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Is Nfp For All, Or Only For The Few In Specific Undesirable Circumstan


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I suspect you heard me say all couples should use NFP to plan every child. As Pius XIII says, this is not rarely the case, but Church teaching is clear that a grave reason is needed and I know all couples do not have grave reasons.


The reason I say all couples should use NFP is for the benefit of their health and knowledge about their fertility -- nothing to do with using NFP as contraception, which is Pius XIII is talking about in the quoted encyclical. A woman should know what her cycle is like, whether it's predictable or erratic, how her diet/sleep/etc. affects it, etc. Many women have some kind of fertility-related disorder that can go untreated or mistreated (especially with artificual hormone pills) until they start charting their cycle and learning exactly what their body is doing. My fiance has been charting for a few years in order to manage a condition that requires a fairly strict diet to keep her cycle predictable. I'm sure we all know someone who is prescribed birth control for something other than contraception... most of them could probably quit that prescription if they took the slightly more difficult route of charting and changed a few things about their lifestyle.


Bottom line is, we should be aware that there are many useful and potentially life-saving reasons to practice a method of NFP.... especially single women who might thing NFP is only for married couples.


Maybe a more holistic acronym is needed... NFA for Natural Fertility Awarness :)


actually, i heard you correctly. :) and i don't necessarily agree that all couples should use NFP "for the benefit of their health and knowledge about their fertility". 

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I guess i choose poor wording, I am not against NFA, but in my theology class in high school we were basically shown that practing sex during unfertile times was equal if not better then abstaining. I am not saying you have to abstain, but was taught that NFP was something good in and of itself, rather then something too be used out of necessity.


I oust this out there to inform others, I was disappointed the Catholic school never even mentioned you must have a reason to use it. I think this false reasoning comes form people like basil who think the primary purpose of sex is children and mutual love. When mutual love is a secondary effect.


It could definitely be worse, though obviously better. There is a danger of using NFP in a way that is basically contracepting, but unlike contraception, it isn't so black and white. It's not easy to say what is or is not grave reason, and it will be different for every couple. I think that's why Pius XIII is wise to say it's not rare, and affirms some couples may need to exercise abstinence while fertile throughout marriage, but beyond that he isn't more specific. Needless to say, everyone should want complete openess to life and pray for that goal.

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actually, i heard you correctly. :) and i don't necessarily agree that all couples should use NFP "for the benefit of their health and knowledge about their fertility". 


Why is that? I suppose there is always an exception to "all," but so far I haven't thought of a situation where a woman or couple would choose to remain ignorant about their reproductive health. It seems there is much quality of life to be gained with nothing to lose.

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