd that this biker chose to sit in the middle of a lane of traffic at an intersection, though this is legal and allows a biker to get a safe start when the light changes without being passed by multiple vehicles, which can be dangerous at intersections with lights because car drivers assume the light protects their crossing and do not usually observe their surroundings carefully.

I know you don't like worrying about bikers. So don't worry about them! Especially if you see bikers with helmets and biking clothes on, who look like they know what they are doing. Trust them, they know what they are doing. Get around them, leave them space, and move along. You'll be around them for only a few seconds at best. :)

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Loud pipes save lives!


Oh, you meant bicyclists.

Be careful.

Christians should share the road too!



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Today as I was driving home and when I came to a red light, there was a man on his bicycle behind a car right on the road stopped in front of me at the light.

When the light went green he started pedaling as was expected but of course...he was SUPER slow.

He seemed to bike off to the side while going through the intersection and I wasnt sure if thats just because bikes are small and dont take up much room or if he was moving over knowing that he was slower and was letting me pass.


I had no idea what to do.

I know people say we should treat them like cars...so I shouldn't pass him right? (which I did).

BUT I DONT KNOW! He really scared me! There was a sidewalk RIGHT on the side of the road so I was upset he wasnt using it.

I know there are a lot of road biker advocates out there but Im not one of them. A car running into a biker I feel is so much more dangerous than a biker running into a pedestrian on the sidewalk. Which scenario has the potential for greater harm?


It really makes me nervous seeing bikers on the road and I dont like worrying about them!!! It scares me!!!


Maybe someone can offer some insight into the opposing view? 


You should reach out your car window and give him a nice firm slap on the butt. That should get him going. 

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and while it's generally not considered good form to pass a biker, very few people know this and do it anyway, and so bikers will almost always stay to the outside of the lane or ride in the shoulder.


I used to bike around Louisville quite a bit when I lived and worked in the city. I don't see any reason why cars should be expected to remain behind a bicycle. If they can safely pass, they should. I always give drivers room when I could, but if I couldn't I would take the middle of the lane in order to be seen (also at intersections for the same reason).

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Where I live we have bike lanes on the street buy then again like a third to half of the population in where I live bikes everywhere. I am not sure how cost effective it would be in your town. There are a lot thing to consider such as how many people would use and the work and material it entails.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

As a biker who rides in the road, I have a few things to say about this.


First, it's almost always a very very bad idea to ride a bike on a sidewalk. You can very seriously injure yourself and other pedestrians if you run into someone, almost as badly as a biker might be injured being hit by a car on a typical residential street. Also you are much more likely to hit a pedestrian while you bike on a sidewalk because there is so little room, and if someone steps out in front of you from behind a hedge or something you'll be on the pavement and they'll be eating your front tire before you can do anything. You are actually much less likely to be hit by a car on a street, which has much more space to dodge, and more space to be seen. Also, if you are riding in the road and happen to be hit because someone did not respect your right of way, you have some legal recourse (assuming you live. :P)




Lol, get a mountain bike than you can go up and down gutters to avoid pedestrians. I'm an anti push bikes on the road, nothing personal arfink the rest of you seems ok. LOL

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Lol, get a mountain bike than you can go up and down gutters to avoid pedestrians. I'm an anti push bikes on the road, nothing personal arfink the rest of you seems ok. LOL


Do you live in a bicycle friendly locale? 

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In some places it is illegal to ride a bike on a sidewalk.  Sidewalks are for pedestrians, streets are for vehicles.  In my bicycle safety class, they recommended staying int he middle of the lane to prevent cars from trying to pass in unsafe situations - like intersections.  Several years ago when I was riding my bike near the shoulder, two cars decided to pass me as they were turning onto a highway entrance ramp.  I wanted to continue straight, not enter the highway, but the cars didn't care.  I had to brake hard to avoid hitting the 2nd car.  According to my bake safety instructor, I should have been in the middle of the lane to prevent them from attempting to pass me. 

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Besides, if you've ever tried to walk through commercial areas that are not downtown, you know sidewalks are often in bad shape or non-existent.

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Today as I was driving home and when I came to a red light, there was a man on his bicycle behind a car right on the road stopped in front of me at the light.

When the light went green he started pedaling as was expected but of course...he was SUPER slow.

He seemed to bike off to the side while going through the intersection and I wasnt sure if thats just because bikes are small and dont take up much room or if he was moving over knowing that he was slower and was letting me pass.


I had no idea what to do.

I know people say we should treat them like cars...so I shouldn't pass him right? (which I did).

BUT I DONT KNOW! He really scared me! There was a sidewalk RIGHT on the side of the road so I was upset he wasnt using it.

I know there are a lot of road biker advocates out there but Im not one of them. A car running into a biker I feel is so much more dangerous than a biker running into a pedestrian on the sidewalk. Which scenario has the potential for greater harm?


It really makes me nervous seeing bikers on the road and I dont like worrying about them!!! It scares me!!!


Maybe someone can offer some insight into the opposing view? 





Bikers are not permitted to use a sidewalk in most locations, they are required to be on the road. In Pa, a car must give a minimum of 4 feet clearance if they are passing a bicycle even if this means the car creeps a bit into the opposing lane. Bicycles are allowed on any road that they can maintain a safe speed with the exception of highways.


50,000 people are injured every years by drivers, hundreds die, and usually because drivers will no share the road or obey the law. People forget that a biker is watching for potholes, gravel, morons opening car doors without looking,  and other road hazards at the same time they are watching out for other drivers. The road shoulder is RARELY  a safe place to ride a bike. And don't forget a biker cannot stop on a dime, or he will do a faceplant over the handlebars, so watch out a red lights and stop signs as well.


My son has been hit by a person opening a car door, a person making a right hand turn into a parking lot without looking, a person coming to a dead stop without warning,  a person who clipped him with  mirror, and a person who passed a city bus, ran him down and left him for dead.  


Bikes and bikers weigh about 200 lbs, cars 2000+. Guess who loses every time?


Edited by cmotherofpirl
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EXACTLY! So why dont they go on the sidewalk so there is no chance of them getting hit by stupid people?

I feel like a 2000+ car hitting a 200lb person/bike is worse than a biker hitting a person on the sidewalk.



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EXACTLY! So why dont they go on the sidewalk so there is no chance of them getting hit by stupid people?

I feel like a 2000+ car hitting a 200lb person/bike is worse than a biker hitting a person on the sidewalk.




It is actually much more dangerous for a bike to be on a sidewalk than to be on the road - you're more likely to get hit/hit something else on the sidewalk. This is especially true because you have to cross roads still on a sidewalk and so cars really won't notice you if you're riding your bike on the sidewalk then all of the sudden are in the crosswalk. The following gives a good explanation:



Is it Safe to Ride on the Sidewalk?
by Meghan Sahli-Wells
When cyclists are faced with streets full of speeding cars and potholes, it’s not surprising that many riders feel that sidewalks are the safest place to cycle.
However, unless you’re a small child, sidewalk riding can be significantly more dangerous than riding on the street, and in many places it’s forbidden by Culver City law. The website www.bicyclinginfo.org warns cyclists:
“Don’t ride on the sidewalk. Although you might think it’s a safer option, motorists are simply not looking for bicyclists on the sidewalk, especially those riding against traffic. So at every driveway and intersection, you are at much greater risk of being hit by a motorist than if you were riding on the road with traffic. Pedestrians will thank you for riding on the road as well.”
Sidewalk riding is dangerous for three main reasons: speed, visibility and predictability.
Cyclists travel much faster than people on foot. Pedestrians aren’t looking out for bicycles speeding down the sidewalk. It’s near impossible for them to anticipate – or avoid – sidewalk cyclists, nor should they be expected to. Remember, pedestrians have the right-of-way. Plus, a great variety of sidewalk users – people with strollers, wheelchairs or walkers, seniors, children and even pets – are not compatible with fast-moving bikes.
When riding on sidewalks, bicyclists pass driveways and cross streets at speeds that put them at odds with motorists. Often hidden behind parked cars, trees and other obstructions, sidewalk cyclists are invisible to drivers on the road until they suddenly enter a street or driveway, when most drivers won’t have enough time to stop for them.
A bicycle is a vehicle. As with all vehicles, predictability is the key to safety. Weaving in and out of intersections and around pedestrians is dangerous, because no one cannot predict what the cyclist is going to do next. As a result, drivers and pedestrians cannot prepare to deal safely with sidewalk riders.
Even though street riding is safer than sidewalk riding, it’s true that numerous Culver City streets need improvements before many bicyclists will feel secure on them. Fortunately, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan was adopted in November, which means that we will see better street conditions for biking in the future. In the meantime, cyclists may feel more comfortable on streets with lower traffic volumes. Also, taking a street safety skills class from a certified bicycle instructor will help give riders the skills and confidence they need to take to the street, regardless of its condition.
For those times when sidewalk riding can’t be avoided, for example, when riding with small children, or when faced with a particularly unsafe portion of a street, please follow these guidelines:
  • Ride slowly
  • Always give the priority to pedestrians – stop and dismount your bike if there is not enough room for pedestrians to pass
  • Say a friendly hello or ring your bell gently to warn pedestrians that you are about to pass from behind
  • Approach driveways carefully, looking both ways
  • Take extra care when going from the sidewalk onto the street and watch for turning cars
  • Never ride with headphones covering both ears
  • Never text or phone while riding
  • Always assume that pedestrians and cars do not see you: ride defensively
Finally, do not ride where it is not permitted. Under Culver City municipal code you may not ride on the sidewalk in business districts, or in front of schools, churches, playgrounds or recreation centers. In those areas, either ride on the street or dismount and walk your bike.
If you have school-aged children and are wondering when they should start riding on the street, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) suggests: “Children nine years of age and younger, are not able to identify and adjust to many dangerous traffic situations, and therefore, should not be allowed to ride in the street unsupervised. Children who are permitted to ride in the street without supervision should have the necessary skills to safely follow the “rules of the road.”
Cycling is a fun, healthy form of transportation as long as you bike safe, bike smart. Please remember to wear your helmet, ride responsibly, and continue to read this column for more tips, techniques, resources and more.



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