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Vote For The Sisters!


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Totally Franciscan

I voted and it did take my vote, but it will not go to the page with the percentages.

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Just voted, but no percentages.  I have class this evening.  I`ll see when I vote again, hopefully.  

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Well, it let me vote today from my laptop, but not from my phone. (No, I'm not trying to vote doubly or anything like that, I just wanted to try the phone first and see if it worked. It didn't, to the best of my knowledge, so I tried again from my laptop later.)

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Ok new theory. I think since all of us are return voters it won't let us see the percentages. So the two possibilities are this you have to do the email sign up (I'll try this tomorrow and see how it goes since I already voted today) to see them or we need to get someone who hasn't voted yet to vote to be able to see where the Sisters are at.

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I signed up already and haven't gotten any emails. Every time I vote, I get a screen that says, "THANK YOU FOR VOTING!" or something like that. So I think it takes the votes, but I still can't imagine anyone getting more votes than the sisters.

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May I ask how?  I keep trying to vote for them, but then again I can`t.  Is that happening to you?


Just voted for sisters.  What % are they at now?

Edited by elizabeth09
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It's the devil. Get behind us Satan! Just remember that the Dominicans are who the Rosary is from and they can kick your butt in an instant just by their prayers.

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