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We were talking about prostitution, dude. Pretty different contexts.

And in any case, Aquinas said it first.


Murder is totally comparable to illicit sex. I guess we're going to advocate throwing adulterers in prison, too. Or is it only if money exchanges hands?

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Nihil Obstat

Murder is totally comparable to illicit sex. I guess we're going to advocate throwing adulterers in prison, too. Or is it only if money exchanges hands?

Heck, we should throw masturbators in prison too. Maybe just chop their hands off if we are feeling particularly lenient.

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Heck, we should throw masturbators in prison too. Maybe just chop their hands off if we are feeling particularly lenient.

Definitely. We should also conduct adultery sting operations. 

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We can sedate the wild ones with drugs!


Those drugs are fine. The bureaucrats at the FDA told us so.

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Tom suspects Mary is getting paid to have sex with people. So Tom gets a piece of paper from Jim saying that Tom can go in Mary's house, and if she offers to have sex with him for money, Tom can throw Mary in a cage!


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Tom suspects Mary is getting paid to have sex with people. So Tom gets a piece of paper from Jim saying that Tom can go in Mary's house, and if she offers to have sex with him for money, Tom can throw Mary in a cage!

Tom suspects Mary is having sex with people. So Tom gets a piece of paper from Jim saying that Tom can date Mary, and if she offers to have sex with him, Tom can throw Mary in a cage. 

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Murder is totally comparable to illicit sex. I guess we're going to advocate throwing adulterers in prison, too. Or is it only if money exchanges hands?



because there are no evils to prostitution at all.  we should advocate everyone do it.  Let's just make those lower class citizen like women into sex objects.  No evils come from that at all.

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because there are no evils to prostitution at all.  we should advocate everyone do it.  Let's just make those lower class citizen like women into sex objects.  No evils come from that at all.


non sequitur


Apparently, throwing people in cages for sinning is respectful. It's not my fault you have no conception of the results of prohibition.


Had to add: I notice you didn't address the issue of using violence to punish people for one sin, but not the other. Are you advocating Vice go into adultery sting operations, or not?

Edited by Winchester
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As Aquinas said, "Hence, though unbelievers sin in their rites, they may be tolerated, either on account of some good that ensues therefrom, or because of some evil avoided."


Since he used prostitution as an example, this might also be amended to "though fornicators sin in their actions, they may be tolerated[...]"

It does not mean we approve of prostitution. It means that in some cases we may conclude that tolerating it is acceptable.


It also does not mean governments cannot make prostitution illegal, and prosecute those that are directly involved with prostitution. Aquinas' condition for tolerating prostitution is that the evil caused by making illegal outweigh the evils that will exist by tolerating it. I am not convinced that the "Joe Biden with Abortion" comparison is completely out of context. Pro-Abortionists often do in fact use a similar argument that the evils of having abortion illegal outweigh the evils of having it legal. But I don't think the Pro-Abortionists effectively prove that, but nor do I think those that would support tolerating the sin of prostitution outweighs the evils of having it outlawed prove that. These two sins seem to increase when they are made legal or tolerated.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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Voluntarily committing unchaste acts, whether money is involved or not, is not comparable to committing murder.



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Voluntarily committing unchaste acts, whether money is involved or not, is not comparable to committing murder.


I agree. But there are those that would argue that more murder/death/evil/violence/negative/bad things would happen in connection to abortion being illegal than it being legal. Tolerating or legalizing an evil act because that would cause less evil than to not tolerate it or make the act illegal is the bases for the comparison.

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I agree. But there are those that would argue that more murder/death/evil/violence/negative/bad things would happen in connection to abortion being illegal than it being legal. Tolerating or legalizing an evil act because that would cause less evil than to not tolerate it or make the act illegal is the bases for the comparison.

Pro-choice advocates may use the same logic but you surely see how a Catholic understanding of abortion makes this a completely different issue. If someone happens to die while having a "back-alley" abortion, is that not comparable to a killer dying in the process of murder?  Prostitution is not murder. In fact, legalizing prostitution can PREVENT murder. Legalizing abortion does not prevent murder.

Edited by CatholicsAreKewl
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Prostitution is not murder. In fact, legalizing prostitution can PREVENT murder. Legalizing abortion does not prevent murder.

I say that it is more likely that women who have become slaves to prostitution are far more likely than other women to conceive a child they do not want, to have the child aborted, and have cycle repeated numerous times. Making prostitution legal would clearly not encourage those who were directly envoled in its evils when it was illegal to turn away from those sins. Nor will it help those who avoided it because it was illegal to avoid it after it becomes legal. Nor will it help the sheep like narture of man. Who just as sheep will wander off to all sorts of dangerous places, one following another, if there is no barrier to stop them. Therefore abortion, the murder of innocents, would very likely increase if the slavery of women to prostitution is tolerated. I can see Aquinas' point in extreme and temporary cases, but he did not live in a time where abortion was on such a massive scale as our day. Edited by KnightofChrist
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As Aquinas said, "Hence, though unbelievers sin in their rites, they may be tolerated, either on account of some good that ensues therefrom, or because of some evil avoided."



I'm sorry, but this still doesn't make sense.  What good ensues from prostitution, or what evil is avoided?

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