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Not Another Harry Potter Debate

fides' Jack

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Basilisa Marie

So from what I have gathered, it is only okay to decide if a book is worth reading after you have read it. :unsure:


Nah, see, he's already decided that he doesn't want to read it because it's immoral, but he wants to know from people who have read the immoral book if it's not quite as immoral (but still immoral) as he thinks it is.  

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Nah, see, he's already decided that he doesn't want to read it because it's immoral, but he wants to know from people who have read the immoral book if it's not quite as immoral (but still immoral) as he thinks it is.  


Did you not obey the rule to read the article?

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You obviously haven't read the article.


Says the guy who started a thread on books he hasn't read. :|

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Nah, see, he's already decided that he doesn't want to read it because it's immoral, but he wants to know from people who have read the immoral book if it's not quite as immoral (but still immoral) as he thinks it is.

So, if he doesn't want to read them, then why is everyone so dead set on him reading them? I read the first book because everyone was so ga-ga over it and I thought it was stupid. But, that's beside the point.

I gathered from his posts that he is trying to make an educated decision on if his children will ever be allowed to read these books. And given the fact that he has small children, he probably doesn't have the time to sit and read through seven novels when others already have and can help him out. And since everyone is saying, "Do your research" well, I am guessing that's what he is TRYING to do. Since when is it a bad idea to ask the opinions of others who might have more knowledge of things when trying to make a decision?

Personally, I think the attitude of "You have to read the books so you know if they are evil or not" is dumb. And yes, that was strongly implied in this thread by some people. Why on earth would we all need to read books that are anti-Christian to know that they are bad? How is it not okay for someone to read them and pass on the information? Should we all read His Dark Materials, too, to make sure that it's really anti-Christian? Should we all read The Da Vinci Code to make sure that's really full of stuff that is anti-Catholic?

Sorry, Jack, for derailing. I just hit the limit on my ridiculous-meter, tonight.
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 I read the first book because everyone was so ga-ga over it and I thought it was stupid. 

Samesies  :proud:

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Why don't you two just marry each other, then?


Ardill and Scripture sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby carriage. That's not all, that's not all, I saw the baby drinking alcohol.


I like how it's been years since I've heard that song, but I know every word by heart. Probably because I'm a fetus...

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I like how you ended it with a shot at yourself, so anything the lovebirds say in response is anti-climactic.

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I like how you ended it with a shot at yourself, so anything the lovebirds say in response is anti-climactic.


What can I say, I have my own style.

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I gathered from his posts that he is trying to make an educated decision on if his children will ever be allowed to read these books. And given the fact that he has small children, he probably doesn't have the time to sit and read through seven novels when others already have and can help him out. And since everyone is saying, "Do your research" well, I am guessing that's what he is TRYING to do. Since when is it a bad idea to ask the opinions of others who might have more knowledge of things when trying to make a decision?

Personally, I think the attitude of "You have to read the books so you know if they are evil or not" is dumb. And yes, that was strongly implied in this thread by some people. Why on earth would we all need to read books that are anti-Christian to know that they are bad? How is it not okay for someone to read them and pass on the information? Should we all read His Dark Materials, too, to make sure that it's really anti-Christian? Should we all read The Da Vinci Code to make sure that's really full of stuff that is anti-Catholic?



Well, first of all, the fact that he refuses to read them based off his understanding that they are evil leaves you wondering why he would ever consider allowing his children to read them.


And the reason we are so adamant about him picking up the books himself is because after reading his comments and the article we are attempting to point out where we (as those who have actually read it) are in disagreement. He and the author of the article are making claims that the book lacks morals and then goes to such exhaustive lengths to prove a point that isnt there. 

They turn a tiny insignificant detail into a case of moral downfall that will turn all the weak minded souls into Satan worshipers.


So therefore, yes...in this case it is a good idea to NOT trust a second hand resource to gain an understanding of this book... let alone host a debate (since this is in the debate forum) because those of us who HAVE read it are telling you right now that its silly.



Why on earth would we all need to read books that are anti-Christian to know that they are bad?


Thank you for helping prove my point. :)

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So, if he doesn't want to read them, then why is everyone so dead set on him reading them? I read the first book because everyone was so ga-ga over it and I thought it was stupid. But, that's beside the point.

I gathered from his posts that he is trying to make an educated decision on if his children will ever be allowed to read these books. And given the fact that he has small children, he probably doesn't have the time to sit and read through seven novels when others already have and can help him out. And since everyone is saying, "Do your research" well, I am guessing that's what he is TRYING to do. Since when is it a bad idea to ask the opinions of others who might have more knowledge of things when trying to make a decision?

Personally, I think the attitude of "You have to read the books so you know if they are evil or not" is dumb. And yes, that was strongly implied in this thread by some people. Why on earth would we all need to read books that are anti-Christian to know that they are bad? How is it not okay for someone to read them and pass on the information? Should we all read His Dark Materials, too, to make sure that it's really anti-Christian? Should we all read The Da Vinci Code to make sure that's really full of stuff that is anti-Catholic?

Sorry, Jack, for derailing. I just hit the limit on my ridiculous-meter, tonight.


We're suggesting the he read the book himself (or at least watch the movies) because he's getting his information second hand and it just so happens that the second hand information is pandering and biased. This is why it's important to get first hand experience with things like this, so that you can actually have all the proper information before forming an opinion and passing judgement.


If this is truly how you live your life, never looking into things for yourself and trusting what everyone around you says, then I think you are very naive. In this thread is evidence of exactly why getting solely second hand information is not a good idea.

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Roamin Catholic

then I think you are very naive. In this thread is evidence of exactly why getting solely second hand information is not a good idea.


ROFL!!  Calling MissScripture naive? That's rich. 

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