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Nihil Obstat

Some more archived threads on the divinization of Mary:


Deity of Mary?


Assumption Of Mary

This post of yours was particularly excellent.



That is because the texts quoted from Isaiah are being misapplied. Certainly there is no other God but the Lord, but all those who are participating in His life and glory are divinized in Him. Now, they are not divinized in such a way that the are 'gods' independently of Him, rather they are deified by participating in His own uncreated energy (grace). Thus, when scripture says that a man becomes a son of God in Christ [cf. John 1:9-13; Romans 8:14-30; etc.], the Catholic Church takes this statement seriously, for those who have been redeemed by the Paschal Mystery of Christ have been made sons of God in the only begotten Son of God, and so, what Christ is by nature (i.e., essentially), man becomes by grace (i.e., energetically). This involves a real ontological participation by man in God's own being, and those who deny this truth deny the very reality of the mystery of salvation. How can a person seriously say that there is no one "like" God, when God Himself says, "'Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.' So God created man in His own image, in the imageof God He created him; male and female He created them." [Genesis 1:26-27] Clearly, man is made in the likeness of God, and that likeness is not simply a figurative reality, but is instead an ontological reality. In other words, man is created with the capacity to enter into the very life and glory of the Triune God, and this participation in God is the very essence of salvation. 
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

There is no apostrophe.


God is my master. See it is a statement it doesn't need an apostrophe.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

It has a question mark, but the way i read it is just a way to say "I said, are you belonging to GOD?" or "I said, are you not Gods?" You could read it as "Are you not a GOD." but i don't believe that is what the scripture or Jesus is aiming for, it is coye a challenge a remark to stir up preceeding the following remark of Jesus when he says he is concecrated by the father directly where as the jewish priests are concecrated by other men, and if they belong to God how much more does the christ belong to God.


Onward christian souls.


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I was told one of the fatima prophecies(and i wouldn't know i was just told.) is that sometime this year the holy mother will be made officialy co redemtrix and it will drive some people out of the church but that we are not to pay a mind to them because the holy mother will deal with them and they will come back after 18 months(unsure if this person told me exactly 18 months it was there abouts.) I'm fine with co redemtrix with GOD of the human race, she could be granted the grace to have one eye on each human but i doubt she can control the weather at the same time or the journey of an ant. I have had a thought on heaven and this thought is that each saint gets a certain number of eyes that can see family and friends or as a great saint 1000 different people and the holy mother like millions and the archs 100s of thousands, pearing at the world of man interceeding in prayer to GOD alone. But get this also now that i think about it as i type co redemtrix may actualy be meaning co redemtrix of christians and not the whole world therefore the holy mother would have one eye on each christian, though with God it is possible that the holy mother may be granted such sight from the heavens but than again as i said i don't believe she can hold together space and time and the too and frow of nature together at the same time.


Hope that helps Catholicsarekool.


Onward christian souls.



p.s. and please forgive my stupidity and not such clever anaylisis of what we are talking about, i have only what i have,and hopefully it is of GOD, enlightning and not darkening. If it is darkening or far from the subject matter ignore me.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Actually what i mean by eyes is that a saint can see and hear 1000s of preople at once, the arch angels more, and the holy mother i think can see and hear even more people than the arch angels. If God wills it one day she may see and hear every christian even perhaps every person on earth,i don't know. But that still doesn't make her GOD because she has to interceed to Jesus, and also The holy trinity as i pointed out also holds the keys to space and time,the elements and nature etc while still seeing and hearing every single person on the planet, the whole universe even, whatever that is.

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It has a question mark, but the way i read it is just a way to say "I said, are you belonging to GOD?" or "I said, are you not Gods?" You could read it as "Are you not a GOD." but i don't believe that is what the scripture or Jesus is aiming for

Hahaha, I feel like you may be pulling my leg or I'm misunderstanding. Jesus did not originally say this in English. There is no way i can imagine that this verse could be taken that way.

Edited by CatholicsAreKewl
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Salvation involves becoming God by grace. Now it may make some people uncomfortable to say that, but it is what the Church has always believed.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Salvation involves becoming God by grace. Now it may make some people uncomfortable to say that, but it is what the Church has always believed.


Thats what the mormons say too. They believe if there good in this life they become the GOD of there own planet after death. Hence why mormonism is not compatible with catholicism. We will never be GOD or GODS. Satans original deception of mankind was in the garden of eden when he told eve that GOD only didn't want them to eat of the forbidden fruit because they would become GODS. That we are GODS or even have the hope of Becoming GODS or GOD is not compatible with the holy scriptures nore is it compatible with sacred tradition.


Onward christian souls.


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I haven't read much into sacred tradition but it definately isn't biblical. Has any council of the magesterium ever spoken on the matter, sorry i don't know the word for it i meaning vatican 1 o2 2 or the council of trent etc. Maybe it isn't heretical to hope to be one with GOD but unsure of the becoming GOD or GODS, it may not have ever been spoken on by the magesterium of the church as a matter of infalible faith and morals but you can also watch harry potter if you ike, i choose not too.



Onward christian souls.


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