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Sacrasm Catechism Sin


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The catechism says this:


CCC 2481 Boasting or bragging is an offense against truth. So is irony aimed at disparaging someone by maliciously caricaturing some aspect of his behavior.


So its sinful yet so many of us on here do it.  Why?


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i'm have thought the same thing, but i think it is venial and covered by the holy eucharist and confietor. All venial sins are also offences against the truth. Perhaps though sometimes it is mortal, envy and pride possibly can spark up sarcasm and definately these two can spark up boasting and bragging. Sometimes i assume such things are caused by neither and born of total ignorance in not knowing the truth and sometimes it is born from the lack of interlect and a desire to be a part of a conversation say like simple people/disabled or slow and i assume it also can be born of fear too, a coping mechanism. :)


Onward christian souls.


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

and talking of coping mechanisms there are many triggers for such not just fear but i think fear is a big one.

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Beati Pacifici

I like it in doses, or when only a select few people do it. But when it gets to the point where EVERYONE is being sarcastic, or a contrarian, or trying too damn hard to be edgy it just becomes stupid and makes me hate the human race again.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I like it in doses, or when only a select few people do it. But when it gets to the point where EVERYONE is being sarcastic, or a contrarian, or trying too beaver dam hard to be edgy it just becomes stupid and makes me hate the human race again.


do you suffer from fear ?

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I blame hollywood and other phantoms of the opera/entertainment/fantasy for the increase of this sin.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I blame hollywood and other phantoms of the opera/entertainment/fantasy for the increase of this sin. We are being somewhat taught by these things and everyone says but i know it's fantasy it doesn't effect me, garbage in garbage out,what goes in must come out. If we compared our social demeanor in the church before television and after television it would be way different, i say in the church because outside of the church has always been madness as far as i can tell. Hollywood and such isn't your crown jewel U.S.A your crown jewel is... well i don't know what it is but i'm sure there is one and it isn't hollywood, why do we celebrate sarcastic comedies from the television producers ?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i've said to much again because i think entertainment is great for seriously ill people that can't do much else. But that isn't the majority the majority of the time. I have depression,anxiety and a mental illness and have learnt to aliviate the pressure from these in other ways outside of movies,t.v. and other entertainment, even just sitting in the pressure and thinking, i hope many will be granted this in time if in truth it is from GOD.

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Beati Pacifici

do you suffer from fear ?


It's not fear so much as sarcasm getting old after awhile (which it does with most sarcastic people, because most people use excessive sarcasm to make themselves feel better about their own pathetic life by making others look stupid). lol.

Edited by Beati Pacifici
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

It's not fear so much as sarcasm getting old after awhile (which it does with most sarcastic people, because most people use excessive sarcasm to make themselves feel better about their own pathetic life by making others look stupid). lol.


well kind of, It is no less a sickness than any other sin and in need of the good doctor.

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I'm awesome.


I just did one thousand situps and have abs like sections of a Hershey chocolate bar.



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I'm amesome.


I just did one thousand situps and have abs like sections of a Hershey chocolate bar.


Ardillacid, I'm afraid getting up and eating one thousand Hershey bars is not quite the same thing. It also does not result in abs like that, I'm afraid.

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