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Guns Don't Kill People...

fides' Jack

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He's probably referring to countries like Great Britain, whose murder rates actually rose after the country passed strict "gun control" laws, and whose murder rates were significantly lower than the U.S.'s well before any significant anti-gun laws were passed there.

The anti-gun rights crowd can make the stats look pretty for them until you start looking at them in any detail.


You can also talk about countries such as Switzerland, which has universal gun ownership as well as one of the world's lowest murder rates.  Or you can discuss how many of the U.S. cities with the strictest gun laws also have some of the highest murder rates.  But we've been there, done that plenty of times on this board.  A good leftist remains impervious to facts.



both sides skew the facts to make themselves look good and right.  To deny this is to live in a fantasy world.

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I agree with the limitations on military style weapons.


We should make every person who owns a AR15 trade it in for one of these.




It has a wood stock, therefore it is less of a danger to the public.

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Yep. If someone wants to kill, not having a gun will not stop him.



26 dead at sandy hook.


same day.


22 stabbed at elementary school in china, no deaths.


That said, it's still very true that guns don't kill people.People are the problem, not the gun. Heck, if people weren't the problem, we never would have needed to invent the gun!


Running background checks on every gun sale possible seems like the only fair move to me. That and perhaps be a little less lax about access to larger automatic firearms.

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26 dead at sandy hook.


same day.


22 stabbed at elementary school in china, no deaths.


That said, it's still very true that guns don't kill people.People are the problem, not the gun. Heck, if people weren't the problem, we never would have needed to invent the gun!


Running background checks on every gun sale possible seems like the only fair move to me. That and perhaps be a little less lax about access to larger automatic firearms.


What automatic guns? People seem to be forgetting that an AR-15 is semi-automatic. That means when you pull the trigger and hold it, one bullet comes out, no matter how hard you try to use the Force. An automatic means when you pull the trigger and hold it, you can empty the entire magazine in seconds. Those guns are not allowed to the public. The AR-15 is semi-automatic, it's not an assault rifle, and it's a really small round. My dad has handguns with bigger bullets than the AR-15 has.

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26 dead at sandy hook.


same day.


22 stabbed at elementary school in china, no deaths.


That said, it's still very true that guns don't kill people.People are the problem, not the gun. Heck, if people weren't the problem, we never would have needed to invent the gun!


Running background checks on every gun sale possible seems like the only fair move to me. That and perhaps be a little less lax about access to larger automatic firearms.


People like bringing this one up for some reason, but willfully ignore that the fact no one died there is not at all typical for a stabbing spree. Even just in China, there have been many stabbings in the past few years with high casualties.


Even sillier, I am seeing people bring up the Lone Star College stabbing that just happened, where no one died, which is even stupider.



The lone star college stabbing was done with an exacto knife. Yes, the little knives you cut construction paper or do dissections with in high school, that have like a half inch blade.The fact that no one died should be about as surprising as hearing that no one died when a crazy person brought a Daisy BB gun to school.
It appears that the person doing the slashing(not stabbing) in China was intending to maim more than kill, hence stuff like ears and fingers being cut off. Any medical professional can tell you that there are very few places you can stab a person with a decent (say 3.5 inch or larger) sized knife and not give them serious, possibly mortal injuries. More so when you are talking about little 5 year olds. Slashing leaves big ugly wounds but is rarely deep enough to hit vital organs or arteries. Sort of the knife equivalent of a shooting where the guy is shooting people in the arms and legs.
When people say "china stabbing", This is the one that comes to my mind.


Where a teenager with a fair sized knife went berserk and killed 9 adults, and injured 4. 

I think people have a skewed view of how easy it would be to avoid or defend against someone with a knife/axe who actually wants to kill them, likely from Hollywood movies. You cant just disarm them, even if you are skilled in martial arts. They are very savage attacks and extremely hard to defend against, there is no clever little disarming twist of the wrist after a big slow telegraphed stab attempt.
There is a reason why people say that the winner of a knife fight is the one that dies in the ambulance, not on the street.
Check these out to see what I mean.
"Reality of Knife attacks, self defense" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37XiSn81oFw&list=PL1D467AC16B50A59D&index=11
A guy in mexico stabbing a load of policemen shooting at him with AK47s  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3LpYN9777U




In either of the two recent knife attacks I mentioned, replace the tiny blades they used with a 50 dollar hunting knife, and go for stab wounds instead of maiming with slashes, and see what happens to the death rate. As I mentioned before, these are the equivalents of some one shooting people in the foot, or trying to shoot up a place with a BB gun or one shot derringer. It would be equally silly to point at the many shootings that resulted in few to no casualties(like the Clackamas mall shooting), and hold those up as an example for how deadly, or not, guns are.

Edited by Jesus_lol
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I crapped myself once when someone said pragmatism was bad. Because I have the vocabulary of week old roadkill.



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I resort to sarcasm and insults because I have no real points and have no leg to stand on.  Also I support survival of the fittest as the one true form of government.  How dare we help others when we can just fight amoung ourselves until only the strong survive.




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