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Do All Dogs Go To Heaven?


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I think for some people pets can almost become a false idol. So i hear what your saying T-Fish, but i also hear what your saying Meduseld how some go the total opposite way and abuse pets and think it there rite and not there responsibility. Also on one of the other posters, i agree no dogs at holy mass unless there outside of the church building, i saw a lady bring her dog into the foyer and left it in there and another lady left and got a bowl,filled it with water and gave it to the dog, all after holy mass had already started. I didn't like that much, o felt more sorry for the lady than the dog.

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St Francis started a religious order, not a dog pound.

To assume he would is delusional and prozac thinking.

People would rather adopt a dog than a foster child.


We do idolize dogs and do forget about local children in foster systems.

My dog gets tied up outside during Mass. I would let him run free, but that's against man's law.


I know a guy at the Episcopal church that brings his dog in and takes him up to the altar to receive. oy vey. That's needy!!!!!!

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St Francis started a religious order, not a dog pound.

To assume he would is delusional and prozac thinking.

People would rather adopt a dog than a foster child.


We do idolize dogs and do forget about local children in foster systems.

My dog gets tied up outside during Mass. I would let him run free, but that's against man's law.


I know a guy at the Episcopal church that brings his dog in and takes him up to the altar to receive. oy vey. That's needy!!!!!!


Hilarious. Because I've been on Prozac since I was four. That was incredibly rude, and I am by no means delusional. If I'm delusional, then you're just incredibly simple-minded. Not everything is "yes or no," and insulting me like that, however indirectly, was really unnecessary.


People would rather adopt a dog than a foster child because a dog doesn't involve TONS and TONS of support and attention, not because they don't care about children! You can leave a dog home alone while you work. You can't let a child go unsupervised for 8 hours. There's a total difference between adopting a dog and a kid. Comparing those two is ridiculous.


I don't know about having dogs participate in the Mass with people. It wouldn't bother me, but I could see it being a problem for many, and I don't object to them not allowing it. Bringing dogs to Mass isn't the issue of this thread, anyway.

Edited by Meduseld
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I strongly  believe that dogs do not go to heaven.  On the flip side, I do believe that our pet dogs, as well as all of God's creation will be with us in the New Heaven and New Earth after the end of time.  Nothing God created or brought into existance will ever be worthless or even food...that even animals like lions will be as the were in the garden...no need to kill another to survive....


...I've toyed with the idea that this goes to plants, too, everything alive in its perfection.  I'm guessing that our nourishment will be like manna...something purely of God  with all the wonders (tastes) of creation we knew...if we eat at all.

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St Francis started a religious order, not a dog pound.

To assume he would is delusional and prozac thinking.

People would rather adopt a dog than a foster child.


We do idolize dogs and do forget about local children in foster systems.

My dog gets tied up outside during Mass. I would let him run free, but that's against man's law.


I know a guy at the Episcopal church that brings his dog in and takes him up to the altar to receive. oy vey. That's needy!!!!!!



I am also offended by your line of thought.  St. Francis was very kind to animals and in some tales God used abused animals to show his glory and Francis aided them.


Of course people would rather adopt a dog than a child.  At most, an adopted dog is a 10 year comittment, at worse it can pee on your carpet and bite you, at the very least you need to feed it kibble and let it out once a day.


Kids, especally ones in foster care need constant attention.  It's a lifelong comittment, some children with attachment disorders have tried to KILL their foster parents or sibilings, you need to watch them 24/7 and provide them with good healthcare, medicine and proper food.


Not only that, but you can put all the details about a dog's life and temperment on a searchable website.  Children are humans and even the searchable adoption websites understand that.  Would you really want a child locked in a kennal for years while people walk by and pet it...becuase that's how we get dogs into homes.


It is much easier to find and care for a dog, than a child.

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None of you have ever watched the care bear movies right? There is a section of heaven in that movie that is for animals, and the care bears and children can visit there too. I think humans need to earn there place in heaven to a degree, faith and works but animals and trees don't have to earn there place because they can not make a rational choice to do charity in faith and works,though some pets can learn a few tricks and are mostly loyal to the owner if raised from infancy. Is loyalty an interlectual choice of lets say a pet dog.? Or pack instinct that the owner is the head of the pack, which is not neseccarily(sorry for the spelling.) interlect but instinc,t where they have no real choice.

I <3 care bears!!! the yellow one was my favorite!

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