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Novena For Barbara Therese

Guest Allie

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Guest Allie

Oh Barbara Therese you have made my day.  My Sisters are praying for you during their retreat.  They'll be happy to hear that you are home.


loving prayers,


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Glad it went as well as it did, BarbaraTherese!!!!


Obviously they DIDN'T remove your overgrown sense of humor along with your 'baby whale'... or if they tried, they left parts of it VERY intact. ;)  So glad to see that!


Because of my husband's battle with colon cancer, I know more than average about colorectal stuff if you have questions I know who to contact to get you some answers.  And a few people on this board have also had their share of related stuff.  So shout out if you need any help.


If you do have pain, don't be false-heroic and try to avoid the pain meds... the purpose of them is to help you feel better so you won't be as tense and will heal better.  So do what they tell you as you need to.   If you haven't started trying to walk around yet, you may find you will want a little at that point.  I also have both vertical and horizontal 'zippers' -- and actually, I find the vertical scar much less of a hassle.  You're gonna do fine.


And wouldn't you know the Lord would go on a fishing trip this time of year..  Remind Him of what your favorite fish is when He comes back.... and you KNOW He will indeed be back....  who could resist your humor?  Certainly not God, who often enough hears so many complaints....


Continuing to pray.....


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God's Beloved

Praying for you Barbara !

I'm touched with your courage. Have seen a relative who went thru a similar surgery in the past. I could not bear to see her suffering . May Jesus give you much consolation in this time of anxiety and recovery !

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OH dear, I led you all up the garden path (the one I always frequent, I am afraid) - the district nurse who calls daily told me it is a catheter bag fitted not the colestomy or whatever bag which relates to the bowel.  Mine relates to passing water.  Hopefully in about 8 days it will be removed permanently. 

Thank you all so very much again for the prayer.  Prayer is that most humble and quiet of workers, very content and happy to stay in the backseats unnoticed and unremarked - but entirely powerful and faithful and a powerful advocate.  I have had a literal army of people and some very holy people, including on Phatmass here, praying for me.  Once I know the result of the biopsy probably Wednesday, I will keep you informed.

The day I arrived on the ward after surgery, soon after the chaplain called and I was able to receive Holy Communion.

I met two very lonely and sad ladies in hospital and we have exchanged phone numbers. With the first lady and in my ward, I turned over rather contentedly in bed and thought to myself "Now I know why I am here".


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THAT is the kind of wrong road we want to be led up!    A catheter bag is a much less drastic thing, BarbaraTherese, and much less trouble to remove!!!  That's great news!


Yup, I've often thought that sometimes we are called to hospitals, juries, job interviews, etc. because God has need of our prayerful presence there, at that time, for those people.... sounds like you are having that experience.


A friend of mine is on jury duty this week, and really is dreading it, so you pray for her; she has been praying for you!

I also will continue to pray, and hopefully good news on Wednesday, but whatever the news, it will have God's Holy Will connected to it... and you will be given the graces to take the next step(s) whatever that may mean.


I'm glad you were able toreceive Jesus, and I hope he comes back from His 'fishing trip' soon.... ;)


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Hey BT- Glad to hear you made it through surgery! It's weird the things our bodies build within ourselves! If you feel a PA coming on...drop us a line. We are open 24-7! ;)

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THAT is the kind of wrong road we want to be led up!    A catheter bag is a much less drastic thing, BarbaraTherese, and much less trouble to remove!!!  That's great news!


Yup, I've often thought that sometimes we are called to hospitals, juries, job interviews, etc. because God has need of our prayerful presence there, at that time, for those people.... sounds like you are having that experience.


A friend of mine is on jury duty this week, and really is dreading it, so you pray for her; she has been praying for you!

I also will continue to pray, and hopefully good news on Wednesday, but whatever the news, it will have God's Holy Will connected to it... and you will be given the graces to take the next step(s) whatever that may mean.


I'm glad you were able toreceive Jesus, and I hope he comes back from His 'fishing trip' soon.... ;)



Hi AL - Yeah, I suspected that a catheter bag was not such a drastic matter as something relating to the bowel.  I get all tangled up in these medical terms.


Will keep your friend in prayer and I can well understanding absolutely dreading jury duty, although my neighbour has done it and says it was not as bad as she had dreaded.  I hope your friend will have a similar experience.  Thank you for the prayers for Wednesday and for me that is tomorrow (2.41pm here on Tues 14.5.13).  I wont drop my bundle though if I don't hear tomorrow, it may be later as our public health service is stretched to the absolute limit.


Ah yes, in all things regardless we can embrace Divine Providence confidently.  We only every think we know what is best.  And yes, once again, Grace is always with us in all things regardless and another very humble and silent worker but entirely powerful and trustworthy, faithful.  It is The Holy Spirit. The monastic order I entered had Divine Providence at the heart of their spirituality (and ideally at the heart of any spirituality) as does "Bethany" here.


Well, if it's fishing that's occupying Him, He can stay fishing for as long as He chooses and needs and I hope He has the very best of catches :).  He does drop in now and then for coffee just to say "Hi". :buddies2:


  I am hoping to cab it to and from weekday Mass at least once this week, probably Thur after results are in in hope -  and am very confident that I shall be able to go to Mass on Saturday Vigil as normal - I'll take a cushion for the seat though, they are pretty solid with no give whatsoever.

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Hey BT- Glad to hear you made it through surgery! It's weird the things our bodies build within ourselves! If you feel a PA coming on...drop us a line. We are open 24-7! ;)


Hi Nikita  - took me a bit of time for the penny to drop about what PA meant.  Thank you very much for the understanding, affirmation and encouragement "every day keep encouraging one another" - Introduction to the Divine Office.  With my panic attacks, I am just one big bundle of panic that seems to rob me of all reasoning powers whatsoever.  I do have emergency medication here that will take the edge off sufficiently so I am no longer in blind panic and can allow time to do its work and settle things.  Panic attacks can't kill one, it just feels like they can :)   Gynaecology just rang me to check on my general condition which considering major surgery was last Tuesday is excellent the district nurse told me this morning.  No results as yet.  I had a major operation Tuesday and four days later came home.  I am very blest in my brothers who have seen to it that I lack absolutely nothing whatsoever including TLC  (tender loving care).  My son and his partner arrive from Melbourne any day now.


But thank you very much indeed for being ready and most willing 24/7 "whatever you do for one of these, though it be the very least of My brethren, You have done it for Me"  (sometimes it translates "whatever you do to one of these .........")

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So glad you're doing better. Prayers!


Allie, I thank you too from the bottom of my heart.  If you are not a religious already, you have an outstanding characteristic which will/would absolutely delight the heart of any novice mistress or superior: gentle, humble and consistent faithfulness.  May The Lord continue to enrich you always.


Thought now occurs to me - and would absolutely delight the heart of any husband and/or child, children.  To my mind, a very good mother would also make a very good religious and a very good religious would make a very good mother.  Our Lady after all, while remaining a virgin, was the very best of wives and the very best of mothers.  Look at The Son she and  St Joseph raised!

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Guest Allie

God bless you Barbara Therese for your knidness.  You can't know how much I needed it today or what it means.  This in between time of waiting is just ...well what itis.


Do what the doctors tell you.  loving prayers.

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