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But Wait Theres More,left And Right

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Pax domini bretheren,sympathiesers and others...


Heres another left and right, unsure though whether it is win,a foot, an eye or a knee of christs body on earth.

Okay get this the right knee (we say knee because we have already identified the right and left foot) is also a consevative side of the body and keeps the faith family orientated and the whole have more children,keep them faithful and therefore there will be more christian catholics,keeping it in the family kind of stance. And than you have the liberal knee which is more evangelical outside of the family and probably has less children with gods grace and abstinance. Neither are wrong,both are a part of christs body. So again hopefully i have proven again that the true liberal and true conservative are both equal parts of the body of christ. Both adhere to the 7 infallible matters of faith and morals/ church doctrine (these are only the ones i know,unsure there may be more such infallible matters),1. The primacy of the pope. 2.The holy magesterium. 3.he true sacrifice of the mass. 4. the absolution of the confessional. 5. Christ real and perpetual presence in the eucharist. 6.The immaculate conception and 7. Mary's assumption into heaven mind,heart,body and soul. As well both try valiently to adhere to avoiding the 7 deadly sins and not breaking the 10 commandments and believing in the holy bible,sacred tradition and the holy sacrements. Any other form of liberal or conservative whether a knee or an eye may actually be a lost sheep, so please refrain from throwing the liberal catholic thing around like a rag doll in the mud. Any opposition is welcome since this is the debate table.


Young Men and Women of God rise up!





Onward christian souls,alleluia.

GOD is Good.


St Paul "persistance bear fruits of hope."

St Mary Mackillop of the cross "Be eager in your desires but patient in there accomplishment."

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Ohhh... so that is way my left leg dances in Mass.


lol, and your left leg truely loves to dance, your right leg probably prefers to be proped up on the poof coushion. Kind of like martha and mary. :)

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