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Do Guns Save Lives?  

24 members have voted

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I'm more concerned about the violence you commit against the English language on a regular basis. 



your right, how dare i want to deny murders weapons. 




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You clearly don't care about children. Everyone who cares about children wants the government to run an approval system, and punish anyone who doesn't follow the rules they set up. This will save children. The only thing that puts children in danger is people not following the wise rules written by people like George Bush, Nancy Pelosi, and Sheila Jackson Lee.



Yep that's what everyone wants.  Its a good thing your here to stop this from happening.

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1)  No, it’s your “argument” that has no leg to stand on.  The Second Amendment says “the right of the people to own and bear arms shall not be infringed.”  It makes no exception regarding “military grade” weapons.  In fact, the 2nd Amendment was made specifically to protect “military grade” arms, as that is what was used by members of the state militias – weapons capable of fighting armed soldiers.  The right to own and bear arms becomes pretty meaningless if the government can simply ban citizens from banning whatever kind of arms it wants to.  Any restrictions on gun type or magazine capacity are ultimately arbitrary – why not restrict legal gun ownership to Red Ryder bb guns?



2)  Your “logic” here is even more nonsensical.   Rape is against the law.  So is murdering people (with a gun or anything else).   If you want to talk about rape, “gun-control” laws would be analogous to criminalizing non-rapists simply for possessing a functioning penis.



3)  I wouldn’t give the government primary credit for improvements in automobile safety (actually, environmental measures pushing for smaller, lighter vehicles have made cars less safe), but that’s another debate.  Most gun deaths aren’t caused by defective guns (a gun wouldn’t last long on the market today if it randomly blew up in people’s faces or whatever), but by improper or careless use.  Approximately 42,000 people die in this country yearly from auto accidents, compared with only about 600 from gun accidents.


I may have been mistaken concerning industrial deaths (couldn’t find yearly stats on those), but the top six causes of accidental death are:  motor vehicle accidents (42,000 yearly), poisoning (39,000), falls (25,000), fires (2,700), choking (2,500), and drowning (2,000).  Each of these dwarfs the number of accidental gun deaths (600).  (http://listosaur.com/miscellaneous/top-5-causes-of-accidental-death-in-the-united-states.html)


4) A child’s accidental death from a gun is no more or less horrible than one from any of those other causes, and there is nothing uniquely evil about an accidental gun death requiring more government meddling. 

If someone accidentally causes the death of another, he can be charged with manslaughter and punished accordingly if found guilty.  Murder is the deliberate killing of an innocent person.  Let’s charge people with the crimes they actually commit.  No need for new laws.


By your own logic, we should charge parents of children who accidentally drown, choke, or burn to death with murder, and ban them forever from going near water, owning small objects, or lighting a fire.

If you're really so concerned about children's safety, shouldn't we focus more on those things, rather than singling out gun owners for exceptionally harsh punishment?  After all, gun deaths are only a tiny fraction of all accidental deaths.


Or heck, since even one death is an “epidemic” which the government urgently needs to stop, let’s just ban all those things altogether, along with all cars, so not one child will die from those things.


If you oppose any of that, you don’t care about children dying!!!!



1. So are you contending that unless you have miltary style machine guns you can not protect you and your family?  How about a balistic missle?  Should anyone be allowed to have any weapon they can get their hands on for protection?  How about a rocket launcher? 


2. Can't give government credit for anything.  They push for safer vehicles and we can't give them primary credit.  This is why I am bothered by conservatives and liberals.  When something on the opposing side does something right the other side can't give credit where credit it due. 


3.  I agree most accidental gun deaths result from people being stupid and not gun malfunction.  That is my whole point.


4. Yes I think we should charge a parent with murder if they choose to put their child who can not swim in a boat in the middle of the ocean with no life jacket.  If your going to do something so stupid, so asanine that costs someone their life you should be charged with murder.  If your going to leave you gun out and loaded with a 2 year old walking around and they kill themselves then your dang right i think you should be charged with murder.  Just like I believe if you kill someone while driving drunk.  Stupidity is an excuse used by to many people after they kill someone. 


5. I think we should single out all thing that can easily be prevented that cause childrens deaths like gun owners doing stupid things, parents who do not buckle their children in their vehicle, parents who drive drunk with children in the car, heck anyone who drives drunk(if i had my choice i would have it so if you ever drove drunk and were caught you automatically lose your liscense for 10 years and if it costs anyone their life or injury you lose it for life).


Are children going to die accidently from things, yes.  Can all accidental deaths be avoided, no.  You can't avoid electronic malfunctions that cause deaths because nothing can be made perfect.  Although you can control people being allowed to have things and be reckless and stupid with that costs people thier lives such as guns, vehicles and so on.  A child losing their life because someone was acting like an idiot is something that can be avoided and should be avoided.  If a gun owner or an owner of a vehicle is going to do something so stupid that costs another human being their life then they should never be allowed to use a gun or vehicle ever again.  Its very simple.  You want to own a gun or a vehicle then act responsible with it.  If your don't you lose that right.  Its the least that should happen since the other person lost their life.  So your right to bear arms does not mean/should not mean you should have the right to be an idiot, costs someone their life and still be able to be an idiot and costs another person thier life.  The right to life trumps all other rights. 


As to why about guns so much.... well this is a topic about guns and not other things, isn't it?

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Yep that's what everyone wants.  Its a good thing your here to stop this from happening.


I like how you jump around the issue with attempted humor, rather than actually engage in the argument.

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5. I think we should single out all thing that can easily be prevented that cause childrens deaths like gun owners doing stupid things, parents who do not buckle their children in their vehicle, parents who drive drunk with children in the car, heck anyone who drives drunk(if i had my choice i would have it so if you ever drove drunk and were caught you automatically lose your liscense for 10 years and if it costs anyone their life or injury you lose it for life).


Fun fact: When my sister was eleven, she was with my mother and our cousin driving in a small car on the highway, when suddenly a semi ran straight into my sister's side of the vehicle. She didn't have a seat belt on. She flew out the back window and landed in a ditch, and her life was saved. Paramedics said that if she had obeyed the law and put her seat belt on, she would have died instantly. Saying "Floopy you, I like lying down in the backseat" to the government saved her life.

Edited by FuturePriest387
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Yep that's what everyone wants.  Its a good thing your here to stop this from happening.


You think I think any of this makes a difference?


There are areas where I make a difference. This isn't one of them.


Your side will win. It will win because it's the side of the political class, and the incredibly stupid masses who support them will vote in favor of giving them more control. Enjoy your participation ribbon. You're a very special boy.

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You think I think any of this makes a difference?


There are areas where I make a difference. This isn't one of them.


Your side will win. It will win because it's the side of the political class, and the incredibly stupid masses who support them will vote in favor of giving them more control. Enjoy your participation ribbon. You're a very special boy.


It's almost as if the masses gladly follow any blind man they give a special rank.

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It's almost as if the masses gladly follow any blind man they give a special rank.


You're telling me?

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Your side will win. It will win because it's the side of the political class, and the incredibly stupid masses who support them will vote in favor of giving them more control. Enjoy your participation ribbon. You're a very special boy.


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I like how you jump around the issue with attempted humor, rather than actually engage in the argument.



reading is hard isn't it?  Cause if it was easy you would see I have been engaed in real debate in nearly all my posts while yours are just sarcasm.  See the difference?

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You're telling me?


I'll tell whoever the heck I want, dang it, 'cause I have opinions and a computer, and certainly even people that agree with me want to hear me speak, because I'm me and awesome like that.


reading is hard isn't it?  Cause if it was easy you would see I have been engaed in real debate in nearly all my posts while yours are just sarcasm.  See the difference?


The key difference: You committed yourself to the debate. I never let on or said that I was in any way getting involved in the discussion other than for the occasional witty comment.

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