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Who Is Simon Peter Called €˜cephas’?


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My only intention in doing it, is for all of you to seek the real one. But, what can I do.

I found the real Jesus long ago, and I have no interest in following your fictitious version.

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Nihil Obstat

I found the real Jesus long ago, and I have no interest in following your fictitious version.


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Praise God for the Holy Eucharist.


Churches (Catholic and Orthodox) that have a valid Eucharist experience the real presence, while those ecclesial communities that have not maintained this tradition experience the real absence.

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Yes. I can see you have an easy time in your admissions.  



I found the real Jesus long ago, and I have no interest in following your fictitious version.



I found the real Jesus long ago, and I have no interest in following your fictitious version.






I saw Jesus today. Then I ate Him.  :spike:



If what you claim is true. Can you share to us the rationality of Jesus’ death in relation to your sins? Can you explain to us ‘ with convincing arguments and understable rationality, ‘why Jesus have to die to forgive sins’. (and please post it in the other topic ‘Why did Jesus have to die?’.


Why I am asking this? Because true Christians are not ‘irrational and illogical’ believers. Therefore, if your anoiting is real and not counterfeit, you should have known it otherwise, you must learn to weight what you are claiming since according to Apostle Paul, there are false brothers who ‘infiltrated’ their ranks (Gal 2:4).


Again, why I am asking you of about this? Because I want to remind you false teachers are of the devil. I repeat, I am just reminding you that these people are wicked because they bring weak and innocent people to disaster by preaching lies as it is written, (2 Peter 2:17-22)


These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. 18 For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of sinful human nature, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. 19 They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity — for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.


Again, why I am asking this? Because, I am still hoping that before you teach about salvation you must have known the rationality and logical explanation presented by Apostle Paul in his letters on ‘why did Jesus have to die to forgive sins and without this there is no salvation’. (Heb 9:22-28).


Can you (anyone) explain to us why did Jesus have to die to forgive sins (I will wait for you reply on the other topic). 

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You are being a complete pain Rayb, because we explain, and you reject it, and ask us to explain again. If anyone is being irrational, it is you.


It's like a 3 year old, who keeps asking "why." Eventually you will either be punished or ignored, because it's completely inane.

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You are being a complete pain Rayb, because we explain, and you reject it, and ask us to explain again. If anyone is being irrational, it is you.


It's like a 3 year old, who keeps asking "why." Eventually you will either be punished or ignored, because it's completely inane.



So far what you have presented is ‘not logical or rational’ explanation on how your sins are forgiven thru his death but ‘theological reasoning’ since you just ‘believe’ that your sins are forgiven by his death. My question (which is the same question of all non-Christians) is - How your sins are forgiven thru his death. Or why God cannot forgive your sins without this. (please put your answer on the other topic).

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If what you claim is true. Can you share to us the rationality of Jesus’ death in relation to your sins? Can you explain to us ‘ with convincing arguments and understable rationality, ‘why Jesus have to die to forgive sins’. (and please post it in the other topic ‘Why did Jesus have to die?’.


Why I am asking this? Because true Christians are not ‘irrational and illogical’ believers. Therefore, if your anoiting is real and not counterfeit, you should have known it otherwise, you must learn to weight what you are claiming since according to Apostle Paul, there are false brothers who ‘infiltrated’ their ranks (Gal 2:4).


Again, why I am asking you of about this? Because I want to remind you false teachers are of the devil. I repeat, I am just reminding you that these people are wicked because they bring weak and innocent people to disaster by preaching lies as it is written, (2 Peter 2:17-22)


These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. 18 For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of sinful human nature, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. 19 They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity — for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.


Again, why I am asking this? Because, I am still hoping that before you teach about salvation you must have known the rationality and logical explanation presented by Apostle Paul in his letters on ‘why did Jesus have to die to forgive sins and without this there is no salvation’. (Heb 9:22-28).


Can you (anyone) explain to us why did Jesus have to die to forgive sins (I will wait for you reply on the other topic). 

Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.

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I found the real Jesus long ago, and I have no interest in following your fictitious version.


Seriously, can you just please bring out the ponies???????????????

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Can you (anyone) explain to us why did Jesus have to die to forgive sins (I will wait for you reply on the other topic). 


Ok, because I haven't met you yet, I'll bite.


From the first sin, there has been a need to make reparation for our mistakes. Just I will personally apologize and offer to repair someone's vehicle if I'm in a fender bender we need to apologize and "make up" for our mistakes.


However from earliest Biblical accounts, there have been examples of good offerings and bad offerings. Most often the best sacrifices have been unblemished lambs on the altar and their blood spilled. According to Jewish tradition these offerings were given in reparation for their sin.


Moving through the Old Testament we have examples of greater sacrifice.  The blessing of Melchizedek with bread and wine (Genesis 14: 17-24) Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-19), the Passover (Exodus 12:43-13:2) and most importantly God's Covenant with Abram (Genesis 15:1-20)


The ritual which Abram sets up by splitting the animals, was a common ceremony to denote that if either party were to back out of the deal, that person would die.


God is telling Abram that he is promising that he will be the father of many nations and have descendants which outnumber the stars if Abram allows God to be his God. However looking toward the end of this chapter God, in the form of  a smoking firepot and a torch (15:17) was the only one to cross through the aisle of cut animals and blood. God comes all the way to Abram signifying that if Abram or his descendants break this vow, God would die.


Obviously throughout Salvation history Abram's (whose name was changed to Abraham in Genesis 17) descendants did break this vow. They chose false gods, broke the Commandments given to Moses and broke the other Jewish laws, because of the Covenant with Abram, God would need to die.


From the beginning, it is also shown that God often speaks in the plural form, alluding to what we know as the Holy Trinity.


Also in Christ's ministry he says that he has come to save all people not just those of the Jewish Covenant, (John 3:16-19, Luke 19: 1-10, John 4, Matthew 8:5-13, any work with the Gentiles and also the Apostles preaching to the Gentile communities)


Because of his life, he was the ultimate sacrafice to defeat sin because "for our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." (2 Cor. 5:21)


God bless-


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Ok now I'll get to Peter.


Matthew 16:19 "I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."


At the time that Jesus lived there were many rich landowners with servants. The most trusted servant or steward would often be left to take care of the household business while the owner was away. The sign for this was giving someone the keys to the estate on the knowledge that they would be returned when the owner returned. Jesus handed over the keys to his kingdom on earth to Peter or Cephas in Greek with the instructions that what he (Peter) did on earth would also be done in heaven. By this action the Disciples knew that if Jesus were to ever leave them, all authority was then passed on to Peter.


Once the disciples that Peter, Paul, and the other evangelizers of the time knew that Jesus was not returning in Peter's lifetime (after Peter's death) they knew they needed to appoint another steward who was St. Linus. The chain continues, unbroken, of handing on the Keys to the Kingdom through our current Pope Francis.


God bless-


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Reyb, I would like to know what you thought about the comments I made. I am honestly curious about your response.

God bless-


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Reyb, I would like to know what you thought about the comments I made. I am honestly curious about your response.

God bless-


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