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I just joined (five minutes ago!) so I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a former Anglican seminarian, now a Catholic and a teacher in the UK, trying to discern a vocation, I hope, to a Benedictine house here.


I'd be grateful for your prayers - I'll pray for you too of course!



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Spem in alium

Hello! And welcome!  :welcome:


Thanks for your prayers. Will definitely be praying for you! 

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You are in my prayers. Particularly as I am currently turning my own attention to a Benedictine congregation.



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Welcome! There seem to be quite a few of us converts around here.... :nunpray: :welcome:

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Hello! It's very nice to get your acquaintance! I have a feeling EmilyAnn will be very excited by you being here. She loves Benedictines as well, and there aren't many here discerning a vocation to Benedictines.

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Bennies! I love Benedictines too, and was very close to being one a long time ago.


To love:



Tradition of hospitality - they really know how to do this!

Coversion des Moeurs - conversion of manners.



I always feel a very profound sense of peace in the non cluttered chapels and churches of the Benedictines.


Can I ask which community in the UK?


Oh, and welcome. You have my prayers, another moniale for the UK is what we need.

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Thank you all for the lovely welcome!


maximillion; for a couple of years I've been very close to an EBC house in the westcountry (that gives you two to choose from ;) ) but in recent months my discernment has seemed to be leading me towards a more strictly enclosed life, so the Solesmes Congregation is very appealing...

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