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Mexican Food Aisle Religious Candles


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That is why I buy my candles off of Aquinas and more when they were still open. WAAAAAA. sniff sniff WAAAAAAAA

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It's like when you a go in a bodega and see a statue of St. Barbara surrounded by candles and red Rosaries... is it a devotion to St. Barbara, or the santero/yoruba diety Chango?




!!!! now Im wondering about the statue of St Anthony at Mi Tierras bar in san antonioiooioioiii... and basically any mexican place ever

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I love 'em.

Do you? Any favorites? Creative holders? Uses?

This is the official thread for grocery store religious candles.

My grocer has a half aisle dedicated to these. I love 'em. My fav right now is JPII. :like:
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Love them. Don't own any. One of these days, I want to make a little alter thing with those candles, icons, a rosary, saint things and the like.


(I'll be even more obviously weird among my relatives/certain friends. Please tell me that's not that crazy.)

Edited by Light and Truth
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My grandparents had an old mom and pop corner store that would import Mexican goods to sell. We always had an aisle dedicated to religious candles. I remember walking by them all the time just to look at all the colors and pictures on them. My grandparents Immigrated from Mexico when my they were just 18 and 16 and built their business from scratch. They imported a lot of Mexican goods that people always tried to find but never found, and the candles were some of those items.


Those were the good old days. The store was demolished when Hurricane Ike hit. Hasn't been the same since. But the candles are good reminders, and also a big source of nostalgia.

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I had a Greek friend when I was a kid and his mom had this creepy picture of Jesus on the wall where the eyes would move when you walked by. Gringos don't buy that kinda stuff, you gotta go old country.

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I had a Greek friend when I was a kid and his mom had this creepy picture of Jesus on the wall where the eyes would move when you walked by. Gringos don't buy that kinda stuff, you gotta go old country.


White people...

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Beati Pacifici

White people...


Are awesome




















Just like all other people

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My grocery store ONLY has candles of St. Jude, which I found really weird, but I thought there must be some local thing with him. Of course, I'm in Virginia, so that doesn't make a lot of sense, but why else... :idontknow: I buy them even though I don't know what's in them. In fact, St. Jude got me through my thesis.


When I was selling trees for Israel, I went into a Catholic church in Texas to talk to the secretary, and there was a painting hanging across from her desk of Mary with almost completely black eyes. Like, deep, dark, bottomless pits for eyes. It was FREAKY. Scared the CRAP out of me. And those people were white!


What are these questionable candles people are talking about? Santeria something? Are they like cult candles that look like Catholic candles? Sorry, I'm in a super WASPy place here...

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Nihil Obstat

What are these questionable candles people are talking about? Santeria something? Are they like cult candles that look like Catholic candles? Sorry, I'm in a super WASPy place here...

Santeria is highly syncretic, so they will take Catholic imagery and concepts and 're-brand' them with a paganistic, animistic purpose.

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Santeria is highly syncretic, so they will take Catholic imagery and concepts and 're-brand' them with a paganistic, animistic purpose.


Why, when I hear "santeria", do I think "voodoo"? Is there a connection? Maybe just in the X-Files...? :-P

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Because I've been to Mexico and, from what I've seen, the government there is a lost cause.

Then it's appropriate that the National Shrine of St. Jude is in Chicago.....

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