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Do All Dogs Go To Heaven?


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According to your religion label, you're Catholic too.


I did not mean to say it in a manner that excluded myself. I was born Catholic, raised Catholic, and I was confirmed. 

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

None of you have ever watched the care bear movies right? There is a section of heaven in that movie that is for animals, and the care bears and children can visit there too. I think humans need to earn there place in heaven to a degree, faith and works but animals and trees don't have to earn there place because they can not make a rational choice to do charity in faith and works,though some pets can learn a few tricks and are mostly loyal to the owner if raised from infancy. Is loyalty an interlectual choice of lets say a pet dog.? Or pack instinct that the owner is the head of the pack, which is not neseccarily(sorry for the spelling.) interlect but instinc,t where they have no real choice.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

This was my actual post, i accidently hit enter somehow lol



None of you have ever watched the care bear movies right? There is a section of heaven in that movie that is for animals, and the care bears and children can visit there too. I think humans need to earn there place in heaven to a degree, faith and works but animals and trees don't have to earn there place because they can not make a rational choice to do charity in faith and works,though some pets can learn a few tricks and are mostly loyal to the owner if raised from infancy. Is loyalty an interlectual choice of lets say a pet dog.? Or pack instinct that the owner is the head of the pack, which is not necessarily  interlect but instinct, where they have no real choice. I think it may be possible that pets goto heaven, it is not a matter of infallible faith and morals if you believe they may be able to or believe they don't, unsure of the magesteriums stance upon if you say that 100% they do goto heaven and a priest preaches it from the pulpit. The church in her great mercy probably views it as your choice, and that it can't necessarily infringe upon true faith either way. This is all just my opinion anyway. Take what you can leave what you can't.



Onward christian souls.



JC " i tell you that you can not say 'he is here' or 'he is there.' for i tell you the kingdom is amongst you."


St Mary Mackillop of the cross " be eager in your desires but patient in there accomplishment."

St Francessca Cabrini "he that dares nothing recieves nothing, a missionary should be fearless."

St Paul " Drunkardness is evil." " and these will remain, faith,hope and love."


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I have a Saint Bernard.

I don't think you can be a Catholic if you don't have a Catholic dog.

Well there's exceptions to farmers and hunters, the blind, and others who need their dogs.

Tired of living in a $ociety who puts shelter dogs before sheltered humans.

St Francis of Assisi didn't start a dog rescue organization.


I'm tired of people asking me if my dog is a rescue dog. I just tell him he is a "rescue dog" duh.

Saints save humans, not dogs.


I'd give props to some people on here, but I'm not allowed to use my "props" button.


Thanks for hearing my confession. :)



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We have no idea what Heaven actually is other than it is the Beatific Vision and that at Final Judgement our souls will be reunited with our bodies and this means all who lived back to Adam and Eve and all who will live until The Second Coming.  Now this means that if all these are reunited with their bodies and we know that bodies take up space, then wherever Final Judgement takes place must be massive area beyond our imagination I would think and not currently in existence.  The only way I can come to terms with all that is that it is a great mystery, to be believed but never actually understood.  God Is Mystery and Faith can be all about accepting mystery and mystery is exactly what it states.


I dont believe that dogs, including all in the animal world have rational souls meaning there is no Beatific Vision, although mysteriously Jesus will still a have a human body as He does now, and whatever Heaven actually is in essence, I believe that "there will be a new Heaven and a new earth", whatever that means in actuality and that animals too will be there.  "In my Father's House there are many mansions".  St Paul tells us that "the whole of creation groans in a common travail" We are all awaiting, the whole of creation, the Second Coming of Jesus  - I just can't believe that God has created all the magnificent beauty that He has created in order to permit it to pass into total destruction and non existence.  God does not make in order to destroy in my book, while man with free will does have the freedom consign himself and his soul in an eternity in Hell


Joke:  A Catholic man is very ill  and is concerned about his dog, since his dog has not been baptized and thus to the man his dog is in danger of his soul.  When his parish priest visits him, he asks Father to baptize his dog.  Father castigates the man in no uncertain terms. Father is really angry for suggesting such an absurd act as baptizing an animal.


The Man says:  "Oh dear, Father, I was going to donate $20,000 for baptizing my dog.  Do you think the Anglican Church would do it for me?" 


Father: "Why on earth didn't you tell me your dog was Catholic, of course I will baptize your dog."

Edited by BarbaraTherese
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I bless my pets sometimes with holy water, and ask saint francis to pray for them. But i don't baptise them. :)

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Also in the book of Tobit (which is only in the catholic version of the holy bible) one of the main characters in the story Tobias has a pet dog. I was told it is the only book in sacred scripture that has a pet in it.

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Pets are mentioned in the Gospel - since the story of the woman asking Jesus for a cure mentions dogs that used to gather under tables to get the scraps that found their way to the ground, or those who were eating gave to them.


Acts Ch 10http://www.drbo.org/chapter/51010.htm


This made me scratch my head after being told in College that animals do not go to Heaven:


 [11] And he saw the heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending, as it were a great linen sheet let down by the four corners from heaven to the earth: [12] Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts, and creeping things of the earth, and fowls of the air. [13] And there came a voice to him: Arise, Peter; kill and eat. [14] But Peter said: Far be it from me; for I never did eat any thing that is common and unclean. [15] And the voice spoke to him again the second time: That which God hath cleansed, do not thou call common.


Haydock's Bible Commentary does not comment on the above - and to date I cannot work out how to use the Vatican Commentary http://www.clerus.org/bibliaclerus/index_eng.html


Generally speaking, The Church teaches that animals do not go to Heaven - but the crux of the matter is "define Heaven"?  If I mean by Heaven, the Beatific Vision alone, then no, animals do not go to Heaven.


Yet in the CCC we read that the common destiny of the material world and man is a "new earth" - what does The Church mean by "material world"?  To me it means what exists apart from man and his rational soul.  Our bodies are material, as are the bodies of animals, plants etc. etc.  To me "material" means "that which is not spiritual".  For "spirit" means that which exists but has not a material 'enclosure'.



"1046 For the cosmos, Revelation affirms the profound common destiny of the material world and man:


For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God . . . in hope because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay. . . . We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.639"


Edited by BarbaraTherese
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Pets are mentioned in the Gospel - since the story of the woman asking Jesus for a cure mentions dogs that used to gather under tables to get the scraps that found their way to the ground, or those who were eating gave to them.


Acts Ch 10http://www.drbo.org/chapter/51010.htm


This made me scratch my head after being told in College that animals do not go to Heaven:


 [11] And he saw the heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending, as it were a great linen sheet let down by the four corners from heaven to the earth: [12] Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts, and creeping things of the earth, and fowls of the air. [13] And there came a voice to him: Arise, Peter; kill and eat. [14] But Peter said: Far be it from me; for I never did eat any thing that is common and unclean. [15] And the voice spoke to him again the second time: That which God hath cleansed, do not thou call common.


Haydock's Bible Commentary does not comment on the above - and to date I cannot work out how to use the Vatican Commentary http://www.clerus.org/bibliaclerus/index_eng.html


Generally speaking, The Church teaches that animals do not go to Heaven - but the crux of the matter is "define Heaven"?  If I mean by Heaven, the Beatific Vision alone, then no, animals do not go to Heaven.


Yet in the CCC we read that the common destiny of the material world and man is a "new earth" - what does The Church mean by "material world"?  To me it means what exists apart from man and his rational soul.  Our bodies are material, as are the bodies of animals, plants etc. etc.  To me "material" means "that which is not spiritual".  For "spirit" means that which exists but has not a material 'enclosure'.



"1046 For the cosmos, Revelation affirms the profound common destiny of the material world and man:


For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God . . . in hope because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay. . . . We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.639"

There's a talking donkey who sees an angel in the Bible. You have to read the Hebrew text too if you want to reach the Kingdom of God.

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The dog would need to accept Jesus Christ as his personal lord and savior.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

The dog would need to accept Jesus Christ as his personal lord and savior.


forgot what i was going to say. :(

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I have a Saint Bernard.

I don't think you can be a Catholic if you don't have a Catholic dog.

Well there's exceptions to farmers and hunters, the blind, and others who need their dogs.

Tired of living in a $ociety who puts shelter dogs before sheltered humans.

St Francis of Assisi didn't start a dog rescue organization.


I'm tired of people asking me if my dog is a rescue dog. I just tell him he is a "rescue dog" duh.

Saints save humans, not dogs.


I'd give props to some people on here, but I'm not allowed to use my "props" button.


Thanks for hearing my confession. :)


I personally take offense to this. I don't believe that we are a society that puts animals ahead of people by any stretch. We're not mostly vegan and refusing to do any harm to animals. We eat, abandon, and abuse them daily.  My "charitable calling" in life, which I believe to have been given to me by God, is to take care of the rest of His animal creation, dogs included, which I find have not been as cared for so much by Catholics as by others. Of course I would never "rank" a dog above a human and I always help humans who need my help, but to imply that what I do for society is insignificant or trivial and not a path to sainthood because I'm not helping humans with all my charitable efforts is absurd. We care called to tend to and care for God's creation, and if God won't make me a saint because I helped a few abused animals in my lifetime, he's not the God I believe him to be. Dogs are not as insignificant as you make them out to be. And given current circumstances of the world where animal shelters are actually a thing, I believe St. Francis would have opened a shelter if he had enough resources. You can't use that.


And honestly, I find dogs to be way more grateful than the humans I've encountered. Of course I volunteer for human causes and am active in the pro-life group at school, but dogs have always just seemed so grateful for anything I can give them. I mean, I did an event yesterday where I got some dogs out of the shelter for a day, and at the end, the dog I was watching, after not kissing ANYBODY all day, just gave me the biggest kiss right as I was about to say goodbye to him. Though he can't say "thank you", I think it is as close as he can get. I've volunteered for people where I'm just expected to serve them and they are incredibly rude to me. I never encounter that with dogs.


In regards to the main post, I do believe dogs go to heaven. Maybe not the same "part", but perhaps over the "Rainbow Bridge" there's a separate place for them. :) This isn't the most scientific reason, but when I look into the eyes of certain animals like dogs, deer, cats, some lizards etc., I see something there that some animals do not have. There's a "spark" of something. They're not just carbon copies of each other. They are different beings with different souls and different personalities.Things like mosquitos, on the other hand, are carbon copies of each other, essentially. There is not real cognition and true differences from one to another. Those don't go to heaven. 


Dogs, especially, are man's best friend. They have the ability to be loyal, the ability to understand loss and mourn, and the ability to forgive that humans cannot even master. I do not see God not rewarding them for the service they do mankind. Heaven would not be heaven for me without animals. 


I LOVE this link if you want biblical stuff.




Also, read this! It's so beautiful!



Tell me this dog will not go to heaven.



Edited by Meduseld
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