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Things That Have Dumbed Down Our Culture


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Nihil Obstat

Movies, Ancient Aliens (History Channel Series), James Patterson, and the secular society 

I think movies are great.

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In RCIA this past winter, we were told that a person, through no fault of their own, genuinely never knows Christ, yet lives a good and moral life, has the chance to go to heaven the same as Catholic Christians. The fault comes in when you have been introduced to Christ, yet reject him. I was also told that in cases where you were raised in another religion/never knew Jesus and thus chose another religions, you would be based on your morality and the merits of your religion. For instance, our instructor is a nun who taught at a Catholic High School. A student told her she was going to become a Buddhist, Sister told her that she wishes her luck and hopes that she makes it, as their are seven paths to holiness one must accomplish in Buddhism. Ultimately none of us can say for sure who can and cannot enter Heaven, it is up to God and God alone, but God isn't going to condemn someone who never knew Him.

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Nihil Obstat

I do think that the 'fashionable' interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus has been a little bit lackadaisical in recent decades, but by and large it is not too bad. Certainly I am very far from Fr. Feeney.

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Movies, Ancient Aliens (History Channel Series), James Patterson, and the secular society 


Ancient Aliens is one of the stupider shows I've seen in a while. About on par with honey boo boo. 

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