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Is Nfp For All, Or Only For The Few In Specific Undesirable Circumstan


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"The matrimonial contract, which confers on the married couple the right to satisfy the inclination of nature, constitutes them in a state of life, namely, the matrimonial state. Now, on married couples, who make use of the specific act of their state, nature and the Creator impose the function of providing for the preservation of mankind. This is the characteristic service which gives rise to the peculiar value of their state, the bonum prolis. The individual and society, the people and the State, the Church itself, depend for their existence, in the order established by God, on fruitful marriages. Therefore, to embrace the matrimonial state, to use continually the faculty proper to such a state and lawful only therein, and, at the same time, to avoid its primary duty without a grave reason, would be a sin against the very nature of married life.
Serious motives, such as those which not rarely arise from medical, eugenic, economic and social so-called "indications," may exempt husband and wife from the obligatory, positive debt for a long period or even for the entire period of matrimonial life. From this it follows that the observance of the natural sterile periods may be lawful, from the moral viewpoint: and it is lawful in the conditions mentioned. If, however, according to a reasonable and equitable judgment, there are no such grave reasons either personal or deriving from exterior circumstances, the will to avoid the fecundity of their union, while continuing to satisfy to tile full their sensuality, can only be the result of a false appreciation of life and of motives foreign to sound ethical principles."

PiusXII, Allocution to Midwives http://www.ewtn.com/library/PAPALDOC/P511029.HTM


Pius XII is stating that NFP is not somthing we want to have to use, but is an allowable imperfection in the case of grave circumstances. Its like self defense, you never want to have to hurt others, but if one is attacked one may choose to run, but he may also choose to fight back and inflict pain. Just like one must have a just reason to preform the negative act of hurting soemone. One must have a just reason to willfully try to avoid the primary prupose of marriage.

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When you look at many health, communicative, and spiritual benefits that come from practicing NFP, it almost seems silly and possibly careless not to use it. Of course, I am referring to the practice of NFP in regards to women's health and a couple's family planning, whether choosing to have a child, not to have a child, or being entirely indifferent about it.


Thus, I noticed in summarizing Pius XII, you replaced his words, "the observance of the natural sterile periods may be lawful" with "Natural Family Planning." These are not equivalent. He is only talking about one part of NFP, and it's important to not that the circumstances are not rare in which couples will wisely choose to break out the Barry White only during sterile periods.

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When you look at many health, communicative, and spiritual benefits that come from practicing NFP, it almost seems silly and possibly careless not to use it. Of course, I am referring to the practice of NFP in regards to women's health and a couple's family planning, whether choosing to have a child, not to have a child, or being entirely indifferent about it.

Pius the XII is saying one may not make the choice of using natural means to prevent pregency while having relations, unless grave circumstances arise. If there are no  grave circuim stances it is a sin, and benefits your soul in a negaive way.


Thus, I noticed in summarizing Pius XII, you replaced his words, "the observance of the natural sterile periods may be lawful" with "Natural Family Planning." These are not equivalent. He is only talking about one part of NFP, and it's important to not that the circumstances are not rare in which couples will wisely choose to break out the Barry White only during sterile periods.

The pope stated "Therefore, to embrace the matrimonial state, to use continually the faculty proper to such a state and lawful only therein, and, at the same time, to avoid its primary duty without a grave reason, would be a sin against the very nature of married life." Below he states conditions that would make it lawful. Since NFP is when one is embraceing the matrimonial state to avoid its primary duty, I can logically substitue the word NFP and have a true statement.





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NFP is not used as birth control as you imply. Any couple using NFP properly knows that they must have valid reasons for postponing pregnancy. Best way to postpone is to not engage in the marital act. However, if they decide to, they know there is a chance of conception and are open to the life that make come forth.  There is nothing unnatural happening. There is nothing that mandates that a couple must engage only during the high fertile times.

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Is it wrong for a (perfectly normal) couple who wish to avoid pregnancy for the entirety of their marriage to engage in the marital act only during sterile times? I mean, there is still a possibility of them conceiving. But they are deliberately trying to avoid pregnancy just cuz they don't want kids (not for economic, health, social, etc., reasons).



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Is it wrong for a (perfectly normal) couple who wish to avoid pregnancy for the entirety of their marriage to engage in the marital act only during sterile times? I mean, there is still a possibility of them conceiving. But they are deliberately trying to avoid pregnancy just cuz they don't want kids (not for economic, health, social, etc., reasons).

Yes, that is wrong.

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Nihil Obstat

Is it wrong for a (perfectly normal) couple who wish to avoid pregnancy for the entirety of their marriage to engage in the marital act only during sterile times? I mean, there is still a possibility of them conceiving. But they are deliberately trying to avoid pregnancy just cuz they don't want kids (not for economic, health, social, etc., reasons).

Such a marriage would probably be invalid as well, due to a contraceptive intention from the start.

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As an Eastern Catholic I do not support NFP; instead, I support the Tradition of the marital fast, which is connected to the liturgical cycles of prayer and fasting that forms the basis of the Church's worship.

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As an Eastern Catholic I do not support NFP; instead, I support the Tradition of the marital fast, which is connected to the liturgical cycles of prayer and fasting that forms the basis of the Church's worship.

Can you elaborate? When are the fasting times?

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Pius the XII is saying one may not make the choice of using natural means to prevent pregency while having relations, unless grave circumstances arise. If there are no  grave circuim stances it is a sin, and benefits your soul in a negaive way.


The pope stated "Therefore, to embrace the matrimonial state, to use continually the faculty proper to such a state and lawful only therein, and, at the same time, to avoid its primary duty without a grave reason, would be a sin against the very nature of married life." Below he states conditions that would make it lawful. Since NFP is when one is embraceing the matrimonial state to avoid its primary duty, I can logically substitue the word NFP and have a true statement.


So what do you call it when a couple is using NFP in order to become pregnant? Or determine the date of conception? What if a single woman or wife wants to know she is healthy? Or is diagnosing/managing a medical condition? These are all uses of NFP that have nothing to do with the specific use that Pius XII is addressing.



Is it wrong for a (perfectly normal) couple who wish to avoid pregnancy for the entirety of their marriage to engage in the marital act only during sterile times? I mean, there is still a possibility of them conceiving. But they are deliberately trying to avoid pregnancy just cuz they don't want kids (not for economic, health, social, etc., reasons).


Is there a grave reason to avoid pregnancy? If they do not want children, then they should not pursue the vocation of marriage.

Edited by LouisvilleFan
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Why, then, do we allow an infertile couple to get married? If I know I'm infertile, and my partner knows he's infertile, but we want to get married, the Church would not say 'no'. Or if a Catholic woman wants to marry a man who, say, has already had a vasectomy, the Church would not say 'no'.



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So what do you call it when a couple is using NFP in order to become pregnant? Or determine the date of conception? What if a single woman or wife wants to know she is healthy? Or is diagnosing/managing a medical condition? These are all uses of NFP that have nothing to do with the specific use that Pius XII is addressing.


      When I say NFP, I mean when people use is having relations when the the woman is not fertile. I am not sure how this can be used to get pregnant. She can determin the date of conception by choosing the day she wants to sleep with her husband. As Pius XII stated, medical conditions are a valid reasonfor practicing NFP.





Is there a grave reason to avoid pregnancy? If they do not want children, then they should not pursue the vocation of marriage.


If a family is poor to the point where they are starving, it can be licit to use NFP to avoid pregnancy.


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      When I say NFP, I mean when people use is having relations when the the woman is not fertile. I am not sure how this can be used to get pregnant. She can determin the date of conception by choosing the day she wants to sleep with her husband. As Pius XII stated, medical conditions are a valid reasonfor practicing NFP.






If a family is poor to the point where they are starving, it can be licit to use NFP to avoid pregnancy.


If you don't understand how a woman could use NFP to become pregnant, then you don't understand NFP.


If you think a woman can determine the date of conception by choosing the day she has sex, you don't understand human biology or how sex works.


Did you know - Sometimes a couple can have sex at the beginning of the week, and the resulting conception doesn't actually happen until the end of that week?


Were you given any sex education? I'm seriously asking. If you're fuzzy on the details there are a lot of non-explicit materials I can hook you up with.


NFP is fertility awareness, period, in fact I hate referring to it as NFP because it's doesn't necessarily have ANYTHING to do with family planning.

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Why, then, do we allow an infertile couple to get married? If I know I'm infertile, and my partner knows he's infertile, but we want to get married, the Church would not say 'no'. Or if a Catholic woman wants to marry a man who, say, has already had a vasectomy, the Church would not say 'no'.




Though the rasing of children is the primary puropse of marraige there are also secondary resons. As long as one does not go agist the primary purpose, they may benefit from the secondary purpose of marriage.


"59. Holy Church knows well that not infrequently one of the parties is sinned against rather than sinning,
when for a grave cause he or she reluctantly allows the perversion of the right order. In such a case,
there is no sin, provided that, mindful of the law of charity, he or she does not neglect to seek to dissuade
and to deter the partner from sin. Nor are those considered as acting against nature who in the married
state use their right in the proper manner although on account of natural reasons either of time or of
certain defects, new life cannot be brought forth. For in matrimony as well as in the use of the matrimonial
rights there are also secondary ends, such as mutual aid, the cultivating of mutual love, and the quieting
of concupiscence which husband and wife are not forbidden to consider so long as they are subordinated
to the primary end and so long as the intrinsic nature of the act is preserved
."         Pius XI, Casti Canubi


As a result of origonal sin mans body was susceptable to physical evils, which are imperfections of the body caused by nature. These inculde dwarfs, ADD, or any bodily imperfection. They are evils becuase they are contrary to a proper functioning human being. A sterile person is another physical evil where the sexual organs do not function properly. They may partake in the sexual act, as long as it is nature that is the case of the improper functioing of there body and not mans choice, to prevent his body form achiving the prupose God gave it. There is also the possibility a miracle could occur.



Edited by jim111
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