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An Old School Catholic Message Board

New Religion Field In Profile


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There is a new "religion" field in your profile that will show up in the topics if you set it. This is a way to hopefully allow you folks who are not Catholic to display your faith in the topic views under your avatar. Let me know if there is a religion that should be added.

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I love you, Dust, but if I may, you have Eastern Orthodox but not Oriental Orthodox. How about either adding or or just making it Orthodox?

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I love you, Dust, but if I may, you have Eastern Orthodox but not Oriental Orthodox. How about either adding or or just making it Orthodox?

Are you Oriental Orthodox?

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This is fine, but is sure as heck better not be a diversion to get me to forget about getting a Church Militant tag. I'm the bestest Catholic ever. Like, totally.

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How about changing "Catholic" to "Western Catholic" or something? Or, how about deleting "Eastern Catholic?" So that it can't look like there's something defective in Eastern Catholics or whatnot.

Edited by Byzantine
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How about changing "Catholic" to "Western Catholic" or something? Or, how about deleting "Eastern Catholic?" So that it can't look like there's something defective in Eastern Catholics or whatnot.



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