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Immigration Control.


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So in the great tradition of American history from the writing of the Constitution on...nothing rarely gets done without compromise AND as someone once heard said wisely "You know you've reached a good compromise when nobody is happy with it." SO, here is my proposed compromise position on Immigration Reform in the United States and what the piece is trying to accomplish.


Pro-Status quo advocates, typically point out that illegal immigration is just that illegal showing a disrespect for a Nation one wishes to join. While at the same time disrespectful to the country they are wanting to live in.


Pro-Reform/path to citizenship advocates, typically point out that there are too many to deport, that most have not broken any law other than their mode of entry, They are generally hard workers and are often taken advantage of because of the shadows they are forced to live in. Thus giving amnesty or a path to citizenship is the most human thing to do. As well in light of Boston, I think it becomes even more clear that we should know who is in our country and we CAN'T do that with millions of people living in the shadows.


I see merits on both sides.


My solution is this, That someone entered the country illegally DOES demonstrate a basic lack of respect for the rule of law in the country you are moving to. For that reason you have 2 options. First, volunteer to get deported, The nature of this deportation being voluntary while NOT guaranteeing readmission with a Permanent VISA it will be rather NOT be counted against you and considered a mark in your favor towards readmission. You can the apply, enter and begin your path to citizenship as all other immigrants. The second option Is that rather than volunteering for deportation being granted a PERMANENT, don't care who you marry or who your children become PERMANENT non-citizen resident status. This lets you access the social culture freely, get a job pay taxes. BUT you will NEVER be a citizen you will NEVER vote ect...This allows us to identify who is here. We still perform background checks, we can still deport you if you really mess up, but we are willing to show a modicum of forgiveness for your modicum of remorse. This should also help in stopping or at least slowing down human rights violations and easier to find sex trafficking...as there are fewer people in those shadows. AND the threat of deportation is no longer a leash for control.


As an aside I do not believe Natural Born Citizen as in the Constitution has ever been defined in any way than general court rulings. I do think it would be good to do so at some point. :)


So tell me what you think of my compromise position. And, did I just plain MISS a key consideration in my analysis which is not addressed?

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Nihil Obstat

Well I would open all borders everywhere with zero restrictions besides a proper recognition of private property. But that is just me... :|

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Well I would open all borders everywhere with zero restrictions besides a proper recognition of private property. But that is just me... :|

Hippie Canadian. <_< :hippie:

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I would point out that most people who enter a country illegally aren't doing so out of disrespect for the law, but because they are looking for a better life than they would otherwise have in their own country. 

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Right, and you can have those better life opportunities while being a legal resident, but not a citizen. Citizenship should be reserved for those who did things the right way. Applied for asylum, applied for a Visa...waited patiently. Not for somebody who wanted to circumvent the system because they thought they were more special than the person who is just as bad off, but can't swim an ocean. Part of the problem as I see it is the CITIZENSHIP is not necessary in order to have a safe productive life. A path to citizenship should be for those who have followed the laws.

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Archaeology cat

sometimes people go through all the proper channels, wait ages, are denied, and then come illegally. I doubt they do it because they feel special or entitled, but out of desperation. Personally, I'm with Nihil on this one.

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My point was more that a lot of people enter countries illegally because they are unable to enter legally. They don't qualify for asylum, they are denied legitimate entry, and desperation leads them to enter illegally. It's not that they think they're special, it's because they feel they have no other option. 

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when the drug cartels are killing your neighbors and your on the never ending waiting list to get away from them what would you do?  Stay there to surely die or move your wife and children to some place safe to save their lives? 


Its easy as americans who live in this country which is safe compared to other countries sit on our high horses and say others are wrong for entering this country illegally when if they stayed where they were they and their family would most likely be dead. 


Its a lot easier for the rich man to condemn the poor man who stole from his garden so his family would not starve than to see his point of view.

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Right, and you can have those better life opportunities while being a legal resident, but not a citizen. Citizenship should be reserved for those who did things the right way.



do you mean like those who did nothing at all but were born on one side of the border as opposed to the other?

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when the drug cartels are killing your neighbors and your on the never ending waiting list to get away from them what would you do?  Stay there to surely die or move your wife and children to some place safe to save their lives? 


Its easy as americans who live in this country which is safe compared to other countries sit on our high horses and say others are wrong for entering this country illegally when if they stayed where they were they and their family would most likely be dead. 


Its a lot easier for the rich man to condemn the poor man who stole from his garden so his family would not starve than to see his point of view.


So what do you suggest we do? Eradicate the US-Mexico border and annex Mexico?

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As Catholics, we are expected to take care of those in need. The Latin American immigrants are mostly catholic anyways. What happened to Catholic solidarity? According to my research immigrants provide much stimulation to our economy. Any problems they cause are greatly offset by their economic stimulus.  

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when the drug cartels are killing your neighbors and your on the never ending waiting list to get away from them what would you do?  Stay there to surely die or move your wife and children to some place safe to save their lives? 


Its easy as americans who live in this country which is safe compared to other countries sit on our high horses and say others are wrong for entering this country illegally when if they stayed where they were they and their family would most likely be dead. 


Its a lot easier for the rich man to condemn the poor man who stole from his garden so his family would not starve than to see his point of view.


 The way to undermine drug cartels is to make marijuana legal. The Unites States would cripple cartel activity, and it is estimated that taxing marijuana would produce $47B a year in revenue. 

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when the drug cartels are killing your neighbors and your on the never ending waiting list to get away from them what would you do?  Stay there to surely die or move your wife and children to some place safe to save their lives? 


Its easy as americans who live in this country which is safe compared to other countries sit on our high horses and say others are wrong for entering this country illegally when if they stayed where they were they and their family would most likely be dead. 


Its a lot easier for the rich man to condemn the poor man who stole from his garden so his family would not starve than to see his point of view.

You defend your life, your family, and your neighbors. I am NOT condemning anybody and I'm not sitting on a high horse. I'm trying to find a solution to the problem that can be actually accomplished. Compromise is the name of the game in American Government. Without it we wouldn't have the Constitution, We have forgotten it and politics has gotten REALLY stupid. Would it be great if rainbows were sour straws and rain was caramel syrup that fell on top of the vanilla ice cream sun rays. But our ideal is not met in hardly any situation. The two ideologies must be given something that is NOT essential to the goal of their position. One side wants to forgive everybody and have welcoming arms and says whatever your past and problems here's a chance to make your world better. Another side wants the laws to be respected and followed. They may or may not trust the values being brought with them and want to preserve governmental and cultural ideals from radical changes. Is one of these views better than the other?..sure it is, whichever one you lean towards more is which you think is better.


do you mean like those who did nothing at all but were born on one side of the border as opposed to the other?

So the ETHIOPIAN  immigrant who lived in abject poverty and danger which makes Mexico look like an amazing resort should NOT view citizenship as something for those who follow the law? They had to wait in line go through the hoops ect to escape their violent situation, but hey who cares Mexicans live across the boarder so they shouldn't have to follow the laws? I know a good number of legal immigrants some who have become citizens and some who are still waiting who are pissed when illegal immigrants demand citizenship. So from my intent of the post was in regard to those who gain citizenship as immigrants...


As Catholics, we are expected to take care of those in need. The Latin American immigrants are mostly catholic anyways. What happened to Catholic solidarity? According to my research immigrants provide much stimulation to our economy. Any problems they cause are greatly offset by their economic stimulus.  


What about the OP compromise does not meet the ideas of solidarity, or allow for the economic benefit immigration can bring?

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 The way to undermine drug cartels is to make marijuana legal. The Unites States would cripple cartel activity, and it is estimated that taxing marijuana would produce $47B a year in revenue. 


That really wouldn't stop them. They'd just keep selling other drugs.

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That really wouldn't stop them. They'd just keep selling other drugs.


No, we would produce cheap high quality marijuana that would completely undermine their operation. Mexican marijuana is terrible. 

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