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Stream Of Consciousness Story


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Stream of consciousness writing is extremely overrated. There have been only two or three people who have done it well. If the writer  does not have a very evolved consciousness, then the stream of her/his consciousness is not worth reading. It's like watching a sewer flow instead of watching a river flow. 


The only benefit to stream of consciousness writing in schools is to help hesitant writers get over their fear of the blank page. I think Phatmassers should be beyond that by now. 

I didn't think it even had that benefit. I thought it was just amusing to see where these stories ended up.


Then one day Newton met a gopher whose name was Alexander.

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But this was no ordinary gopher; Alexander was a gopher with the ability to breathe fire.

Edited by brianthephysicist
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Alexander hadn't really mastered his ability yet and often breathed fire accidentally, sometimes at people he was talking to. This didn't bother Newton though, because he was resistant to fire. It really did pose problems with trees and family, however.

Edited by Christina Thérèse
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Alexander and Newton enjoyed spending a few hours each weekend going for long walks.... but Newton had to keep a close eye on his friend lest he move away from the cinderblock pathway.

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Alexander really wanted to go visit the famous city of Gopherville, but since it was made entirely of wood Nelson made him promise not too lest he burn it to the ground. 

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