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Leading Each Other To Holiness


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I always hear that the in a marriage, the main goal is to get your spouse and kids to heaven. And I guess that in essence, that goes the same for a more serious dating relationship in terms of helping your boyfriend/girlfriend live a holy life. So, I was just wondering - does anyone have any practical suggestions on how we can actually live this out in a dating relationship? :)

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Be as challenging and annoying as possible, giving your spouse the opportunity to skip their time in purgatory by living it on earth. :bounce:

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I always hear that the in a marriage, the main goal is to get your spouse and kids to heaven. And I guess that in essence, that goes the same for a more serious dating relationship in terms of helping your boyfriend/girlfriend live a holy life. So, I was just wondering - does anyone have any practical suggestions on how we can actually live this out in a dating relationship? :)


I read this story once of a pastor who wanted his congregation to read the Bible more, so he started increasing his Bible reading and it helped. I don't recall the details, but I imagine that something like the witness of a life led that way, and the affect that seeking the Lord had on how he interacted would help.

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