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Sacrasm Catechism Sin


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

If sarcasm is a sin, I'm going to hell. ;)


winking is also haughty. And no one has said anything about going to hell.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

You are equipped to make that judgement?


and you are equipped to judge that not all sarcasm is malicious?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

To say that my sarcastic jokes are malicious is laughable. I spend my days reading Anne of Green Gables, doing cover videos of One Direction songs, and then talking on the phone with my friends (Who are girls) for hours on end. I'm not an angry person, and it really takes a lot to get me angry. I would never use malice in a joke because the mere thought troubles me. I don't like hurting peoples' feelings or destroying reputations, so I would never think to do it. All of this being said, I love being teased. That's why everyone here teases me and says horrible sarcastic jokes directed at me. I love it and think the jokes are hilarious. However, I wouldn't if I didn't know they were joking. There are many people here with very edgy jokes that can easily offend, but the key is remembering that they have absolutely no intention of offending you. They just like to make light of everything, and really there is no sin in that.



Anne of green gables,one direction and girls can not get you off the devils wanted list, and don't give you some kind of escape from being sarcastic if sarcastic is a sin, that would be jesus' job. You may be a sheep in wolves clothes, gentle as anything, looking the lamb but not really a lamb at the heart. I'm not saying you are but what i'm getting at is anne of green gables,one direction and girls(just because one is a girl doesn't make her anymore holy than a boy) sounds tame but isn't nescisarily tame, like the movie LIER LIER seems tame when 1st watched but if you look at it carefully it is saying the truth will get you into trouble, so best to lie right?


Onward christian soldiers.


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Not sure if this thread is serious or not.


The wolves in sheeps clothing have ripped the lamb apart, our blood and tears will convert.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

P.s. A wolf can also know church doctine by heart. Dressed in the fine wool of the sheep class, even walk humbly with there head down looking at the ground. But are ravenous feasting on unsespecting lambs that wander in there direction.


Onward christian souls.


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

ughh, maybe thats not so charitable, but my point is just because you know heaps of stuff doesn't make you any less of a target to fowling up and being caught in the devils trap. I personaly disagree with sarcasm, though i fall into it at times i still won't say it is ok.

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I would say that it is necessarily impossible to judge, because malice requires intent to cause harm in some way, and I am woefully unequipped (as are you) to judge intent under normal circumstances. You might speculate, but such speculation frequently borders on inappropriate, and I try to avoid it.


Or you could just ask people not to be sarcastic when they speak to you.

actually i would say its quite easy to judge when malice is being used sometimes.  Its very obvious the intent is to try and insult the person and belittle them.  Yes, you can not tell maliace every time but some times are frankly quite easy to tell.

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actually i would say its quite easy to judge when malice is being used sometimes.  Its very obvious the intent is to try and insult the person and belittle them.  Yes, you can not tell maliace every time but some times are frankly quite easy to tell.


I would tend to disagree with this..especially the second sentence....

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Beati Pacifici

I have no problem with sarcasm unless it is excessive (unless you are skilled at sarcasm like MiKolbe) and or feeds another persons own delusions about themselves.

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Nihil Obstat

I would tend to disagree with this..especially the second sentence....

Yes. There is not much else to say. When we talk about judging intent we get well being the competence of a normal person and start speaking of the supernatural gift to judge souls. So unless one is claiming that...
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

ughh, maybe thats not so charitable, but my point is just because you know heaps of stuff doesn't make you any less of a target to fowling up and being caught in the devils trap. I personaly disagree with sarcasm, though i fall into it at times i still won't say it is ok.


ughh, maybe thats not so charitable, but my point is just because you know heaps of stuff doesn't make you any less of a target to fowling up and being caught in the devils trap. I personaly disagree with sarcasm, though i fall into it at times i still won't say it is ok.

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